# Idea based on queryresume.pl by Stefan Tomanek
# - /set logresume_query_lines
# - /set logresume_channel_lines (set to 0 to make this script act more like queryresume.pl)
# - Coloured logs (/set autolog_colors ON) work perfectly well, and are recommended if you want it to look like you never left
# - bonus feature: /logtail 10 will print the last 10 lines of a log
# - bonus feature: /logview will open the log in your PAGER, or do e.g. /logview screen vim -R. You'll need to be using irssi in screen. Running the program without screen is possible, but you need to ^L to redraw after closing it, and if you look at it too long irssi blocks on output and all your connections will ping out
# - behaviour on channel join fail is potentially a little odd. Unmotivated to test or fix this.
use strict;
use Irssi;
use Fcntl qw( :seek O_RDONLY );
our $VERSION = "0.6";
our %IRSSI = (
name => "logresume",
description => "print last n lines of logs when opening queries/channels",
url => "http://explodingferret.com/linux/irssi/logresume.pl",
authors => "ferret",
contact => "ferret(tA)explodingferret(moCtoD), ferret on irc.freenode.net",
licence => "Public Domain",
changed => "2012-10-08",
changes => "0.6: added memory of windows that have been logresumed already"
. "0.5: added /logtail and /logview"
. "0.4: fixed problem with lines containing %, removed use warnings"
. "0.3: swapped File::ReadBackwards for internal tail implementation",
modules => "",
commands => "logtail, logview",
settings => "logresume_channel_lines, logresume_query_lines",
Irssi::print "$IRSSI{name} version $VERSION loaded, see the top of the script for help";
if ( ! Irssi::settings_get_bool('autolog') ) {
Irssi::print( "$IRSSI{name}: /set autolog is currently OFF. This script probably won't work well unless it's ON" );
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{name}, 'logresume_channel_lines', 15);
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{name}, 'logresume_query_lines', 20);
my $debug = 0;
sub debug_print { $debug and Irssi::print $IRSSI{name} . ' %RDEBUG%n: ' . $_[0]; }
sub prettyprint { Irssi::print $IRSSI{name} . ' %Winfo%n: ' . $_[0]; }
# This hash of hashes maps servertag -> item names -> _irssi. The point of this is so that
# we don't print the last n log entries into a window that just recently had that item in it
# (e.g. on server reconnect), since that content is like right there already.
# the _irssi hash key is used as a unique identifier for windows (although they get reused).
# Was using refnum for this originally, but it's very difficult to implement with that due to
# the way the 'window refnum changed' and 'window destroyed' signals work (mostly the order
# they run in).
my %haveprinted;
# initial fill of hash
sub inithash {
for my $win ( Irssi::windows() ) {
for my $winitem ( $win->items() ) {
next unless $winitem->{type} eq 'QUERY' or $winitem->{type} eq 'CHANNEL';
next unless defined $winitem->{server} and defined $winitem->{name};
$haveprinted{$winitem->{server}{tag}}{$winitem->{name}} = $win->{_irssi};
# a new log was opened! initiate the process of printing some stuff to the screen
Irssi::signal_add_last 'log started' => sub {
my ( $log ) = @_;
my $lines;
for my $logitem ( @{ $log->{items} } ) {
my $server = Irssi::server_find_tag( $logitem->{servertag} );
next unless defined $server;
next unless defined $logitem->{name};
my $winitem = $server->window_item_find( $logitem->{name} );
next unless defined $winitem;
my $irssiref = $winitem->window()->{_irssi};
my $servertag = $server->{tag};
my $itemname = $winitem->{name};
debug_print( "log started | servertag='$servertag' itemname='$itemname' irssiref='$irssiref'" );
if( $winitem->{type} eq 'QUERY' ) {
$lines = Irssi::settings_get_int('logresume_query_lines');
} elsif( $winitem->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' ) {
$lines = Irssi::settings_get_int('logresume_channel_lines');
} else {
next; # other window types not implemented
# don't print log output if we already did for this window, as that would indicate the
# item was recently in this window, so the scrollback contains this stuff already
if( $haveprinted{$servertag}{$itemname} ne $irssiref ) {
$haveprinted{$servertag}{$itemname} = $irssiref;
debug_print( "log started || not recorded as already printed, will do print_tail" );
print_tail( $winitem, $lines );
# when windows are destroyed we need to remove entries from %haveprinted
Irssi::signal_add 'window destroyed' => sub {
my ( $win ) = @_;
my $irssiref = $win->{_irssi};
debug_print( "window destroyed | refnum='$win->{refnum}' irssiref='$irssiref'" );
for my $servertag (keys %haveprinted) {
for my $itemname (keys %{$haveprinted{$servertag}}) {
if ( $haveprinted{$servertag}{$itemname} eq $irssiref ) {
debug_print( "window destroyed || removed servertag='$servertag' itemname='$itemname'" );
$haveprinted{$servertag}{$itemname} = '';
Irssi::signal_add 'window item moved' => sub {
my ( $to_win, $winitem, $from_win ) = @_;
my $servertag = $winitem->{server}{tag};
my $itemname = $winitem->{name};
debug_print( "window item moved | servertag='$servertag' itemname='$itemname' was='$haveprinted{$servertag}{$itemname}' fromref='$from_win->{_irssi}' toref='$to_win->{_irssi}'" );
$haveprinted{$servertag}{$itemname} = $to_win->{_irssi};
Irssi::signal_add 'query nick changed' => sub {
my ( $win, $oldnick ) = @_;
debug_print( "query nick changed | oldnick='$oldnick' newnick='$win->{name}' transferring='$haveprinted{$win->{server}{tag}}{$oldnick}'" );
$haveprinted{$win->{server}{tag}}{$win->{name}} = $haveprinted{$win->{server}{tag}}{$oldnick};
$haveprinted{$win->{server}{tag}}{$oldnick} = '';
sub print_tail {
my ( $winitem, $lines ) = @_; # winitem is a channel or query or whatever
return unless $lines > 0;
my $log = get_log_filename( $winitem );
return unless defined $log;
my $winrec = $winitem->window(); # need to print to the window, not the window item
for( tail( $lines, $log ) ) { # sub tail is defined below
s/%/%%/g; # prevent irssi format notation being expanded
$winrec->print( $_, MSGLEVEL_NEVER );
$winrec->print( '%K[%Clogresume%n ' . $log . '%K]%n' );
sub get_log_filename {
my ( $winitem ) = @_;
my ( $tag, $name ) = ( $winitem->{server}{tag}, $winitem->{name} );
my @logs = map { $_->{real_fname} } grep {
grep {
$_->{name} eq $name and $_->{servertag} eq $tag
} @{ $_->{items} }
} Irssi::logs();
unless( @logs ) {
debug_print( "no logfile for $tag, $name" );
return undef;
debug_print( "surplus logfile for $tag, $name: $_" ) for @logs[1..$#logs];
return $logs[0];
Irssi::command_bind 'logtail' => sub {
my ( $lines ) = @_;
if ( not $lines =~ /[1-9][0-9]*/ ) {
prettyprint( 'usage: /logtail