# by Stefan "Tommie" Tomanek
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = '20220104';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Stefan \'tommie\' Tomanek, bw1',
contact => '[email protected]',
name => 'leodict',
description => 'translates via dict.leo.org',
license => 'GPLv2',
url => 'http://irssi.org/scripts/',
modules => 'Mojo::UserAgent Encode JSON::PP Mojo::DOM Getopt::Long POSIX',
commands => "leodict",
selfcheckcmd=> 'leodict -chec',
use vars qw($forked);
use utf8;
use Encode;
use Irssi 20020324;
use JSON::PP;
use Mojo::DOM;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromString);
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use POSIX;
# global
my %gresult;
my $lang;
my $dlang= 'englisch-deutsch/';
my $help;
my $browse;
my $paste;
my $word;
my $dir;
my $ddir= '';
my $check;
# for fork
my $ftext;
my %fresult;
sub draw_box ($$$$) {
my ($title, $text, $footer, $colour) = @_;
my $box = '';
$box .= '%R,--[%n%9%U'.$title.'%U%9%R]%n'."\n";
foreach (split(/\n/, $text)) {
$box .= '%R|%n '.$_."\n";
$box .= '%R`--<%n'.$footer.'%R>->%n';
$box =~ s/%.//g unless $colour;
return $box;
sub show_help() {
my $help = "LeoDict $VERSION
/leodict [OPTION] [OPTION]
searches dict.leo.org for appropiate translations
paste the translations to the current channel or query
The number of translations is limited by the setting
open dict.leo.org in your web browser (uses openurl.pl)
-from from German
-to to German
-both from and to German
-en English
-fr French
-es Spanish
-it Italian
-zh Chinese
-ru Russian
-pt Portuguese
-pl Polish
-chec selfcheck
example: -it -from
defaults to none, meaning no proxy will be used for requests.
despite the name, does not have to be http proxy.
example: 9050
defaults to 0, but must be changed if proxy address is not none.
supported: socks, https, http
my $text='';
foreach (split(/\n/, $help)) {
$_ =~ s/^\/(.*)$/%9\/$1%9/;
$text .= $_."\n";
print CLIENTCRAP draw_box($IRSSI{name}, $text, "help", 1);
sub parser {
my %ignore=(
'Suchwort' => 1,
'Beispiele' => 1,
'Orthographisch ähnliche Wörter' => 1,
'Aus dem Umfeld der Suche' => 1,
'Forumsdiskussionen, die den Suchbegriff enthalten' =>1,
#'Adjektive / Adverbien'
# tables
unless (defined $ftext) {
%fresult=('Error'=>[['no data']]);
my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new($ftext);
foreach my $tbl ( $dom->find('table')->each ) {
# head
my $thead =$tbl->at('thead');
next unless (defined $thead );
my $headname = $thead->descendant_nodes->last->to_string;
next if (exists $ignore{ $headname } );
# rows
my @rows=();
foreach my $row ( $tbl->find('tr')->each) {
# colums
my @columns=();
foreach my $col ( $row->find('td')->each ) {
my $co = $col->to_string;
$co =~ s/<.*?>//sg;
if ( length($co) >2 ) {
push(@columns ,$co);
if ( scalar(@columns) > 0 ) {
push(@rows, [@columns]);
$fresult{ $headname } = [ @rows ];
sub get_page ($) {
my ($url) = @_;
#return get('http://dict.leo.org/?search='.$word.'&relink=off');
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
# Add proxy to Mojo if needed
my $proxy_addr = Irssi::settings_get_str('leodict_http_proxy_address');
my $proxy_port = Irssi::settings_get_int('leodict_http_proxy_port');
my $proxy_type = Irssi::settings_get_str('leodict_http_proxy_type');
if ($proxy_addr ne 'none') {
# Socks proxy
if ($proxy_type eq 'socks' || $proxy_type eq 'https') {
# Must be http proxy
else {
my $res;
eval {
if (defined $res && $res->is_success) {
$ftext = $res->body;
} else {
sub call_openurl ($) {
my ($url) = @_;
no strict "refs";
# check for a loaded openurl
if (defined &{ "Irssi::Script::openurl::launch_url" } ) {
&{ "Irssi::Script::openurl::launch_url" }($url);
} else {
print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>%n Please install openurl.pl";
sub translate ($$$) {
my ($url, $target, $server) = @_;
my ($rh, $wh);
pipe($rh, $wh);
if ($forked) {
print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>%n Please wait until your earlier request has been finished.";
# Validate proxy if needed
my $proxy_addr = Irssi::settings_get_str('leodict_http_proxy_address');
my $proxy_port = Irssi::settings_get_int('leodict_http_proxy_port');
my $proxy_type = Irssi::settings_get_str('leodict_http_proxy_type');
if ($proxy_addr ne 'none') {
if ($proxy_type ne 'socks' && $proxy_type ne 'https' && $proxy_type ne 'http') {
print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>%n Invalid proxy type: $proxy_type.";
if ($proxy_port eq 0) {
print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>%n Please specify a proxy port.";
my $pid = fork();
$forked = 1;
if ($pid > 0) {
print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>%n Please wait..." unless $target;
close $wh;
my $pipetag;
my @args = ($rh, \$pipetag, $target, $server);
$pipetag = Irssi::input_add(fileno($rh), INPUT_READ, \&pipe_input, \@args);
} else {
print($wh encode_json(\%fresult));
sub one_site {
my ($site, $cat) = @_;
my @res;
foreach my $r ( @{$gresult{$cat}} ) {
push @res,$r->[$site];
return [@res];
sub pipe_input ($) {
my ($rh, $pipetag, $target, $tag) = @{$_[0]};
$forked = 0;
local $\;
my $res=<$rh>;
close $rh;
return if (length($res) <5);
%gresult = %{decode_json( $res )};
if ($target eq '') {
show_translations(\%gresult, $word);
} else {
my $server = Irssi::server_find_tag($tag);
my $witem = $server->window_item_find($target);
paste_translations(\%gresult, $word, $witem) if $witem;
sub show_translations($$) {
my %trans = %{$_[0]};
my $word = $_[1];
self_check(\%trans) if ( defined $check );
if (%trans) {
my $text;
foreach my $k (keys %trans) {
$text .= "== $k ==\n";
foreach (@{ $trans{$k} }) {
$text .= "%U".$_->[0]."%U \n";
$text .= " `-> ".$_->[1]."\n";
my $term_charset= Irssi::settings_get_str('term_charset');
if ('UTF-8' ne $term_charset) {
$text= encode($term_charset, $text);
print CLIENTCRAP draw_box('LeoDict', $text, $word, 1);
} else {
print CLIENTCRAP "%R>>>%n No translations found (".$word.").";
sub paste_translations ($$) {
my ($trans, $word, $target) = @_;
return unless ($target->{type} eq "CHANNEL" || $target->{type} eq "QUERY");
if (%{ $trans }) {
my $text;
my $beauty = Irssi::settings_get_bool('leodict_paste_beautify');
my $max = Irssi::settings_get_int('leodict_paste_max_translations');
foreach my $k (keys %{ $trans }) {
$text .= "== $k ==\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach (@{ $trans->{$k}}) {
if ($i < $max || $max == 0) {
if ($beauty) {
$text .= $_->[0]." \n";
$text .= " `-> ".$_->[1]."\n";
} else {
$text .= $_->[0].' => '.$_->[1]."\n";
} else {
$text .= '...'."\n";
my $msg = $text;
$msg = draw_box('LeoDict', $text, $word, 0) if $beauty;
$target->command('MSG '.$target->{name}. ' '.$_) foreach (split(/\n/, $msg));
#https://dict.leo.org/polnisch-deutsch/word?side=left pl -> de
#https://dict.leo.org/polnisch-deutsch/word?side=right pl <- de
my %options = (
"from" => sub {$dir= '?side=right';},
"to" => sub {$dir= '?side=left';},
"both" => sub {$dir= '';},
"en" => sub {$lang = 'englisch-deutsch/'; },
"fr" => sub {$lang = 'franz%C3%B6sisch-deutsch/'; },
"es" => sub {$lang = 'spanisch-deutsch/'; },
"it" => sub {$lang = 'italienisch-deutsch/'; },
"zh" => sub {$lang = 'chinesisch-deutsch/'; },
"ru" => sub {$lang = 'russisch-deutsch/'; },
"pt" => sub {$lang = 'portugiesisch-deutsch/'; },
"pl" => sub {$lang = 'polnisch-deutsch/'; },
"h" => \$help,
"b" => \$browse,
"p" => \$paste,
"chec" => \$check,
sub cmd_leodict ($$$) {
my ($args, $server, $witem) = @_;
my $burl = "https://dict.leo.org/";
my $url;
$lang= $dlang;
$dir= $ddir;
undef $help;
undef $browse;
undef $paste;
undef $check;
my ($ret, $arg) = GetOptionsFromString($args, %options);
$word= $arg->[0];
if (defined $help) {
if (defined $browse) {
if (defined $paste) {
#paste_translations($_, $witem) if $witem;
return unless defined $witem;
return unless defined $server;
translate($url, $witem->{name}, $witem->{server}->{tag});
} elsif (defined $check) {
translate($url,'', '');
} else {
translate($url,'', '');
sub self_check {
my ( $tr ) =@_;
my $s='ok';
Irssi::print("selfcheck: categorys ".scalar( keys %$tr ));
my $count=0;
foreach my $n ( keys %$tr ) {
Irssi::print("selfcheck: category $n ".scalar( @{$tr->{$n}} ));
$count +=scalar( @{$tr->{$n}} );
Irssi::print("selfcheck: results $count");
if ( scalar( keys %$tr ) <4 ) {
$s='Error: categorys ('.scalar( keys %$tr ).')';
} elsif ( $count < 35 ) {
$s="Error: results ($count)";
Irssi::print("selfcheck: $s");
my $schs = exists $Irssi::Script::{'selfcheckhelperscript::'};
Irssi::command("selfcheckhelperscript $s") if ( $schs );
sub sig_setup_changed {
my $args =Irssi::settings_get_str('leodict_default_options');
my ($ret, $arg) = GetOptionsFromString($args, %options);
Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', 'sig_setup_changed');
Irssi::command_bind('leodict', 'cmd_leodict');
Irssi::command_set_options('leodict', join(" ",keys %options));
Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_default_options', '-en -both');
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_paste_max_translations', 2);
Irssi::settings_add_bool($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_paste_beautify', 1);
Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_http_proxy_address', 'none');
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_http_proxy_port', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'leodict_http_proxy_type', 'none');
print CLIENTCRAP "%B>>%n ".$IRSSI{name}." ".$VERSION." loaded: /leodict -h for help";
# vim:set ts=8 sw=4: