# mailcount.pl v 1.4.5 by Marcin Rozycki ([email protected]) # changed at Sat Oct 18 14:43:27 CEST 2003 # # Script adds statusbar item mailcount and displays info about new mails # in your mailbox ( not support for maildir) # # Run command '/statusbar window add mailcount' after loading mailcount.pl. # # Modules: # # Mail::MboxParser # http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/V/VP/VPARSEVAL/Mail-MboxParser-0.41.tar.gz # http://derwan.irssi.pl/perl-modules/Mail-MboxParser-0.41.tar.gz # # Digest::MD5 # http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/G/GA/GAAS/Digest-MD5-2.27.tar.gz # http://derwan.irssi.pl/perl-modules/Digest-MD5-2.27.tar.gz # # Settings: # # Mailcount_mailbox [ list separated with spaces ] # - ex. /set mailcount_mailbox /var/mail/derwan /home/derwan/inbox # # Mailcount_ofset [ sconds ] # - 60 by default # # Mailcount_show_headers [ list separated with spaces ] # - ex. /set mailcount_show_headers from to cc subject date sender # # Mailcount_show_max [ count ] # - 30 by default # - shows all mails if value set to 0 # - info disabled if set to -1 # # Mailcount_sbitem [ format ] # - %n - new messages # - %o - old messages # - %t - total # use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi 20021117 qw( settings_add_str settings_get_str settings_add_int settings_get_int settings_add_bool settings_get_bool get_irssi_dir timeout_add_once theme_register active_win ); $VERSION = '1.4.5'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Marcin Rozycki', contact => '[email protected]', name => 'mailcount', description => 'Adds statusbar item mailcount and displays info about new mails', sbitems => 'mailcount', modules => 'Mail::MboxParser Digest::MD5', license => 'GNU GPL v2', url => 'http://derwan.irssi.pl', changed => 'Sat Oct 18 14:43:27 CEST 2003' ); use Irssi::TextUI; use IO::File; use POSIX '_exit'; use Mail::MboxParser; use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex'; theme_register([ 'mailcount_notify', 'You have new mail in %C$0%n', 'mailcount_sender', '%R> %CFrom:%n %_$0%_', 'mailcount_header', ' %c$0:%n $1', 'mailcount_more', ' ( and $0 more... )' ]); our ($u, $r, $active_pid, $input_tag) = (0, 0, undef, undef); our (%register, %ctime, %cache, @buf); sub mailcount { return if ( $active_pid or $input_tag ); my $reader = IO::File->new() or return; my $writer = IO::File->new() or return; my ($n, $o) = (0, 0); pipe($reader, $writer); $active_pid = fork(); return unless ( defined $active_pid ); if ( $active_pid ) { close($writer); Irssi::pidwait_add($active_pid); $input_tag = Irssi::input_add(fileno($reader), INPUT_READ, \&input_read, $reader); } else { close($reader); my $headers = 'from to subject '. lc( settings_get_str('mailcount_show_headers') ); my ($count, $max) = (0, settings_get_int('mailcount_show_max')); $max = 10 if ( $max > 0 and $max < 10 ); foreach my $box ( split /[: ]+/, settings_get_str('mailcount_mailbox') ) { push(@buf,"ctime 0 $box", "stat n=0 o=0 $box"), next if ( not -r $box ); my ($mn, $mo, $info, $ctime) = (0, 0, 0, (stat($box))[9]); if ( $ctime eq $ctime{ $box } ) { $mn = $cache{ $box }->{ n }; $mo = $cache{ $box }->{ o }; } else { push @buf, "ctime $ctime $box"; my $mb = Mail::MboxParser->new( $box, decode => 'ALL', parseropts => { enable_cache => 1, enable_grep => 1, cache_file_name => sprintf('%s/.mailcount-cache', get_irssi_dir) } ); while ( my $msg = $mb->next_message ) { next if ( $msg->header->{ subject } =~ m/.*\bfolder internal data/i ); ( $msg->header->{ status } and $msg->header->{ status } =~ m/[OR]+/i ) and ++$mo, next or ++$mn; unless ( is_register($msg) ) { push @buf, "info $box" unless $info++; next if ( ++$count > $max and $max ); my %header; foreach my $header ( split / +/, $headers ) { next if ( $header{ $header }++); my $data = $msg->header->{ $header }; push @buf,"header $header $data" if ( defined $data ); } } } push @buf, "stat n=$mn o=$mo $box"; push @buf, sprintf('more %d'. ($count - $max)) if ( $max > 0 and $count > $max ); } $n += $mn; $o += $mo; } push(@buf,"total n=$n o=$o"); foreach my $data ( @buf ) { print($writer "$data\n"); } close($writer); POSIX::_exit(1); } } sub is_register ($$) { my $msg = shift; my $hex = md5_hex($msg->header->{ from } . $msg->header->{ to } . $msg->header->{ subject } . $msg->header->{ 'message-id' }); return 1 if ( $register{ $hex } ); push(@buf,"register $hex"); return 0; } sub input_read { my $reader = shift; while (<$reader>) { chomp; /^ctime (\d+) (.*)/ and $ctime{ $2 } = $1, next; /^stat n=(\d+) o=(\d+) (.*)/ and $cache{ $3 }->{ n } = $1, $cache{ $3 }->{ o } = $2, next; /^info (.*)/ and active_win->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'mailcount_notify', $1), next; /^register (.*)/ and $register{ $1 } = 1, next; /^more (\d+)/ and active_win->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'mailcount_more', $1), next; /^total n=(\d+) o=(\d+)/ and $u = $1, $r = $2, last; /^header ([^\s]+) (.*)/ and mailcount_show_header($1, $2); } Irssi::input_remove($input_tag); close($reader); $input_tag = $active_pid = undef; Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('mailcount'); my $timeout = settings_get_int('mailcount_ofset'); $timeout = 15 if ( $timeout <= 15 ); timeout_add_once($timeout*1000, 'mailcount', undef); } sub mailcount_show_header ($$) { my ($header, $data) = @_; $data =~ s/\s+/ /g; active_win->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'mailcount_sender', $data), return if ( $header eq 'from' ); active_win->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, 'mailcount_header', ucfirst($header), $data); } sub mailcount_sbitem { my ($sbitem, $get_size_only) = @_; $sbitem->{min_size} = $sbitem->{max_size} = 0 if ($get_size_only); my $sbitem_format = settings_get_str('mailcount_sbitem'); $sbitem_format = 'n/%n o/%o t/%t' unless ( $sbitem_format ); $sbitem_format =~ s/%n/$u/e; $sbitem_format =~ s/%o/$r/e; $sbitem_format =~ s/%t/($u + $r)/e; $sbitem->default_handler($get_size_only, undef, $sbitem_format, 1); } settings_add_str('mailcount', 'mailcount_mailbox', $ENV{'MAIL'}); settings_add_int('mailcount', 'mailcount_ofset', 60); settings_add_str('mailcount', 'mailcount_show_headers', 'from to cc subject date sender'); settings_add_int('mailcount', 'mailcount_show_max', 30); settings_add_str('mailcount', 'mailcount_sbitem', 'n/%n o/%o t/%t'); Irssi::statusbar_item_register('mailcount', '{sb Mail: $0-}', 'mailcount_sbitem'); mailcount();