# For the full matterircd_complete experience, your matterircd.toml
# should have SuffixContext=true, ThreadContext="mattermost", and
# Unicode=true.
# Add it to ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun, or:
# /script load ~/.irssi/scripts/matterircd_complete.pl
# /set matterircd_complete_networks <...>
# NOTE: It is important to set which networks to enable plugin for per
# above ^.
# Bind message/thread ID completion to a key to make it easier to
# reply to threads:
# /bind ^G /message_thread_id_search
# Also bind to insert nicknames:
# /bind ^F /nicknames_search
# (Or pick your own shortcut keys to bind to).
# Then:
# Ctrl+g - Insert latest message/thread ID.
# Ctrl+c - Abort inserting message/thread ID. Also clears existing.
# @@+TAB to tab auto-complete message/thread ID.
# @ +TAB to tab auto-complete IRC nick. Active users appear first.
# By default, message/thread IDs are shortened from 26 characters to
# first few (default 5). It is also grayed out to try reduce noise and
# make it easier to read conversations. To disable this use:
# /set matterircd_complete_shorten_message_thread_id 0
# Use the dump commands to show the contents of the cache:
# /matterircd_complete_msgthreadid_cache_dump
# /matterircd_complete_nick_cache_dump
# (You can bind these to keys).
# To increase or decrease the size of the cache, use:
# /set matterircd_complete_message_thread_id_cache_size 50
# /set matterircd_complete_nick_cache_size 20
# To ignore specific nicks in autocomplete:
# /set matterircd_complete_nick_ignore somebot anotherbot
use strict;
use warnings;
use experimental 'smartmatch';
require Irssi::TextUI;
require Irssi;
# Enable for debugging purposes only.
# use Data::Dumper;
our $VERSION = '2.10'; # 1118e8c
our %IRSSI = (
name => 'Matterircd Tab Auto Complete',
description => 'Adds tab completion for Matterircd message threads',
authors => 'Haw Loeung',
contact => 'hloeung/Freenode',
license => 'GPL',
my $KEY_CTRL_C = 3;
my $KEY_CTRL_U = 21;
my $KEY_ESC = 27;
my $KEY_RET = 13;
my $KEY_SPC = 32;
my $KEY_B = 66;
my $KEY_O = 79;
Irssi::settings_add_str('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_networks', '');
Irssi::settings_add_str('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_nick_ignore', '');
Irssi::settings_add_str('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_channel_dont_ignore', '');
sub _wi_print {
my ($wi, $msg) = @_;
if ($wi) {
} else {
my %color_config;
# Taken from nickcolor_expando irssi script
# These are all the colors, sorted by main color class
# To display and select colors you want/want to avoid based on your background, use /cubes_text from cubes.pl
my @all_colors = (
qw[20 30 40 50 04 66 0C 61 60 67 6L], # RED
qw[37 3D 36 4C 46 5C 56 6C 6J 47 5D 6K 6D 57 6E 5E 4E 4K 4J 5J 4D 5K 6R], # ORANGE
qw[3C 4I 5I 6O 6I 06 4O 5O 3U 0E 5U 6U 6V 6P 6Q 6W 5P 4P 4V 4W 5W 4Q 5Q 5R 6Y 6X], # YELLOW
qw[26 2D 2C 3I 3O 4U 5V 2J 3V 3P 3J 5X], # YELLOW-GREEN
qw[16 1C 2I 2U 2O 1I 1O 1V 1P 02 0A 1U 2V 4X], # GREEN
qw[1D 1J 1Q 1W 1X 2Y 2S 2R 3Y 3Z 3S 3R 2K 3K 4S 5Z 5Y 4R 3Q 2Q 2X 2W 3X 3W 2P 4Y], # GREEN-TURQUOIS
qw[17 1E 1L 1K 1R 1S 03 1M 1N 1T 0B 1Y 1Z 2Z 4Z], # TURQUOIS
qw[28 2E 18 1F 19 1G 1A 1B 1H 2N 2H 09 3H 3N 2T 3T 2M 2G 2A 2F 2L 3L 3F 4M 3M 3G 29 4T 5T], # LIGHT-BLUE
qw[22 33 44 0D 45 5B 6A 5A 5H 3B 4H 3A 4G 39 4F 6S 6T 5L 5N], # VIOLET
qw[21 32 42 53 63 52 43 34 35 55 65 6B 4B 4A 48 5G 6H 5M 6M 6N], # PINK
qw[38 31 05 64 54 41 51 62 69 68 59 5F 6F 58 49 6G], # ROSE
qw[11 12 23 25 24 13 14 01 15 2B 4N], # DARK-BLUE
qw[7A 00 10 7B 7C 7D 7E 7G 7F], # DARK-GRAY
qw[7H 7I 27 7K 7J 08 7L 3E 7O 7Q 7N 7M 7P], # GRAY
qw[7S 7T 7R 4L 7W 7U 7V 5S 07 7X 6Z 0F], # LIGHT-GRAY
# These are the colors unwanted with a dark theme
my @dark_theme_unwanted = (
qw[11 12 23 25 24 13 14 01 15 2B 4N], # DARK-BLUE
qw[7A 00 10 7B 7C 7D 7E 7G 7F], # DARK-GRAY
qw[7H 7I 27 7K 7J 08 7L 3E 7O 7Q 7N 7M 7P], # GRAY
qw[7S 7T 7R 4L 7W 7U 7V 5S 07 7X 6Z 0F], # LIGHT-GRAY
# These are the colors unwanted with a light theme
my @solarized_light_theme_unwanted = (
qw[4U 4V 4W 4X 4Y 4Z 5U 5V 5W 5X 5Y 5Z 6U 6V 6W 6X 6Y 6Z 6O 6P 6Q 6R 6S 6T], # too light flashy colors
qw[7T 7U 7V 7W 7X 07 7R 7S 7T 7U 7V 7W 7X 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 7H 7I 7J 7K 7M 7N 7O 7P], # too light grayscales
qw[5S 4L 7Q 5T 4T 4M 5M 6M 6N 1Z 2Z 1Y 2X 2W 3X 3W 1U 2V 1X 2Y 3V 3Z 3Y 2U], # hand picked too light + redundant
Irssi::settings_add_int('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_thread_id_color', -1);
# Default color theme to none, so we use all available colors.
Irssi::settings_add_str('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_thread_id_color_theme', '');
Irssi::settings_add_bool('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_thread_id_allow_bold', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_thread_id_allow_italic', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_thread_id_allow_underline', 0);
# Allowed colors will be applied first
# These can be a list of 20 30 40 50 5F colors, or without spaces 203040505F
Irssi::settings_add_str('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_thread_id_allowed_colors', '');
Irssi::settings_add_str('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_thread_id_unwanted_colors', '');
$color_config{'color_theme'} = '';
$color_config{'allowed_colors'} = '';
$color_config{'unwanted_colors'} = '';
# Initialize
my @thread_id_selected_colors = ();
# Rely on message/thread IDs stored in message cache so we can shorten
# to save on screen real-estate.
Irssi::settings_add_int('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_shorten_message_thread_id', 5);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_shorten_message_thread_id_hide_prefix', 1);
Irssi::settings_add_str('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_override_reply_prefix', 'âª');
# Taken from nickcolor_expando irssi script and adapted for our use
sub xcolor_to_irssi {
# Set to foreground xcolor
my $c = "X".$_[0];
my @ext_colour_off = (
'.', '-', ',',
'+', "'", '&',
if ($c =~ /^(X)(?:0([[:xdigit:]])|([1-6])(?:([0-9])|([a-z]))|7([a-x]))$/i) {
my $bg = $1 eq 'x';
my $col = defined $2 ? hex $2
: defined $6 ? 232 + (ord lc $6) - (ord 'a')
: 16 + 36 * ($3 - 1) + (defined $4 ? $4 : 10 + (ord lc $5) - (ord 'a'));
if ($col < 0x10) {
my $chr = chr $col + ord '0';
return "\cD" . ($bg ? "/$chr" : "$chr/");
else {
return "\cD" . $ext_colour_off[($col - 0x10) / 0x50 + $bg * 3] . chr (($col - 0x10) % 0x50 - 1 + ord '0');
} else {
return $c;
sub get_thread_format {
my ($str) = @_;
my @nums = (0..9,'a'..'z');
my $chr=join('',@nums);
my %nums = map { $nums[$_] => $_ } 0..$#nums;
my $n = 0;
$str = lc $str;
foreach ($str =~ /[$chr]/g) {
$n += $nums{$_} * 36;
my @colors = @thread_id_selected_colors;
my $color_count = @colors;
# We have normal, bold, italic, underline
my $allow_bold = Irssi::settings_get_bool('matterircd_complete_thread_id_allow_bold');
my $allow_italic = Irssi::settings_get_bool('matterircd_complete_thread_id_allow_italic');
my $allow_underline = Irssi::settings_get_bool('matterircd_complete_thread_id_allow_underline');
my @classes_prepend;
push @classes_prepend, "\x02" if $allow_bold;
push @classes_prepend, "\x1d" if $allow_italic;
push @classes_prepend, "\x1f" if $allow_underline;
my $classes = 1 + @classes_prepend;
$n = $n % $color_count*$classes;
my $random = $n;
my $prepend = "";
if ($classes == 4 and $n >= $color_count*3) {
$n -= $color_count*3;
$prepend = $classes_prepend[2];
} elsif ($classes ge 3 and $n >= $color_count*2) {
$n -= $color_count*2;
$prepend = $classes_prepend[1];
} elsif ($classes ge 2 and $n >= $color_count) {
$n -= $color_count;
$prepend = $classes_prepend[0];
$n = $colors[$n-1];
return $n, $prepend;
sub thread_color {
my ($str) = @_;
my ($n, $prepend) = get_thread_format($str);
# Pick the color in the allowed_color list.
# n should be comprised between 1 and the array length.
$n = xcolor_to_irssi($n);
$n = "$prepend\x03$n";
return $n;
sub cmd_matterircd_complete_thread_id_get_color {
my ($data, $server, $wi) = @_;
my ($color, $prepend) = get_thread_format($_[0]);
my $n = xcolor_to_irssi($color);
_wi_print($wi, "Thread color for $prepend\x03$n$_[0]\x0f is $color");
Irssi::command_bind('matterircd_complete_thread_id_get_color', 'cmd_matterircd_complete_thread_id_get_color');
sub update_msgthreadid {
my($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_shorten_message_thread_id');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
my $prefix = '';
my $msgthreadid = '';
my $msgpostid = '';
my $reply_prefix = Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_override_reply_prefix');
if ($msg =~ s/\[(->|âª)?\@\@([0-9a-z]{26})(?:,\@\@([0-9a-z]{26}))?\]/\@\@PLACEHOLDER\@\@/) {
$prefix = $reply_prefix ? $reply_prefix : $1 if $1;
$msgthreadid = $2;
$msgpostid = $3 ? $3 : '';
return unless $msgthreadid;
my $thread_color = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_thread_id_color');
if ($thread_color == -1) {
$thread_color = thread_color($msgthreadid);
} else {
$thread_color = "\x03${thread_color}";
# Show that message is reply to a thread. (backwards compatibility
# when matterircd doesn't show reply)
if ((not $prefix) && ($msg =~ /\(re \@.*\)/)) {
$prefix = $reply_prefix;
if (not Irssi::settings_get_bool('matterircd_complete_shorten_message_thread_id_hide_prefix')) {
$prefix = "${prefix}\@\@";
my $len = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_shorten_message_thread_id');
if ($len < 25) {
# Shorten to length configured. We use unicode ellipsis (...)
# here to both allow word selection to just select parts of
# the message/thread ID when copying & pasting and save on
# screen real estate.
$msgthreadid = substr($msgthreadid, 0, $len) . 'â¦';
if ($msgpostid ne '') {
$msgpostid = substr($msgpostid, 0, $len) . 'â¦';
if ($msgpostid eq '') {
$msg =~ s/\@\@PLACEHOLDER\@\@/${thread_color}[${prefix}${msgthreadid}]\x0f/;
} else {
$msg =~ s/\@\@PLACEHOLDER\@\@/${thread_color}[${prefix}${msgthreadid},${msgpostid}]\x0f/;
Irssi::signal_continue($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target);
Irssi::signal_add_last('message irc action', 'update_msgthreadid');
Irssi::signal_add_last('message irc notice', 'update_msgthreadid');
Irssi::signal_add_last('message private', 'update_msgthreadid');
Irssi::signal_add_last('message public', 'update_msgthreadid');
sub cache_store {
my ($cache_ref, $item, $cache_size) = @_;
return unless $item ne '';
my $changed = 0;
if ((@$cache_ref[0]) && (@$cache_ref[0] eq $item)) {
return $changed;
$changed = 1;
# We want to reduce duplicates by removing them currently in the
# per-channel cache. But as a trade off in favor of
# speed/performance, rather than traverse the entire per-channel
# cache, we cap/limit it.
my $limit = 16;
my $max = ($#$cache_ref < $limit)? $#$cache_ref : $limit;
for my $i (0 .. $max) {
if ((@$cache_ref[$i]) && (@$cache_ref[$i] eq $item)) {
splice(@$cache_ref, $i, 1);
unshift(@$cache_ref, $item);
if (($cache_size > 0) && (scalar(@$cache_ref) > $cache_size)) {
return $changed;
# Adds tab-complete or keybinding insertion of messages/threads
# seen. This makes it easier for replying directly to threads in
# Mattermost or creating new threads.
Irssi::settings_add_int('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_message_thread_id_cache_size', 50);
sub cmd_matterircd_complete_msgthreadid_cache_dump {
my ($data, $server, $wi) = @_;
if (not $data) {
return unless ref $wi and ($wi->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' or $wi->{type} eq 'QUERY');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
my $channel = $data ? $data : $wi->{name};
# Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
$channel =~ tr/ //d;
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: Message/Thread ID cache");
if ((not exists($MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$channel})) || (scalar @{$MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$channel}} == 0)) {
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: Empty");
foreach my $msgthread_id (@{$MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$channel}}) {
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: ${msgthread_id}");
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: Total: " . scalar @{$MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$channel}});
Irssi::command_bind('matterircd_complete_msgthreadid_cache_dump', 'cmd_matterircd_complete_msgthreadid_cache_dump');
sub cmd_message_thread_id_search {
my ($data, $server, $wi) = @_;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_message_thread_id_cache_size');
return unless ref $wi and ($wi->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' or $wi->{type} eq 'QUERY');
return unless exists($MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$wi->{name}});
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
my $msgthreadid = $MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$wi->{name}}[$MSGTHREADID_CACHE_INDEX];
# Cycle back to the start.
if ($msgthreadid) {
# Save input text.
my $input = Irssi::parse_special('$L');
# Remove existing thread.
$input =~ s/^@@(?:[0-9a-z]{26}|[0-9a-f]{3}) //;
# Insert message/thread ID from cache.
Irssi::gui_input_set("\@\@${msgthreadid} ${input}");
Irssi::command_bind('message_thread_id_search', 'cmd_message_thread_id_search');
my $ESC_PRESSED = 0;
my $O_PRESSED = 0;
sub signal_gui_key_pressed_msgthreadid {
my ($key) = @_;
my $server = Irssi::active_server();
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
if (($key == $KEY_RET) || ($key == $KEY_CTRL_U)) {
# Cancel/abort, so remove thread stuff.
elsif ($key == $KEY_CTRL_C) {
my $input = Irssi::parse_special('$L');
# Remove the Ctrl+C character.
$input =~ tr///d;
my $pos = 0;
if ($input =~ s/^(@@(?:[0-9a-z]{26}|[0-9a-f]{3}) )//) {
$pos = Irssi::gui_input_get_pos() - length($1);
# We also want to move the input position back one for Ctrl+C
# char.
$pos = $pos > 0 ? $pos - 1 : 0;
# Replace the text in the input box with our modified version,
# then move cursor positon to where it was without the
# message/thread ID.
# For 'down arrow', it's a sequence of ESC + O + B.
elsif ($key == $KEY_ESC) {
elsif ($key == $KEY_O) {
elsif ($key == $KEY_B && $O_PRESSED && $ESC_PRESSED) {
# Reset sequence on any other keys pressed.
elsif ($O_PRESSED || $ESC_PRESSED) {
Irssi::signal_add_last('gui key pressed', 'signal_gui_key_pressed_msgthreadid');
sub signal_complete_word_msgthread_id {
my ($complist, $window, $word, $linestart, $want_space) = @_;
# We only want to tab-complete message/thread if this is the first
# word on the line.
return if $linestart;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_message_thread_id_cache_size');
return if (substr($word, 0, 1) eq '@' and substr($word, 0, 2) ne '@@');
return unless $window->{active} and ($window->{active}->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' || $window->{active}->{type} eq 'QUERY');
return unless exists($MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$window->{active}->{name}});
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$window->{active_server}->{chatnet}};
if (substr($word, 0, 2) eq '@@') {
$word = substr($word, 2);
foreach my $msgthread_id (@{$MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$window->{active}->{name}}}) {
if ($msgthread_id =~ /^\Q$word\E/) {
push(@$complist, "\@\@${msgthread_id}");
Irssi::signal_add_last('complete word', 'signal_complete_word_msgthread_id');
sub cache_msgthreadid {
my($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_message_thread_id_cache_size');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
my @msgids = ();
my @ignore_nicks = split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_nick_ignore'));
# Ignore nicks configured to be ignored such as bots.
if ($nick ~~ @ignore_nicks) {
# But not if the channel is in matterircd_complete_channel_dont_ignore.
my @channel_dont_ignore = split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_channel_dont_ignore'));
if ($target !~ @channel_dont_ignore) {
# We also want to ignore reactions as we can't reply to those
# directly if they're to a message in a thread.
if ($msg =~ /(?:added|removed) reaction:/) {
# Mattermost message/thread IDs.
if ($msg =~ /\[(?:->|âª)?\@\@([0-9a-z]{26})(?:,\@\@([0-9a-z]{26}))?\]/) {
my $msgthreadid = $1;
my $msgpostid = $2 ? $2 : '';
if ($msgpostid ne '') {
push(@msgids, $msgpostid);
push(@msgids, $msgthreadid);
# matterircd generated 3-letter hexadecimal.
elsif ($msg =~ /(?:^\[([0-9a-f]{3})\])|(?:\[([0-9a-f]{3})\]\s*$)/) {
push(@msgids, $1 ? $1 : $2);
# matterircd generated 3-letter hexadecimal replying to threads.
elsif ($msg =~ /(?:^\[[0-9a-f]{3}->([0-9a-f]{3})\])|(?:\[[0-9a-f]{3}->([0-9a-f]{3})\]\s*$)/) {
push(@msgids, $1 ? $1 : $2);
else {
my $key;
if (substr($target, 0, 1) eq '#') {
# It's a channel, so use $target
$key = $target;
} else {
# It's a private query so use $nick
$key = $nick
my $cache_size = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_message_thread_id_cache_size');
for my $msgid (@msgids) {
if (cache_store(\@{$MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$key}}, $msgid, $cache_size)) {
Irssi::signal_add('message irc action', 'cache_msgthreadid');
Irssi::signal_add('message irc notice', 'cache_msgthreadid');
Irssi::signal_add('message private', 'cache_msgthreadid');
Irssi::signal_add('message public', 'cache_msgthreadid');
Irssi::settings_add_bool('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_reply_msg_thread_id_at_start', 1);
sub signal_message_own_public_msgthreadid {
my($server, $msg, $target) = @_;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_message_thread_id_cache_size');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
if ($msg !~ /^@@((?:[0-9a-z]{26})|(?:[0-9a-f]{3}))/) {
my $msgid = $1;
my $cache_size = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_message_thread_id_cache_size');
if (cache_store(\@{$MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$target}}, $msgid, $cache_size)) {
my $msgthreadid = $1;
my $thread_color = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_thread_id_color');
if ($thread_color == -1) {
$thread_color = thread_color($msgthreadid);
} else {
$thread_color = "\x03${thread_color}";
my $len = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_shorten_message_thread_id');
if ($len < 25) {
# Shorten to length configured. We use unicode ellipsis (...)
# here to both allow word selection to just select parts of
# the message/thread ID when copying & pasting and save on
# screen real estate.
$msgthreadid = substr($msgid, 0, $len) . "â¦";
my $reply_prefix = Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_override_reply_prefix');
if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('matterircd_complete_reply_msg_thread_id_at_start')) {
$msg =~ s/^@@[0-9a-z]{26} /${thread_color}[${reply_prefix}${msgthreadid}]\x0f /;
} else {
$msg =~ s/^@@[0-9a-z]{26} //;
$msg =~ s/$/ ${thread_color}[${reply_prefix}${msgthreadid}]\x0f/;
Irssi::signal_continue($server, $msg, $target);
Irssi::signal_add_last('message own_public', 'signal_message_own_public_msgthreadid');
sub signal_message_own_private {
my($server, $msg, $target, $orig_target) = @_;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_message_thread_id_cache_size');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
if ($msg !~ /^@@((?:[0-9a-z]{26})|(?:[0-9a-f]{3}))/) {
my $msgid = $1;
my $cache_size = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_message_thread_id_cache_size');
if (cache_store(\@{$MSGTHREADID_CACHE{$target}}, $msgid, $cache_size)) {
my $msgthreadid = $1;
my $thread_color = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_thread_id_color');
if ($thread_color == -1) {
$thread_color = thread_color($msgthreadid);
} else {
$thread_color = "\x03${thread_color}";
my $len = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_shorten_message_thread_id');
if ($len < 25) {
# Shorten to length configured. We use unicode ellipsis (...)
# here to both allow word selection to just select parts of
# the message/thread ID when copying & pasting and save on
# screen real estate.
$msgthreadid = substr($msgid, 0, $len) . "â¦";
my $reply_prefix = Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_override_reply_prefix');
if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('matterircd_complete_reply_msg_thread_id_at_start')) {
$msg =~ s/^@@[0-9a-z]{26} /${thread_color}[${reply_prefix}${msgthreadid}]\x0f /;
} else {
$msg =~ s/^@@[0-9a-z]{26} //;
$msg =~ s/$/ ${thread_color}[${reply_prefix}${msgthreadid}]\x0f/;
Irssi::signal_continue($server, $msg, $target, $orig_target);
Irssi::signal_add_last('message own_private', 'signal_message_own_private');
# Adds tab-complete or keybinding insertion of nicknames for users in
# the current channel. Similar to irssi's builtin, recently active
# users/nicks will be first in the completion list.
Irssi::settings_add_int('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_nick_cache_size', 20);
sub cmd_matterircd_complete_nick_cache_dump {
my ($data, $server, $wi) = @_;
if (not $data) {
return unless ref $wi and ($wi->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' or $wi->{type} eq 'QUERY');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
my $channel = $data ? $data : $wi->{name};
# Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
$channel =~ tr/ //d;
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: Nicknames cache");
if ((not exists($NICKNAMES_CACHE{$channel})) || (scalar @{$NICKNAMES_CACHE{$channel}} == 0)) {
_wi_print($wi,"${channel}: Empty");
foreach my $nick (@{$NICKNAMES_CACHE{$channel}}) {
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: ${nick}");
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: Total: " . scalar @{$NICKNAMES_CACHE{$channel}});
Irssi::command_bind('matterircd_complete_nick_cache_dump', 'cmd_matterircd_complete_nick_cache_dump');
sub signal_complete_word_nicks {
my ($complist, $window, $word, $linestart, $want_space) = @_;
return if substr($word, 0, 2) eq '@@';
return unless $window->{active} and $window->{active}->{type} eq 'CHANNEL';
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$window->{active_server}->{chatnet}};
if (substr($word, 0, 1) eq '@') {
$word = substr($word, 1);
my $compl_char = Irssi::settings_get_str('completion_char');
my $own_nick = $window->{active}->{ownnick}->{nick};
my @ignore_nicks = split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_nick_ignore'));
# We need to store the results in a temporary array so we can
# sort.
my @tmp;
foreach my $cur ($window->{active}->nicks()) {
my $nick = $cur->{nick};
# Ignore our own nick.
if ($nick eq $own_nick) {
# Ignore nicks configured to be ignored such as bots.
elsif ($nick ~~ @ignore_nicks) {
# Only those matching partial word.
elsif ($nick =~ /^\Q$word\E/i) {
push(@tmp, $nick);
@tmp = sort @tmp;
foreach my $nick (@tmp) {
# Only add completion character on line start.
if (not $linestart) {
push(@$complist, "\@${nick}${compl_char}");
} else {
push(@$complist, "\@${nick}");
return unless exists($NICKNAMES_CACHE{$window->{active}->{name}});
# We use the populated cache so frequent and active users in
# channel come before those idling there. e.g. In a channel where
# @barryp talks more often, it will come before @barry-m. We also
# want to make sure users are still in channel for those still in
# the cache.
foreach my $nick (reverse @{$NICKNAMES_CACHE{$window->{active}->{name}}}) {
my $nick_compl;
# Only add completion character on line start.
if (not $linestart) {
$nick_compl = "\@${nick}${compl_char}";
} else {
$nick_compl = "\@${nick}";
# Skip over if nick is already first in completion list.
if ((scalar(@{$complist}) > 0) and ($nick_compl eq @{$complist}[0])) {
# Only add to completion list if user/nick is online and in channel.
elsif (${nick} ~~ @tmp) {
# Only add completion character on line start.
if (not $linestart) {
unshift(@$complist, "\@${nick}${compl_char}");
} else {
unshift(@$complist, "\@${nick}");
Irssi::signal_add('complete word', 'signal_complete_word_nicks');
sub cache_ircnick {
my($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_nick_cache_size');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
my $cache_size = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_nick_cache_size');
my @ignore_nicks = split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_nick_ignore'));
# Ignore nicks configured to be ignored such as bots.
if ($nick !~ @ignore_nicks) {
if (cache_store(\@{$NICKNAMES_CACHE{$target}}, $nick, $cache_size)) {
Irssi::signal_add('message irc action', 'cache_ircnick');
Irssi::signal_add('message irc notice', 'cache_ircnick');
Irssi::signal_add('message public', 'cache_ircnick');
sub signal_message_own_public_nicks {
my($server, $msg, $target) = @_;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_nick_cache_size');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
if ($msg !~ /^@([^@ \t:,\)]+)/) {
my $nick = $1;
my $cache_size = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_nick_cache_size');
# We want to make sure that the nick or user is still online and
# in the channel.
my $wi = $server->window_item_find($target);
if (not defined $wi) {
foreach my $cur ($wi->nicks()) {
if ($nick eq $cur->{nick}) {
if (cache_store(\@{$NICKNAMES_CACHE{$target}}, $nick, $cache_size, 1)) {
Irssi::signal_add_last('message own_public', 'signal_message_own_public_nicks');
sub cmd_nicknames_search {
my ($data, $server, $wi) = @_;
return unless ref $wi and $wi->{type} eq 'CHANNEL';
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
my $own_nick = $wi->{ownnick}->{nick};
my @ignore_nicks = split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_nick_ignore'));
foreach my $cur ($wi->nicks()) {
my $nick = $cur->{nick};
# Ignore our own nick.
if ($nick eq $own_nick) {
# Ignore nicks configured to be ignored such as bots.
elsif ($nick ~~ @ignore_nicks) {
if (exists($NICKNAMES_CACHE{$wi->{name}})) {
# We use the populated cache so frequent and active users in
# channel come before those idling there. e.g. In a channel
# where @barryp talks more often, it will come before
# @barry-m. We also want to make sure users are still in
# channel for those still in the cache.
foreach my $nick (reverse @{$NICKNAMES_CACHE{$wi->{name}}}) {
# Skip over if nick is already first in completion list.
if ((scalar(@NICKNAMES_CACHE_SEARCH) > 0) and ($nick eq $NICKNAMES_CACHE_SEARCH[0])) {
# Only add to completion list if user/nick is online and
# in channel.
elsif ($nick ~~ @NICKNAMES_CACHE_SEARCH) {
unshift(@NICKNAMES_CACHE_SEARCH, $nick);
# Cycle back to the start.
if ($nickname) {
# Save input text.
my $input = Irssi::parse_special('$L');
my $compl_char = Irssi::settings_get_str('completion_char');
# Remove any existing nickname and insert one from the cache.
my $msgid = "";
if ($input =~ s/^(\@\@(?:[0-9a-z]{26}|[0-9a-f]{3}) )//) {
$msgid = $1;
$input =~ s/^\@[^${compl_char}]+$compl_char //;
Irssi::gui_input_set("${msgid}\@${nickname}${compl_char} ${input}");
Irssi::command_bind('nicknames_search', 'cmd_nicknames_search');
sub signal_gui_key_pressed_nicks {
my ($key) = @_;
my $server = Irssi::active_server();
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
if (($key == $KEY_RET) || ($key == $KEY_CTRL_U)) {
# Cancel/abort, so remove current nickname.
elsif ($key == $KEY_CTRL_C) {
my $input = Irssi::parse_special('$L');
# Remove the Ctrl+C character.
$input =~ tr///d;
my $compl_char = Irssi::settings_get_str('completion_char');
my $pos = 0;
if ($input =~ s/^(\@[^${compl_char}]+$compl_char )//) {
$pos = Irssi::gui_input_get_pos() - length($1);
# We also want to move the input position back one for Ctrl+C
# char.
$pos = $pos > 0 ? $pos - 1 : 0;
# Replace the text in the input box with our modified version,
# then move cursor positon to where it was without the
# current nickname.
Irssi::signal_add_last('gui key pressed', 'signal_gui_key_pressed_nicks');
# The replied cache keeps an index of messages/thread IDs that we've
# replied to then when others reply to those, it will insert our nick
# so that any further replies to these threads will be hilighted.
Irssi::settings_add_int('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_replied_cache_size', 50);
sub cmd_matterircd_complete_replied_cache_dump {
my ($data, $server, $wi) = @_;
if (not $data) {
return unless ref $wi and ($wi->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' or $wi->{type} eq 'QUERY');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
my $channel = $data ? $data : $wi->{name};
# Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
$channel =~ tr/ //d;
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: Replied cache");
if ((not exists($REPLIED_CACHE{$channel})) || (scalar @{$REPLIED_CACHE{$channel}} == 0)) {
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: Empty");
foreach my $threadid (@{$REPLIED_CACHE{$channel}}) {
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: ${threadid}");
_wi_print($wi, "${channel}: Total: " . scalar @{$REPLIED_CACHE{$channel}});
Irssi::command_bind('matterircd_complete_replied_cache_dump', 'cmd_matterircd_complete_replied_cache_dump');
sub cmd_matterircd_complete_replied_cache_clear {
my ($data, $server, $wi) = @_;
my $channel;
my @msgids = ();
my @args = ();
if ($data) {
@args = split(/\s+/, $data);
if (scalar(@args) == 0 || $args[0] eq '*') {
_wi_print($wi, "matterircd_complete replied cache cleared");
if (exists($REPLIED_CACHE{$args[0]}) || exists($REPLIED_CACHE{"#${args[0]}"})) {
$channel = shift(@args);
if (rindex($channel, "#", 0) == -1) {
$channel = "#${channel}";
} elsif ($wi->{name}) {
$channel = $wi->{name};
} else {
@msgids = @args;
if (scalar(@msgids) > 0) {
foreach my $id (@msgids) {
my $i = 0;
if (rindex($id, "@@", 0) == 0) {
$id = substr($id, 2);
foreach my $msgid (@{$REPLIED_CACHE{$channel}}) {
if ($id eq $msgid) {
splice(@{$REPLIED_CACHE{$channel}}, $i, 1);
_wi_print($wi, "matterircd_complete replied cache removed ${id} from ${channel} cache");
$i += 1;
} else {
@{$REPLIED_CACHE{$channel}} = ();
_wi_print($wi, "matterircd_complete replied cache cleared for channel ${channel}");
Irssi::command_bind('matterircd_complete_replied_cache_clear', 'cmd_matterircd_complete_replied_cache_clear');
Irssi::settings_add_bool('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_clear_replied_cache_on_away', 0);
sub signal_away_mode_changed {
my ($server) = @_;
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
# When you visit the web UI when marked away, it retriggers this
# event. Let's avoid that.
if (! $server->{usermode_away}) {
if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('matterircd_complete_clear_replied_cache_on_away') && $server->{usermode_away} && (! $REPLIED_CACHE_CLEARED)) {
Irssi::print("matterircd_complete replied cache cleared");
Irssi::signal_add('away mode changed', 'signal_away_mode_changed');
sub signal_message_own_public_replied {
my($server, $msg, $target) = @_;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_replied_cache_size');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
if ($msg !~ /^@@((?:[0-9a-z]{26})|(?:[0-9a-f]{3}))/) {
my $msgid = $1;
my $cache_size = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_replied_cache_size');
if (cache_store(\@{$REPLIED_CACHE{$target}}, $msgid, $cache_size)) {
Irssi::signal_add('message own_public', 'signal_message_own_public_replied');
sub signal_message_public {
my($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_replied_cache_size');
my %chatnets = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_networks'));
return unless exists $chatnets{'*'} || exists $chatnets{$server->{chatnet}};
# For '/me' actions, it has trailing space so we need to use
# \s* here.
$msg =~ /\[(?:->|âª)?\@\@([0-9a-z]{26})[\],]/;
my $msgthreadid = $1;
return unless $msgthreadid;
if ($msgthreadid ~~ @{$REPLIED_CACHE{$target}}) {
# Add user's (or our own) nick for hilighting if not in
# message and message not from us.
if (($nick ne $server->{nick}) && ($msg !~ /\@$server->{nick}/)) {
$msg =~ s/\(re (\@\S+): /(re \@$server->{nick}, $1: /;
Irssi::signal_continue($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target);
Irssi::signal_add('message public', 'signal_message_public');
# Remove an array's elements per their values
sub array_splice_values {
my ($ar_ref, $uw_ref) = @_;
my @array = @{$ar_ref};
my @unwanted = @{$uw_ref};
my %removals = map { $_ => 1 } @unwanted;
my @keys = keys %removals;
my @indices = grep { exists($removals{$array[$_]}) } 0..$#array;
# Each time we remove index from @arr, the next correct index to delete will be reduced of $o
my $o = 0;
for (@indices) {
splice(@array, $_-$o, 1);
return @array;
sub setup_colors {
# Skip colors setup if we're using a fixed color
my $fixed_color = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_thread_id_color');
return if $fixed_color ne -1;
my $allowed_colors = Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_thread_id_allowed_colors');
$allowed_colors = uc $allowed_colors;
my $unwanted_colors = Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_thread_id_unwanted_colors');
$unwanted_colors = uc $unwanted_colors;
my $color_theme = Irssi::settings_get_str('matterircd_complete_thread_id_color_theme');
$color_theme = lc $color_theme;
my @colors;
if ($allowed_colors =~ /^[0-9A-Z]{2}( [0-9A-Z]{2})*$/) {
@colors = split(' ', $allowed_colors);
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Setting allowed colors: @colors");
} elsif ($allowed_colors =~ /^[0-9A-Z]{2}([0-9A-Z]{2})*$/ and length($allowed_colors) % 2 == 0) {
@colors = ( $allowed_colors =~ m/../g );
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Setting allowed colors: @colors");
} elsif (length($allowed_colors) != 0) {
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Ignoring matterircd_complete_thread_id_allowed_colors: invalid format ($allowed_colors)");
} else {
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Setting allowed colors to all colors");
@colors = @all_colors;
if (length($color_theme) != 0) {
if ($color_theme eq "dark") {
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Removing colors incompatible with dark theme");
@colors = array_splice_values(\@colors, \@dark_theme_unwanted);
} elsif ($color_theme eq 'solarized-light') {
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Removing colors incompatible with solarized-light theme");
@colors = array_splice_values(\@colors, \@solarized_light_theme_unwanted);
} else {
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Ignoring unknown color theme $color_theme");
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Valid themes are dark, solarized-light");
if ($unwanted_colors =~ /^[0-9A-Z]{2}( [0-9A-Z]{2})*$/) {
my @unwanted = split(' ', $unwanted_colors);
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Removing unwanted colors");
@colors = array_splice_values(\@colors, \@unwanted);
} elsif ($unwanted_colors =~ /^[0-9A-Z]{2}([0-9A-Z]{2})*$/ and length($unwanted_colors) % 2 == 0) {
my @unwanted = ($unwanted_colors =~ m/../g);
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Removing unwanted colors");
@colors = array_splice_values(\@colors, \@unwanted);
} elsif (length($unwanted_colors)) {
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Ignoring matterircd_complete_thread_id_unwanted_colors: invalid format ($unwanted_colors)");
if (@thread_id_selected_colors) {
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Config changed, existing threads might change colors!")
if $allowed_colors ne $color_config{"allowed_colors"}
or $unwanted_colors ne $color_config{"unwanted_colors"}
or $color_theme ne $color_config{"color_theme"};
$color_config{"allowed_colors"} = $allowed_colors;
$color_config{"unwanted_colors"} = $unwanted_colors;
$color_config{"color_theme"} = $color_theme;
} else {
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Thread colors have been set per your config");
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] You can check colors in use with /matterircd_complete_thread_id_get_colors");
@thread_id_selected_colors = @colors;
Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', 'setup_colors');
Irssi::signal_add('setup reread', 'setup_colors');
sub cmd_matterircd_complete_thread_id_get_colors {
my ($data, $server, $wi) = @_;
# Display a warning if we're using a fixed color
my $fixed_color = Irssi::settings_get_int('matterircd_complete_thread_id_color');
if ($fixed_color ne -1) {
_wi_print($wi, "Thread_id_color is not set to -1");
_wi_print($wi, "Threads will always take \x03${fixed_color}this color\x0f");
my $colors_text = "Selected colors: ";
foreach (@thread_id_selected_colors) {
my $n = xcolor_to_irssi($_);
$colors_text .= "\x03$n$_";
$colors_text .= "\x0f";
_wi_print($wi, $colors_text);
Irssi::command_bind('matterircd_complete_thread_id_get_colors', 'cmd_matterircd_complete_thread_id_get_colors');
Irssi::settings_add_bool('matterircd_complete', 'matterircd_complete_stats_output', 0);
sub stats_increment {
my ($stats_ref) = @_;
$$stats_ref += 1;
# autosave.
if (($$stats_ref % 100) == 0) {
my $output_stats = Irssi::settings_get_bool('matterircd_complete_stats_output') ? "true" : "false";
my $STARTUP_DATE = localtime();
sub stats_show {
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] Started / loaded since ${STARTUP_DATE}");
my $total = 0;
my $entries;
my $channels;
my %cache = (
my %stats = (
'REPLIED' => 0,
foreach my $key (sort keys %cache) {
foreach my $channel (sort keys %{$cache{$key}}) {
my $d = $cache{$key}->{$channel};
if (scalar(@{$d}) == 0) {
$stats{$key} += scalar(@{$d});
$total += $stats{$key};
$entries = $stats{'MSGTHREADID'};
$channels = keys %{$cache{'MSGTHREADID'}};
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] ${entries} entries across ${channels} channels for msg/thread IDs cache (${MSGTHREADID_CACHE_STATS} updates)");
$entries = $stats{'NICKNAMES'};
$channels = keys %{$cache{'NICKNAMES'}};
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] ${entries} entries across ${channels} channels for nicknames cache (${NICKNAMES_CACHE_STATS} updates)");
$entries = $stats{'REPLIED'};
$channels = keys %{$cache{'REPLIED'}};
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] ${entries} entries across ${channels} channels for threads replied to cache (${REPLIED_CACHE_STATS} updates)");
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] \x03%GSaved total of ${total} entries in the cache (${total_updates} total updates)â¦");
Irssi::command_bind('matterircd_complete_stats', 'stats_show');
my $CACHE_FILE = Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . '/matterircd_complete.cache';
my $exited;
sub save_cache {
my ($output_stats) = @_;
open(FH, '>', $CACHE_FILE) or do {
Irssi::print("[matterircd_complete] \x03%RError saving matterircd_complete cache: $!")
unless $exited;
my %cache = (
foreach my $key (sort keys %cache) {
foreach my $channel (sort keys %{$cache{$key}}) {
my $d = $cache{$key}->{$channel};
my $entries = join(',', @{$d});
if (scalar(@{$d}) == 0) {
print(FH "${key} ${channel} ${entries}\n");
# eq "" so show stats on /matterircd_complete_cache_save command.
if ($output_stats eq "true" || $output_stats eq "") {
Irssi::command_bind('matterircd_complete_cache_save', 'save_cache');
sub load_cache {
open(FH, '<', $CACHE_FILE) or return;
my %cache = (
my $total = 0;