use strict;
use warnings;
use Irssi;
use Irssi::TextUI;
use Hash::Util qw();
our $VERSION = '0.3'; # 8a7f8770be646c3
our %IRSSI = (
authors => 'Nei',
contact => 'Nei @ [email protected]',
url => "",
name => 'linebuffer',
description => 'dump the linebuffer content',
license => 'GNU GPLv2 or later',
sub cmd_help {
my ($args) = @_;
if ($args =~ /^dumplines *$/i) {
print CLIENTCRAP <] [-format] [-ids] [-levels[-prepend|-hex]] [-time] [ []]
Dump the content of the line buffer to a window or file.
-file: Output to this file.
-format: Format the text output.
-ids: Print line IDs.
-levels: Print levels. -prepend: before text, -hex: as hex value
-time: Print time stamp.
count: Number of lines to reproduce.
refnum: Specifies the window to dump.
my %control2format_d = (
'a' => 'F',
'c' => '_',
'e' => '|',
'i' => '#',
'f' => 'I',
'g' => 'n',
my %control2format_c = (
"\c_" => 'U',
"\cV" => '8',
my %base_bg = (
'0' => '0',
'1' => '4',
'2' => '2',
'3' => '6',
'4' => '1',
'5' => '5',
'6' => '3',
'7' => '7',
'8' => 'x08',
'9' => 'x09',
':' => 'x0a',
';' => 'x0b',
'<' => 'x0c',
'=' => 'x0d',
'>' => 'x0e',
'?' => 'x0f',
my %base_fg = (
'0' => 'k',
'1' => 'b',
'2' => 'g',
'3' => 'c',
'4' => 'r',
'5' => 'm', # p
'6' => 'y',
'7' => 'w',
'8' => 'K',
'9' => 'B',
':' => 'G',
';' => 'C',
'<' => 'R',
'=' => 'M', # P
'>' => 'Y',
'?' => 'W',
my $to_true_color = sub {
my (@rgbx) = map { ord } @_;
$rgbx[3] -= 0x20;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
if ($rgbx[3] & (0x10 << $i)) {
$rgbx[$i] -= 0x20;
my $color = $rgbx[0] << 16 | $rgbx[1] << 8 | $rgbx[2];
($rgbx[3] & 0x1 ? 'z' : 'Z') . sprintf '%06X', $color;
my %ext_color_off = (
'.' => [0, 0x10],
'-' => [0, 0x60],
',' => [0, 0xb0],
'+' => [1, 0x10],
"'" => [1, 0x60],
'&' => [1, 0xb0],
my @ext_color_al = (0..9, 'A' .. 'Z');
my $to_ext_color = sub {
my ($sig, $chr) = @_;
my ($bg, $off) = @{ $ext_color_off{$sig} };
my $color = $off - 0x3f + ord $chr;
$color += 10 if $color > 214;
($bg ? 'x' : 'X') . (1+int($color / 36)) . $ext_color_al[$color % 36];
sub control2format {
my $line = shift;
$line =~ s/%/%%/g;
$line =~ s{( \c_ | \cV )
'%'.(defined $1 ? $control2format_c{$1} :
defined $2 ? $control2format_d{$2} :
defined $6 ? $to_true_color->($3,$4,$5,$6) :
defined $8 ? $to_ext_color->($7,$8) :
defined $10 ? ($base_bg{$10} . (defined $9 ? '%'.$base_fg{$9} : '')) :
defined $9 ? $base_fg{$9} :
defined $11 ? 'o' : 'n')
sub simpletime {
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime $_[0];
sprintf "%04d"."%02d"x5, 1900+$year, 1+$mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec;
sub prt_report {
my $fh = shift;
if ($fh->isa('Irssi::UI::Window')) {
for (split "\n", (join $,//'', @_)) {
my $line;
for (split "\t") {
if (defined $line) {
$line .= ' ' x (5 - (length $line) % 6);
$line .= ' ';
$line .= $_;
$line .= '';
$fh->print($line, MSGLEVEL_NEVER);
else {
sub dump_lines {
my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
my ($args, $rest) = Irssi::command_parse_options('dumplines', $data);
ref $args or return;
my $win = Irssi::active_win;
my ($count, $winnum) = $data =~ /(-?\d+)/g;
if (defined $winnum) {
$win = Irssi::window_find_refnum($winnum) // do {
print CLIENTERROR "Window #$winnum not found";
my $fh;
my $is_file;
if (defined $args->{file}) {
unless (length $args->{file}) {
print CLIENTERROR "Missing argument to option: file";
open $fh, '>', $args->{file} or do {
print CLIENTERROR "Error opening ".$args->{file}.": $!";
$is_file = 1;
else {
$fh = Irssi::Windowitem::window_create(undef, 0);
$fh->command('^scrollback home');
$fh->command('^scrollback clear');
$fh->command('^window scroll off');
prt_report($fh, "\n==========\nwindow: ", $win->{refnum}, "\n");
my $view = $win->view;
my $lclength = length $view->{buffer}{lines_count};
$lclength = 3 if $lclength < 3;
my $padlen = $lclength;
my $hdr = sprintf "%${lclength}s", " # ";
my $hllen = length sprintf '%x', MSGLEVEL_LASTLOG << 1;
if (defined $args->{ids}) { $padlen += 10; $hdr .= '| ID ' }
if (defined $args->{time}) { $padlen += 15; $hdr .= '| date & time ' }
if (defined $args->{'levels-hex'}) { $padlen += $hllen + 1; $hdr .= sprintf "|%${hllen}s", ' levels ' }
" "x$padlen,"\t/buffer first line\n",
" "x$padlen,"\t|/buffer cur line\n",
" "x$padlen,"\t||/bottom start line\n",
$hdr,"\t|||/start line\n");
my $j = 1;
$count = $view->{height} unless $count;
my $start_line;
if ($count < 0) {
$start_line = $view->get_lines;
else {
$j = $view->{buffer}{lines_count} - $count + 1;
$j = 1 if $j < 1;
$start_line = $view->{buffer}{cur_line};
for (my $line = $start_line;
$line && $count--;
($start_line, $line) = ($line, $line->prev))
for (my $line = $start_line; $line; $line = $line->next) {
my $i = 0;
my $t = sprintf "%${lclength}d", $j++;
$t .= sprintf " %9d", $line->{_irssi} if defined $args->{ids};
$t .= ' '.simpletime($line->{info}{time}) if defined $args->{time};
$t .= sprintf " %${hllen}x", $line->{info}{level} if defined $args->{'levels-hex'};
$t .= "\t" . (join '', map {;++$i; $_->{_irssi} == $line->{_irssi} ? $i : ' ' }
$view->{buffer}{first_line}, $view->{buffer}{cur_line},
$view->{bottom_startline}, $view->{startline});
$t .= "\t";
my $text = $line->get_text(1);
if (defined $args->{format}) {
if (!$is_file) {
$text = control2format($text);
$text =~ s{(%.)}{ $1 eq "%o" ? "\cD/\xff" : $1 }ge;
else {
$text = control2format($text);
if (!$is_file) {
$text =~ s/%/%%/g;
my $lst;
if (defined $args->{'levels-prepend'} || defined $args->{levels}) {
my $levels = Irssi::bits2level($line->{info}{level});
if (!$is_file) {
$lst = "%n%r[%n$levels%r]%n";
else {
$lst = "[$levels]";
$t .= "$lst\t" if defined $args->{'levels-prepend'};
$t .= $text;
$t .= "\t$lst" if defined $args->{levels};
$t .= "\n";
prt_report($fh, $t);
prt_report($fh, "----------\n", map { $_ // 'NULL' }
"view w", $view->{width}, " h", $view->{height}, " scroll ", $view->{scroll}, "\n",
" ypos ", $view->{ypos}, "\n",
" bottom subline ", $view->{bottom_subline}, " subline ", $view->{subline}, ", is bottom: ", $view->{bottom}, "\n",
"buffer: lines count ", $view->{buffer}{lines_count}, ", was last eol: ", $view->{buffer}{last_eol}, "\n",
"win: last line ", simpletime($win->{last_line}),"\n\n");
Irssi::command_bind('dumplines' => 'dump_lines');
Irssi::command_set_options('dumplines' => 'format ids time levels levels-prepend levels-hex 1 -file');
Irssi::command_bind_last('help' => 'cmd_help');