# This script requires external perl module News::NNTPClient. You can download
# sources of this module from:
# http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/RVA/NNTPClient-0.37.tar.gz
# http://derwan.irssi.pl/perl-modules/NNTPClient-0.37.tar.gz
# Usage:
# /ARTICLE [-s ] [-p ] [-P -U ] [-l ] [-a] [-L ]
# Settings:
# /SET news_nntp_server [server] (default environment variable 'NNTPSERVER' is used (or news.tpi.pl if variable not set))
# /SET news_nntp_port [port] (default is 119)
# /SET news_show_headers [headers] (default: from newsgroups subject message-id date lines)
# /SET news_use_news_window [On/Off] (default is On)
# /SET news_show_signature [On/Off] (default is On)
# /SET news_use_body_colors [On/Off] (default is On)
# /SET news_check_count [count] (default is 5)
# /SET news_use_auth [On/Off] (default is Off)
# /SET news_auth_user [login]
# /SET news_auth_password [password]
use strict;
use Irssi;
use 5.6.0;
use POSIX;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "0.5.9";
%IRSSI = (
'authors' => 'Marcin Rozycki, Mathieu Doidy',
'contact' => '[email protected]',
'name' => 'news',
'description' => 'News reader, usage: /article [-s ] [-p ] [-P -U ] [-l ] [-a] [-L ] ',
'url' => 'http://derwan.irssi.pl',
'license' => 'GNU GPL v2',
'changed' => 'Fri Feb 6 21:26:57 CET 2004',
use News::NNTPClient;
my $debug_level = 0;
my $nntp_server = $ENV{'NNTPSERVER'}; $nntp_server = 'news.tpi.pl' unless $nntp_server;
my $nntp_port = '119';
my $default_headers = 'from newsgroups';
my $check_count = 5;
my %pipe_tag = ();
my $news_window_name = 'news';
my @colors = (15, 12, 03, 06, 05, 07, 14);
my @articles = ();
Irssi::command_bind article => sub {
my $usage = '/article [-s ] [-p ] [-P -U ] [-l ] [-a] [-L ] ';
my $window;
if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('news_use_news_window')) {
$window = Irssi::window_find_name($news_window_name);
if (!$window) {
Irssi::command('^window new hide');
Irssi::command('^window name '.$news_window_name);
$window = Irssi::window_find_name($news_window_name);
} else {
$window = Irssi::active_win();
my $server = Irssi::settings_get_str('news_nntp_server');
$server = $nntp_server unless $server;
my $port = Irssi::settings_get_int('news_nntp_port');
$port = $nntp_port unless ($port > 0);
my $count = Irssi::settings_get_int('news_check_count');
$count = $check_count unless ($count > 0);
my ($connection, $artid, $group, $strip, $showall, @article);
my ($auth, $user, $password);
my $yes = 0;
@_ = split(/ +/, $_[0]);
while ($_ = shift(@_))
/^-a$/ and $showall = 1, next;
/^-s$/ and $server = shift(@_), next;
/^-p$/ and $port = shift(@_), next;
/^-P$/ and $password = shift(@_), next;
/^-U$/ and $user = shift(@_), next;
/^-l$/ and do {
$group = shift(@_);
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_group_missing', $usage), return unless ($group);
$_ = shift(@_);
$count = $_, next if ($_ =~ /^\d+$/ and $_ > 0);
/^-yes$/i and ++$yes, next;
/^-L$/ and do {
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_no_artids'), return if ($#articles < 0);
if ($artid = shift(@_)) {
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_unknown_argument', $artid, $usage), return if ($artid !~ /^\d+/ or $artid < 0 or $artid > 10);
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_unknown_artid', ++$artid), return unless ($articles[--$artid]);
$_ = $articles[$artid]->[0];
} else {
for (my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#articles; $idx++) {
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_artid_show',
($idx + 1), $articles[$idx]->[0], $articles[$idx]->[1], $articles[$idx]->[2]);
/^-/ and $window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_unknown_argument', $_, $usage), return;
$artid = ($_ =~ /^<.*>$/) ? $_ : '<'.$_.'>';
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_server_unknown', $server), return if (!$server or $server !~ /^..*\...*/);
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_port_unknown', $port), return if (!$port or $port !~ /^\d+$/ or $port == 0 or $port > 65535);
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_missing_argument', $usage), return if (!$group and !$artid);
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_article_unknown', $artid), return if (!$group and $artid !~ /^<..*\@..*>$/);
my ($rh, $wh);
pipe($rh, $wh);
my $pid = fork();
unless (defined $pid) {
close($rh); close($wh);
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_cannot_fork');
} elsif ($pid) {
close ($wh);
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_server_connecting', $server, $port, $artid);
$pipe_tag{$rh} = Irssi::input_add(fileno($rh), INPUT_READ, \&news_fork, $rh);
$connection = new News::NNTPClient($server, $port, $debug_level);
print($wh "not_connected $server $port\n"), goto END unless ($connection->{CODE} =~ /^(200|201)$/);
print($wh "connected ".$connection->{MESG}."\n");
if ($user && $password or Irssi::settings_get_bool('news_use_auth')) {
$user = Irssi::settings_get_str('news_auth_user') unless defined $user;
$password = Irssi::settings_get_str('news_auth_password') unless defined $password;
if ($group) {
print($wh "listgroup_yes $count\n"), goto END if ($count > 10 and !$yes);
print($wh "listgroup_request $server $group\n");
my @list = $connection->listgroup($group);
print($wh "listgroup_error $server ".$connection->{MESG}."\n"), goto END if ($#list < 0);
my $num = $#list;
print($wh "listgroup_num $group $num $count\n");
@list = @list[($num - $count) .. $num] if ($num > --$count);
N: while ($_ = shift(@list))
print($wh "space\n");
foreach my $xhdr ("From", "Subject", "Message-ID")
my @reply = $connection->xhdr($xhdr, $_);
chomp $reply[0]; $reply[0] =~ s/^\d+ //;
goto N unless ($reply[0]);
if ($xhdr eq "Message-ID") {
print($wh "memo $reply[0]\,news.pl: listgroup,$group\n");
} elsif ($xhdr eq "From") {
$reply[0] = "\002" . $reply[0] . "\002";
print($wh "listgroup_header $xhdr $reply[0]\n");
print($wh "space\n");
} else {
my $show_headers = $default_headers .' '. Irssi::settings_get_str('news_show_headers');
my ($head, $idx, $usecolors, $bodycolor) = (1, 0, Irssi::settings_get_bool('news_use_body_colors'), $colors[0]);
print($wh "article_request $server $artid\n");
foreach ($connection->article($artid))
unless ($idx++) {
print($wh "space\n");
print($wh "memo $artid\,news.pl: read,$server\n");
chomp; s/\t/ /g;
/^-- / and do {
last if (!$showall and !Irssi::settings_get_bool('news_show_signature'));
$bodycolor = $colors[6], $usecolors = 0 if $usecolors;
unless ($head) {
/^$/ and next if (!$showall and $strip++);
/^..*$/ and $strip = 0;
if ($usecolors) {
$_ =~ /^[>| ]+/;
my $prefix = $&; $prefix =~ s/ //g;
$bodycolor = ($_ =~ /^[>]+/) ? $colors[(((length($prefix)-1) %5)+1)] : $colors[0];
print($wh "article_body \003$bodycolor$_\n");
/^$/ and print($wh "space\n"), $head = 0, next;
my ($header, $text) = split(/: /, $_, 2);
print($wh "article_header $header $text\n") if ($showall or $show_headers =~ /\b$header\b/i);
print($wh "article_notexist $server $artid\n") unless ($idx);
print($wh "space\n") unless ($strip);
END: print($wh "close\n");
sub memo {
my ($text, $who, $where) = @_;
G: while ($text =~ /<[A-Za-z0-9\S]+\@[A-Za-z0-9\S]+>/g)
my $artid = $&;
foreach my $array (@articles) { goto G if ($artid eq $array->[0]); }
unshift @articles, [$artid, $who, $where];
$#articles = 9 if ($#articles > 9);
sub news_fork {
my $rh = shift;
while (<$rh>)
/^close/ and last;
/^memo / and memo(split(",", $', 3)), next;
my ($theme, @args) = split / +/, $_, 5;
my $window = Irssi::window_find_name($news_window_name);
$window = Irssi::active_win() unless $window;
$window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'news_' . $theme, @args);
Irssi::signal_add_last 'message private' => sub { memo($_[1], $_[2], $_[3]); };
Irssi::signal_add_last 'message public' => sub { memo($_[1], $_[2], $_[4]); };
Irssi::signal_add_last 'dcc chat message' => sub { memo($_[1], $_[0]->{nick}, "chat"); };
'news_server_unknown', 'NNTP %_server unknown%_ or not defined, use: /set news_nntp_server [server], to set it',
'news_server_bad', '%_Bad%_ NNTP server {hilight $0} (bad hostname or addres)',
'news_port_unknown', '%_NNTP port%_ unknown or not defined, use: /set news_nntp_port [port], to set it',
'news_missing_argument', 'Missing argument, usage: $0-',
'news_unknown_argument', 'Unknown argument \'$0\', usage: $1-',
'news_server_connecting', 'Connecting to {hilight $0} on port {hilight $1}, wait...',
'news_not_connected', '%_Cannot connect%_ to NNTP server $0 on port $1',
'news_connected', '%_Connected%_; $0-',
'news_article_unknown', 'Unknown message-id {hilight $0}',
'news_article_notexist', 'No article {hilight $1} on $0',
'news_article_request', 'Sending query about article {hilight $1} to $0, wait...',
'news_article_body', '$0-',
'news_article_header', '%c$0:%n %_$1-%_',
'news_group_missing', 'Missing argument: newsgroup, usage: $0-',
'news_listgroup_request', 'Looking for %_new articles%_ in {hilight $1}, wait...',
'news_listgroup_error', 'Listgroup result: $1-',
'news_listgroup_num', '$1 articles in group $0; fetching headers (max in $2 articles), wait...',
'news_listgroup_header', '%c$0:%n $1-',
'news_listgroup_yes', 'Count > 10 ($0). Doing this is not a good idea. Add -YES option to command if you really mean it',
'news_no_artids', 'Sorry, list of logged message-id\'s is empty :/',
'news_cannot_fork', 'Cannot fork process',
'news_artid_show', '[%_$[!-2]0%_] article %c$1%n [by {hilight $2} ($3-)]',
'news_unknown_artid', 'Article {hilight $0} not found, type /article -L, to displays list of logged message-id\'s',
'news_space', ' '
# registering settings
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'news_use_news_window', 1);
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'news_nntp_server', $nntp_server);
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'news_nntp_port', $nntp_port);
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'news_show_headers', $default_headers.' subject message-id date lines content-transfer-encoding');
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'news_show_signature', 1);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'news_use_body_colors', 1);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'news_use_auth', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'news_auth_user', '');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'news_auth_password', '');
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'news_check_count', $check_count);