#!/usr/bin/perl # # by Stefan "Tommie" Tomanek use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = '20220104'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Stefan \'tommie\' Tomanek, bw1', contact => '[email protected]', name => 'leodict', description => 'translates via dict.leo.org', license => 'GPLv2', url => 'http://irssi.org/scripts/', modules => 'Mojo::UserAgent Encode JSON::PP Mojo::DOM Getopt::Long POSIX', commands => "leodict", selfcheckcmd=> 'leodict -chec', ); use vars qw($forked); use utf8; use Encode; use Irssi 20020324; use JSON::PP; use Mojo::DOM; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromString); use Mojo::UserAgent; use POSIX; # global my %gresult; my $lang; my $dlang= 'englisch-deutsch/'; my $help; my $browse; my $paste; my $word; my $dir; my $ddir= ''; my $check; # for fork my $ftext; my %fresult; sub draw_box ($$$$) { my ($title, $text, $footer, $colour) = @_; my $box = ''; $box .= '%R,--[%n%9%U'.$title.'%U%9%R]%n'."\n"; foreach (split(/\n/, $text)) { $box .= '%R|%n '.$_."\n"; } $box .= '%R`--<%n'.$footer.'%R>->%n'; $box =~ s/%.//g unless $colour; return $box; } sub show_help() { my $help = "LeoDict $VERSION SYNOPSIS /leodict [OPTION] [OPTION] searches dict.leo.org for appropiate translations DESCRIPTION -p paste the translations to the current channel or query The number of translations is limited by the setting 'leodict_paste_max_translations' -b open dict.leo.org in your web browser (uses openurl.pl) -from from German -to to German -both from and to German -en English -fr French -es Spanish -it Italian -zh Chinese -ru Russian -pt Portuguese -pl Polish -chec selfcheck SETTINGS 'leodict_default_options' example: -it -from 'leodict_paste_max_translations' 'leodict_paste_beautify' 'leodict_http_proxy_address' example: defaults to none, meaning no proxy will be used for requests. despite the name, does not have to be http proxy. 'leodict_http_proxy_port' example: 9050 defaults to 0, but must be changed if proxy address is not none. 'leodict_http_proxy_type' supported: socks, https, http "; my $text=''; foreach (split(/\n/, $help)) { $_ =~ s/^\/(.*)$/%9\/$1%9/; $text .= $_."\n"; } print CLIENTCRAP draw_box($IRSSI{name}, $text, "help", 1); } sub parser { my %ignore=( 'Suchwort' => 1, 'Beispiele' => 1, 'Orthographisch ähnliche Wörter' => 1, 'Aus dem Umfeld der Suche' => 1, 'Forumsdiskussionen, die den Suchbegriff enthalten' =>1, #'Substantive' #'Verben' #'Adjektive / Adverbien' #'Phrasen' ); %fresult=(); # tables unless (defined $ftext) { %fresult=('Error'=>[['no data']]); return; } my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new($ftext); foreach my $tbl ( $dom->find('table')->each ) { # head my $thead =$tbl->at('thead'); next unless (defined $thead ); my $headname = $thead->descendant_nodes->last->to_string; next if (exists $ignore{ $headname } ); # rows my @rows=(); foreach my $row ( $tbl->find('tr')->each) { # colums my @columns=(); foreach my $col ( $row->find('td')->each ) { my $co = $col->to_string; $co =~ s/<.*?>//sg; if ( length($co) >2 ) { push(@columns ,$co); } } if ( scalar(@columns) > 0 ) { push(@rows, [@columns]); } } $fresult{ $headname } = [ @rows ]; } } sub get_page ($) { my ($url) = @_; #return get('http://dict.leo.org/?search='.$word.'&relink=off'); my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; # Add proxy to Mojo if needed my $proxy_addr = Irssi::settings_get_str('leodict_http_proxy_address'); my $proxy_port = Irssi::settings_get_int('leodict_http_proxy_port'); my $proxy_type = Irssi::settings_get_str('leodict_http_proxy_type'); if ($proxy_addr ne 'none') { # Socks proxy if ($proxy_type eq 'socks' || $proxy_type eq 'https') { $ua->proxy->http("$proxy_type://$proxy_addr:$proxy_port")->https("$proxy_type://$proxy_addr:$proxy_port"); } # Must be http proxy else { $ua->proxy->http("$proxy_type://$proxy_addr:$proxy_port"); } } my $res; eval { $res=$ua->get($url)->result; }; if (defined $res && $res->is_success) { $ftext = $res->body; utf8::decode($ftext); } else { $ftext=undef; } } sub call_openurl ($) { my ($url) = @_; no strict "refs"; # check for a loaded openurl if (defined &{ "Irssi::Script::openurl::launch_url" } ) { &{ "Irssi::Script::openurl::launch_url" }($url); } else { print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>%n Please install openurl.pl"; } } sub translate ($$$) { my ($url, $target, $server) = @_; my ($rh, $wh); pipe($rh, $wh); if ($forked) { print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>%n Please wait until your earlier request has been finished."; return; } # Validate proxy if needed my $proxy_addr = Irssi::settings_get_str('leodict_http_proxy_address'); my $proxy_port = Irssi::settings_get_int('leodict_http_proxy_port'); my $proxy_type = Irssi::settings_get_str('leodict_http_proxy_type'); if ($proxy_addr ne 'none') { if ($proxy_type ne 'socks' && $proxy_type ne 'https' && $proxy_type ne 'http') { print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>%n Invalid proxy type: $proxy_type."; return; } if ($proxy_port eq 0) { print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>%n Please specify a proxy port."; return; } } my $pid = fork(); $forked = 1; if ($pid > 0) { print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>%n Please wait..." unless $target; close $wh; Irssi::pidwait_add($pid); my $pipetag; my @args = ($rh, \$pipetag, $target, $server); $pipetag = Irssi::input_add(fileno($rh), INPUT_READ, \&pipe_input, \@args); } else { get_page($url); parser(); print($wh encode_json(\%fresult)); close($wh); POSIX::_exit(1); } } sub one_site { my ($site, $cat) = @_; my @res; foreach my $r ( @{$gresult{$cat}} ) { push @res,$r->[$site]; } return [@res]; } sub pipe_input ($) { my ($rh, $pipetag, $target, $tag) = @{$_[0]}; $forked = 0; local $\; my $res=<$rh>; close $rh; return if (length($res) <5); %gresult = %{decode_json( $res )}; Irssi::input_remove($$pipetag); if ($target eq '') { show_translations(\%gresult, $word); } else { my $server = Irssi::server_find_tag($tag); my $witem = $server->window_item_find($target); paste_translations(\%gresult, $word, $witem) if $witem; } } sub show_translations($$) { my %trans = %{$_[0]}; my $word = $_[1]; self_check(\%trans) if ( defined $check ); if (%trans) { my $text; foreach my $k (keys %trans) { $text .= "== $k ==\n"; foreach (@{ $trans{$k} }) { $text .= "%U".$_->[0]."%U \n"; $text .= " `-> ".$_->[1]."\n"; } } my $term_charset= Irssi::settings_get_str('term_charset'); if ('UTF-8' ne $term_charset) { $text= encode($term_charset, $text); } print CLIENTCRAP draw_box('LeoDict', $text, $word, 1); } else { print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>>%n No translations found (".$word.")."; } } sub paste_translations ($$) { my ($trans, $word, $target) = @_; return unless ($target->{type} eq "CHANNEL" || $target->{type} eq "QUERY"); if (%{ $trans }) { my $text; my $beauty = Irssi::settings_get_bool('leodict_paste_beautify'); my $max = Irssi::settings_get_int('leodict_paste_max_translations'); foreach my $k (keys %{ $trans }) { $text .= "== $k ==\n"; my $i = 0; foreach (@{ $trans->{$k}}) { if ($i < $max || $max == 0) { if ($beauty) { $text .= $_->[0]." \n"; $text .= " `-> ".$_->[1]."\n"; } else { $text .= $_->[0].' => '.$_->[1]."\n"; } $i++; } else { $text .= '...'."\n"; last; } } } my $msg = $text; $msg = draw_box('LeoDict', $text, $word, 0) if $beauty; $target->command('MSG '.$target->{name}. ' '.$_) foreach (split(/\n/, $msg)); } } #https://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/word #https://dict.leo.org/franz%C3%B6sisch-deutsch/word #https://dict.leo.org/spanisch-deutsch/word #https://dict.leo.org/italienisch-deutsch/word #https://dict.leo.org/chinesisch-deutsch/word #https://dict.leo.org/russisch-deutsch/word #https://dict.leo.org/portugiesisch-deutsch/word #https://dict.leo.org/polnisch-deutsch/word #https://dict.leo.org/polnisch-deutsch/word?side=left pl -> de #https://dict.leo.org/polnisch-deutsch/word?side=right pl <- de my %options = ( "from" => sub {$dir= '?side=right';}, "to" => sub {$dir= '?side=left';}, "both" => sub {$dir= '';}, "en" => sub {$lang = 'englisch-deutsch/'; }, "fr" => sub {$lang = 'franz%C3%B6sisch-deutsch/'; }, "es" => sub {$lang = 'spanisch-deutsch/'; }, "it" => sub {$lang = 'italienisch-deutsch/'; }, "zh" => sub {$lang = 'chinesisch-deutsch/'; }, "ru" => sub {$lang = 'russisch-deutsch/'; }, "pt" => sub {$lang = 'portugiesisch-deutsch/'; }, "pl" => sub {$lang = 'polnisch-deutsch/'; }, "h" => \$help, "b" => \$browse, "p" => \$paste, "chec" => \$check, ); sub cmd_leodict ($$$) { my ($args, $server, $witem) = @_; utf8::decode($args); my $burl = "https://dict.leo.org/"; my $url; $lang= $dlang; $dir= $ddir; undef $help; undef $browse; undef $paste; undef $check; my ($ret, $arg) = GetOptionsFromString($args, %options); $word= $arg->[0]; $url=$burl.$lang.$word.$dir; if (defined $help) { show_help(); return(); } if (defined $browse) { call_openurl($url); return(); } if (defined $paste) { #paste_translations($_, $witem) if $witem; return unless defined $witem; return unless defined $server; translate($url, $witem->{name}, $witem->{server}->{tag}); } elsif (defined $check) { $url=$burl.'englisch-deutsch/'.'tree'.$dir; translate($url,'', ''); } else { #show_translations($_); translate($url,'', ''); } } sub self_check { my ( $tr ) =@_; my $s='ok'; Irssi::print("selfcheck: categorys ".scalar( keys %$tr )); my $count=0; foreach my $n ( keys %$tr ) { Irssi::print("selfcheck: category $n ".scalar( @{$tr->{$n}} )); $count +=scalar( @{$tr->{$n}} ); } Irssi::print("selfcheck: results $count"); if ( scalar( keys %$tr ) <4 ) { $s='Error: categorys ('.scalar( keys %$tr ).')'; } elsif ( $count < 35 ) { $s="Error: results ($count)"; } Irssi::print("selfcheck: $s"); my $schs = exists $Irssi::Script::{'selfcheckhelperscript::'}; Irssi::command("selfcheckhelperscript $s") if ( $schs ); } sub sig_setup_changed { my $args =Irssi::settings_get_str('leodict_default_options'); my ($ret, $arg) = GetOptionsFromString($args, %options); $dlang=$lang; $ddir=$dir; } Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', 'sig_setup_changed'); Irssi::command_bind('leodict', 'cmd_leodict'); Irssi::command_set_options('leodict', join(" ",keys %options)); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_default_options', '-en -both'); Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_paste_max_translations', 2); Irssi::settings_add_bool($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_paste_beautify', 1); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_http_proxy_address', 'none'); Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_http_proxy_port', 0); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_http_proxy_type', 'none'); sig_setup_changed(); print CLIENTCRAP "%B>>%n ".$IRSSI{name}." ".$VERSION." loaded: /leodict -h for help"; # vim:set ts=8 sw=4: