# $Id: len.pl 4 2006-03-11 18:30:09Z ch $
use Irssi 20020324;
use 5.005_62;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = '1.0.0';
#$VERSION = '1.0.0 SVN ($LastChangedRevision: 4 $)';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Clemens Heidinger',
changed => '$LastChangedDate: 2006-03-11 19:30:09 +0100 (Sat, 11 Mar 2006) $',
commands => 'len',
contact => '[email protected]',
description => 'If you try to get a nick with 11 characters but only ' .
'9 are allowed, this script will prevent the ' .
'nickchange. The same for too long topics, kickmsgs, ' .
'partmsgs and quitmsgs.',
license => 'BSD',
name => 'len',
# #
# #
# 2006-03-11 release 1.0.0 #
# No big changes. As the script is stable for quite a while, #
# this is the 1.0.0 release. #
# #
# 2005-01-28 release 0.4.0 #
# Splitted up 005 event messages will cause no trouble anymore #
# #
# 2004-04-26 release 0.3.2 #
# minor changes #
# #
# 2003-01-18 release 0.3.1 #
# - revised help-message #
# - minor changes #
# #
# 2003-01-18 release 0.3.0 #
# %data-hash moved to extern file specified in setting #
# len_data_file #
# #
# 2002-10-02 release 0.2.1 #
# Changed output format of /len #
# #
# 2002-09-27 release 0.2.0 #
# Added command /len with a table containing the values for #
# NICKLEN etc. and tips if these values haven't been received #
# from the server yet #
# #
# 2002-09-26 release 0.1.0 #
# initial release #
# #
# Register commands
Irssi::command_bind('len', \&command_len);
# Register settings
# String
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'len_data_file', "$ENV{HOME}/.len");
# Register signals
Irssi::signal_add_first('command kick', \&signal_command_kick);
Irssi::signal_add_first('command nick', \&signal_command_nick);
Irssi::signal_add_first('command part', \&signal_command_part);
Irssi::signal_add_first('command quit', \&signal_command_quit);
Irssi::signal_add_first('command topic', \&signal_command_topic);
Irssi::signal_add_last('event 005', \&signal_event_005);
# Register themes
Irssi::theme_register(['len_print', '[$0] {line_start} $1']);
# Global Variables
# Put values of the settings in %option-hash
our %option;
# Most IRC-Server send a message containing the values for NICKLEN, TOPICLEN
# and KICKLEN.
# Well, some server do not send this message. Get these values from %data-hash
# stored in file specified in setting len_data_file.
our %data;
# Code run once at start
print CLIENTCRAP "len.pl $VERSION loaded. For further information type %9/len%9";
# Subroutines (commands)
sub command_len {
my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
my $output;
unless ($server and defined($server)) {
print_out("First connect to a server...");
my $kicklen = sprintf "%-8s", $data{$server->{tag}}{kicklen};
my $nicklen = sprintf "%-8s", $data{$server->{tag}}{nicklen};
my $partlen = sprintf "%-8s", $data{$server->{tag}}{partlen};
my $quitlen = sprintf "%-8s", $data{$server->{tag}}{quitlen};
my $topiclen = sprintf "%-9s", $data{$server->{tag}}{topiclen};
$output = &fix(<<" END");
| | max. characters |
| kickmsg | $kicklen |
| nick | $nicklen |
| partmsg | $partlen |
| quitmsg | $quitlen |
| topic | $topiclen |
unless ($kicklen =~ /\d/ &&
$nicklen =~ /\d/ &&
$partlen =~ /\d/ &&
$quitlen =~ /\d/ &&
$topiclen =~ /\d/)
$output .= &fix(<<" END");
Obviously there are some values missing.
When you connect to a server most send you a message (numeric 005)
with the proper values for the maximal nick length, topic length etc.
If you loaded this script after connecting to "$server->{tag}"
you should reconnect.
If this doesn't help, the server is not sending the message with these
The following alternatives remain:
* Use another server of the same network and cross your fingers
that it'll send the message.
* Find out the values and adjust the data hash in the file
specified in the setting len_data_file.
The file might look like this:
%{ \$data{$server->{tag}} } = (
'kicklen' =>