# (c) 2002 by Gerfried Fuchs use Irssi qw(command_bind command signal_add_last signal_stop settings_get_bool settings_add_bool); use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = '2.3.1'; %IRSSI = ( 'authors' => 'Gerfried Fuchs', 'contact' => '[email protected]', 'name' => 'kenny speech', 'description' => 'autodekennyfies /kenny, adds /kenny, /dekenny. Based on Jan-Pieter Cornets signature version', 'license' => 'BSD', 'url' => 'http://alfie.ist.org/projects/irssi/scripts/kenny.pl', 'changed' => '2002-06-13', ); # Maintainer & original Author: Gerfried Fuchs # Based on signature kenny from: Jan-Pieter Cornet # Autodekenny-suggestion: BC-bd # Sugguestions from darix: Add <$nick> to [kenny] line patch # This script offers you /kenny and /dekenny which both do the kenny-filter # magic on the argument you give it. Despite it's name *both* do kenny/dekenny # the argument; the difference is that /kenny writes it to the channel/query # but /dekenny only to your screen. # Version-History: # ================ # 2.3.1 -- fixed autodekenny in channels for people != yourself # # 2.3.0 -- fixed kenny in querys # fixed dekenny in status window # # 2.2.3 -- fixed pattern matching for autokenny string ("\w" != "a-z" :/) # # 2.2.2 -- first version available to track history from... # TODO List # ... currently empty sub KennyIt { ($_)=@_;my($p,$f);$p=3-2*/[^\W\dmpf_]/i;s.[a-z]{$p}.vec($f=join('',$p-1?chr( sub{$_[0]*9+$_[1]*3+$_[2] }->(map {/p|f/i+/f/i}split//,$&)+97):('m','p','f') [map{((ord$&)%32-1)/$_%3}(9, 3,1)]),5,1)='`'lt$&;$f.eig;return ($_); }; sub cmd_kenny { my ($msg, undef, $channel) = @_; $channel->command("msg $channel->{'name'} ".KennyIt($msg)); } sub cmd_dekenny { my ($msg, undef, $channel) = @_; if ($channel) { $channel->print('[kenny] '.KennyIt($msg), MSGLEVEL_CRAP); } else { Irssi::print('[kenny] '.KennyIt($msg), MSGLEVEL_CRAP); } } sub sig_kenny { my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_; if ($msg=~m/^[^a-z]*[mfp]{3}(?:[^a-z]|[mfp]{3})+$/i) { $target=$nick if $target eq ""; # the address may _never_ be emtpy, if it is its own_public $nick=$server->{'nick'} if $address eq ""; $server->window_item_find($target)->print("[kenny] <$nick> " . KennyIt($msg), MSGLEVEL_CRAP); signal_stop if not settings_get_bool('show_kenny_too'); } } command_bind('kenny', 'cmd_kenny'); command_bind('dekenny', 'cmd_dekenny'); signal_add_last('message own_public', 'sig_kenny'); signal_add_last('message public', 'sig_kenny'); signal_add_last('message own_private', 'sig_kenny'); signal_add_last('message private', 'sig_kenny'); settings_add_bool('lookandfeel', 'show_kenny_too', 0);