# Provides /mail command for POP3 mail checking # for irssi 0.7.98 (tested on CVS) by Kimmo Lehto # # Requires Net::POP3 module # If you don't have it, you can install it using: # # perl -e shell -MCPAN; # >install Net::POP3 # use strict; use Irssi; use Net::POP3; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = '0.6'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Kimmo Lehto', contact => '[email protected]' , name => 'Mailcheck-POP3', description => 'POP3 new mail notification and listing of mailbox contents. Use "/mail help" for instructions. Requires Net::POP3.', license => 'Public Domain', changed => '2019-02-23' ); my (%_mailcount, %_mailchecktimer); sub cmd_checkmail { my $args = shift; my ($user, $pass, $host) = split(/\;/, $args); my ($i, $from, $subject, $head); my $POP3TIMEOUT = Irssi::settings_get_int("pop3_timeout"); my $pop = Net::POP3->new( $host, Timeout => $POP3TIMEOUT ); my $count = $pop->login($user, $pass); if (!$count || !$pop) { Irssi::print("Invalid POP3 user, pass or host.", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR); if (!$_mailcount{"$user\@$host"}) { Irssi::timeout_remove($_mailchecktimer{"$user\@$host"}); delete $_mailchecktimer{"$user\@$host"}; } $pop->quit(); return undef; } if (!$_mailcount{"$user\@$host"}) { $_mailcount{"$user\@$host"} = $count; $pop->quit(); return 1; } if ($_mailcount{"$user\@$host"} < $count) { Irssi::print("%R>>%n New Mail for $user\@$host:"); for( $i = $_mailcount{"$user\@$host"} + 1; $i <= $count; $i++ ) { foreach $head (@{$pop->top($i)}) { if ($head =~ /^From:\s+(.*)$/i) { $from = $1; chomp($from);} elsif ($head =~ /^Subject:\s+(.*)$/i) { $subject = $1; chomp($subject);} } Irssi::print("From : %W$from%n\nSubject: %W$subject%n"); } } $_mailcount{"$user\@$host"} = $count; $pop->quit(); return 1; } sub start_check { my ($userhost, $pass) = @_; my ($user, $host) = split(/\@/, $userhost); my $INTERVAL = Irssi::settings_get_int("pop3_interval"); if (cmd_checkmail("$user;$pass;$host")) { $_mailchecktimer{"$user\@$host"} = Irssi::timeout_add($INTERVAL * 1000, 'cmd_checkmail', "$user;$pass;$host"); Irssi::print("Account $user\@$host is now being monitored for new mail."); } } sub cmd_mail { my $args = shift; my (@arg) = split(/\s+/, $args); if (($arg[0] eq "add") && $arg[1] && $arg[2]) { if ($_mailchecktimer{$arg[1]}) { Irssi::print("Account " . $arg[1] . " is already being monitored."); } else { start_check($arg[1], $arg[2]); } } elsif ($arg[0] eq "list") { Irssi::print("Active POP3 Accounts Being Monitored:"); foreach (keys %_mailchecktimer) { Irssi::print(" %W-%n $_ ($_mailcount{$_} Mail message(s))"); } Irssi::print("End of /mail list"); } else { Irssi::print("%Wmailcheck.pl%n $VERSION - By KimmoKe\%W@%nircnet\n"); Irssi::print("Usage:"); Irssi::print("/mail add - add account to be monitored."); Irssi::print("/mail list - list monitored accounts"); Irssi::print("\n%WNote:%n Passwords are kept in irssi's memory in %Wplain text%n, and the password will also remain in the command history. The POP3 authorization is currently also plain text.\n"); Irssi::print("Check interval and POP3 login timeout are controlled with %W/set pop3_interval%n (default: 60 seconds) and %Wpop3_timeout%n (default: 30 seconds)."); } } Irssi::settings_add_int("misc","pop3_timeout",30); Irssi::settings_add_int("misc","pop3_interval","60"); Irssi::command_bind('mail', 'cmd_mail');