#!/usr/bin/perl # ^ to make vim know this is a perl script so I get syntax hilighting. ##################################################################### ### WARNING: This version was restored from google cache ### ### by Wouter Coekaerts . ### ### Syntax might not be exactly the same as the original ### ##################################################################### # $Id$ use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi qw(signal_stop signal_emit signal_remove signal_add signal_add_first settings_add_str settings_get_str settings_add_bool settings_get_bool print ); $VERSION = '1.5-dev-coekie'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'ResDev (Ben Reser)', contact => '[email protected]', name => 'format_identify', description => 'Formats msgs and notices when the identify-msg and/or ' . 'identify-ctcp capability is available.', license => 'GPL2', url => 'http://ben.reser.org/irssi/', ); # Additional credit to ch for his wash-imsg script which was a starting place # for this; coekie for pointing me towards the nickcolor script and its # technique for doing this; Timo Sirainen and Ian Peters for writing nickcolor. # This script takes advantage of the identify-msg and identify-ctcp # capabilities of the new dancer ircd. The identify-msg capability causes the # first character of a msg or notice to be set to a + if the user is identified # with nickserve and a - if not. identify-ctcp does similar for CTCP messages. # This script removes the tagging and then allows you to configure a # modification to the formating of the nickname. # Installation instructions: Drop this in ~/.irssi/scripts and run # /script load format_identify. To make it autorun on startup place it in # ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun. This script will detect if the IRC server has # the identify-msg and identify-ctcp capability. If it is available it will # use it. Messages on servers without support for these capabilities will # be tagged as unknown. # # While you can unload this script. Any servers that you are connected to # with identify-msg/identify-ctcp turned on will continue to send data # encoded that way. This means messages and notices will have a + or - # appended to the front of them. CTCPs will be broken. Unfortunately, there # is no way to turn off a capability once it is turned on. You will have to # disconnect and reconnect to these servers. This script will warn you when # unloading the script of this situation. # # Configuration: You can control the formating of the nickname with the # format_identified_nick, format_unidentified_nick, and format_unknown_nick # variables. The default is to do nothing to identified nicks and unknown # nicks. while unidentified nicks have a ~ to the beginning of nick. An # unknown nick means anytime a message or notice doesn't start with a + or -, # which will occur when identify-msg isn't enabled. The format_unknown_nick # can be really handy to alert you that you don't have identify-msg or # identify-ctcp set, but is set by default to do nothing since most servers do # not have identify-msg yet. In these variables $0 stands for the nick. You # can use the standard formating codes or just text in it. See formats.txt for # more information on the codes you can use. Warning about colors. Using # colors in this formating will likely break other formating scripts and # features, in particular the hilight feature of irssi or vice versa. Remember # that %n has a different meaning here as explamined in the default.theme file # that comes with irssi. # # Some examples: # # Make unidentified nicks have a ? after the nick: /set # format_unidentified_nick $0? # # Make unidentified nicks red and identified nicks green: /set # format_identified_nick %G$0 /set format_unidentified_nick %R$0 Note that the # above will not do the tagging if a message gets hilighted. Since a hilight # (line or nick) will override the colors. # # So I recommend doing something like this: /set format_identified_nick %G$0 # /set format_unidentified_nick %R~$0 # # Make unidentified nicks be unmodified but add a * before identified nicks: # /set format_identified_nick *$0 /set format_unidentified_nick $0 # # This script works by modifying the formats irssi uses to display various # things. Therefore it is highly recommended that you do not change any of the # following format variables except through this script: pubmsg pubmsg_channel # msg_private msg_private_query pubmsg_hilight pubmsg_hilight_channel pubmsg_me # pubmsg_me_channel action_private action_private_query action_public # action_public_channel ctcp_requested ctcp_requested_unknown notice_public # notice_private ctcp_reply ctcp_reply_channel ctcp_ping_reply # # To change these formats you need to set the variable (with the set command # not the format command as usual) of the same name as the format but with # _identify on the end. This format has an additional special purpose # "abstract" that is only used by this script and is parsed and replaced before # setting the format and giving it to irssi. It is called format_identify. # Any format you use with this script should have a {format_identify $0} in it # to replace where the $0 usually is in the format. Sometimes it will be $1 # for the nick in the format, in which case you should replace the $1 with # {format_identify $1}. For more examples take a look at the defaults at the # bottom of this script. # # # If you wish to disable the module from applying a change to the nickname in a # particular place the best way to do it is to simply remove the # {format_identify $0} from the format that applies. E.G. to disable the # format change for a CTCP reply one would do: /set ctcp_reply_identify CTCP # {hilight $0} reply from {nick $1}: $2 # # TODO # * Implement DCC formats, which means figuring out which ones are appropriate # to try and format. # * Allow different formating on the nick for different types of messages. I'm # not sure if this is useful... # # It should not be necessary to modify anything in this script. Everything # should be able to be modified via the variables it exports as described # above. # my(@format_identify_message_formats) = qw(pubmsg pubmsg_channel msg_private msg_private_query pubmsg_hilight pubmsg_hilight_channel action_private action_private_query action_public action_public_channel ctcp_requested ctcp_requested_unknown pubmsg_me pubmsg_me_channel ); my(@format_identify_notice_formats) = qw(notice_public notice_private ctcp_reply ctcp_reply_channel ctcp_ping_reply); my %servers; # Replace the {format_identify $0} place holder with # whatever the user has setup for their nick formats... sub replace_format_identify { my ($format, $entry) = @_; my ($nickarg) = $format =~ /{\s*format_identify\s+?([^\s]+?)\s*}/; $entry =~ s/\$0/$nickarg/; $format =~ s/{\s*format_identify\s+?[^\s]+?\s*}/$entry/g; return $format; } # rewrite the message now that we've updated the formats sub format_identify_rewrite { my $signal = shift; my $proc = shift; signal_stop(); signal_remove($signal,$proc); signal_emit($signal, @_); signal_add($signal,$proc); } # Issue the format update after generating the new format. sub update_format_identify { my ($server,$entry,$nick) = @_; my $identify_format = settings_get_str("${entry}_identify"); my $replaced_format = replace_format_identify($identify_format,$nick); $server->command("^format $entry " . $replaced_format); } my %saved_colors; my %session_colors = {}; my @colors = qw/2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13/; sub simple_hash { my ($string) = @_; chomp $string; my @chars = split //, $string; my $counter; foreach my $char (@chars) { $counter += ord $char; } $counter = $colors[($counter % @colors)]; return $counter; } sub colourise { return if(!settings_get_bool('format_colour')); my ($nick) = @_; my $color = $saved_colors{$nick}; if (!$color) { $color = $session_colors{$nick}; } if (!$color) { $color = simple_hash $nick; $session_colors{$nick} = $color; } $color = "0".$color if ($color < 10); return chr(3).$color; } # catches the signal for a message removes the + or -, updates the # formats and then resends the message event. sub format_identify_message { my ($server, $data, $nick, $address) = @_; my ($channel, $msg) = split(/ :/, $data,2); if (!$servers{$server->{'real_address'}}->{'IDENTIFY-CTCP'} && !$servers{$server->{'real_address'}}->{'IDENTIFY-MSG'}) { my $unknown_nick = settings_get_str('format_unknown_nick'); foreach my $format (@format_identify_message_formats) { update_format_identify($server,$format,colourise($nick).$unknown_nick); } } elsif(($msg =~ /^\+(.*)/)){ my $newdata = "$channel :$1"; my $identified_nick = settings_get_str('format_identified_nick'); foreach my $format (@format_identify_message_formats) { update_format_identify($server,$format,colourise($nick).$identified_nick); } format_identify_rewrite('event privmsg','format_identify_message', $server,$newdata,$nick,$address); } elsif(($msg =~ /^-(.*)/)){ my $newdata = "$channel :$1"; my $unidentified_nick = settings_get_str('format_unidentified_nick'); foreach my $format (@format_identify_message_formats) { update_format_identify($server,$format,colourise($nick).$unidentified_nick); } format_identify_rewrite('event privmsg','format_identify_message', $server,$newdata,$nick,$address); } else { my $unknown_nick = settings_get_str('format_unknown_nick'); foreach my $format (@format_identify_message_formats) { update_format_identify($server,$format,colourise($nick).$unknown_nick); } } } # catches the signal for a notice removes the + or -, updates the # formats and resends the notice event. sub format_identify_notice { my ($server, $data, $nick, $address) = @_; my ($channel, $msg) = split(/ :/, $data,2); if (!$servers{$server->{'real_address'}}->{'IDENTIFY-CTCP'} && !$servers{$server->{'real_address'}}->{'IDENTIFY-MSG'}) { my $unknown_nick = settings_get_str('format_unknown_nick'); foreach my $format (@format_identify_notice_formats) { update_format_identify($server,$format,colourise($nick).$unknown_nick); } } elsif(($msg =~ /^\+(.*)/)){ my $newdata = "$channel :$1"; my $identified_nick = settings_get_str('format_identified_nick'); foreach my $format (@format_identify_notice_formats) { update_format_identify($server,$format,colourise($nick).$identified_nick); } format_identify_rewrite('event notice','format_identify_notice', $server,$newdata,$nick,$address); } elsif(($msg =~ /^-(.*)/)){ my $newdata = "$channel :$1"; my $unidentified_nick = settings_get_str('format_unidentified_nick'); foreach my $format (@format_identify_notice_formats) { update_format_identify($server,$format,colourise($nick).$unidentified_nick); } format_identify_rewrite('event notice','format_identify_notice', $server,$newdata,$nick,$address); } else { my $unknown_nick = settings_get_str('format_unknown_nick'); foreach my $format (@format_identify_notice_formats) { update_format_identify($server,$format,colourise($nick).$unknown_nick); } } } # Handle CTCP messages. Note that messages tagged with identify-ctcp will # not be seen as CTCPs and will go through event privmsg first. This script # will generate new events and send them on through to here. However CTCPs # that are not tagged at all will go here first. So we need to test here # to see if the message is from a server that does not support identify-ctcp # and update the format accordingly. sub format_identify_ctcp_msg { my ($server) = @_; if (!$servers{$server->{'real_address'}}->{'IDENTIFY-CTCP'}) { my $unknown_nick = settings_get_str('format_unknown_nick'); foreach my $format (@format_identify_message_formats) { update_format_identify($server,$format,$unknown_nick); } } } # Handle CTCP replies. Note that messages tagged with identify-ctcp will # not be seen as CTCPs and will go through event notice first. This script # will generate new events and send them on through to here. However CTCPs # that are not tagged at all will go here first. So we need to test here # to see if the message is from a server that does not support identify-ctcp # and update the format accordingly. sub format_identify_ctcp_reply { my ($server) = @_; if (!$servers{$server->{'real_address'}}->{'IDENTIFY-CTCP'}) { my $unknown_nick = settings_get_str('format_unknown_nick'); foreach my $format (@format_identify_notice_formats) { update_format_identify($server,$format,$unknown_nick); } } } # If we're getting unloaded reset the formats back to their defaults # so that it doesn't wrongly show people being unidentifed or vice versa. # Also issue a warning about CTCPs etc being broken. sub format_identify_unload { my ($script,$server,$witem) = @_; my @warning_servers = (); if ($script =~ /^format_identify(?:\.pl|\.perl)?$/) { foreach my $format (@format_identify_message_formats, @format_identify_notice_formats) { $server->command("^format -reset $format"); } foreach my $server_name (keys %servers) { if ( $servers{$server_name}->{'IDENTIFY-MSG'} || $servers{$server_name}->{'IDENTIFY-CTCP'}) { if($servers{$server_name}->{'USES-CAP'}) { $server->command("^quote cap req :-identify-msg"); } else { push @warning_servers, $server_name; } } } print('Warning: Unloading format_identify will leave your messages '. 'and notices modified and will break CTCPs on the following '. 'servers: ' . join (',',@warning_servers)); } } # Server responded to capab request. We want to capture the reply # and mark it in a hash so we can keep track of which servers have # the capabilities. This style of reply will come from dancer or # hyperion. sub format_identify_capab_reply { my ($server, $data, $server_name) = @_; unless (ref($servers{$server_name}) eq 'HASH') { $servers{$server_name} = {}; $servers{$server_name}->{'IDENTIFY-MSG'} = 0; $servers{$server_name}->{'IDENTIFY-CTCP'} = 0; $servers{$server_name}->{'USES-CAP'} = 0; } if ($data =~ /:IDENTIFY-MSG$/) { $servers{$server_name}->{'IDENTIFY-MSG'} = 1; $servers{$server_name}->{'USES-CAP'} = 0; Irssi::signal_stop(); return; } if ($data =~ /:IDENTIFY-CTCP$/) { $servers{$server_name}->{'IDENTIFY-CTCP'} = 1; $servers{$server_name}->{'USES-CAP'} = 0; Irssi::signal_stop(); return; } } # The same as above. This style of reply comes from ircd-seven. sub format_identify_cap_reply { my ($server, $data, $server_name) = @_; unless (ref($servers{$server_name}) eq 'HASH') { $servers{$server_name} = {}; $servers{$server_name}->{'IDENTIFY-MSG'} = 0; $servers{$server_name}->{'IDENTIFY-CTCP'} = 0; $servers{$server_name}->{'USES-CAP'} = 0; } if ($data =~ /ACK :.*identify-msg/) { $servers{$server_name}->{'IDENTIFY-MSG'} = 1; $servers{$server_name}->{'IDENTIFY-CTCP'} = 1; $servers{$server_name}->{'USES-CAP'} = 1; return; } } # Handles connections to new (to this script) servers and # attempts to turn on the capabilities it supports. # We send the request in both formats, for hyperion and ircd-seven. sub format_identify_connected { my $server = shift; $server->command("^quote capab IDENTIFY-MSG"); $server->command("^quote capab IDENTIFY-CTCP"); $server->command("^quote cap req :identify-msg"); } # signals to handle the events we need to intercept. signal_add('event privmsg', 'format_identify_message'); signal_add('event notice', 'format_identify_notice'); signal_add('ctcp msg', 'format_identify_ctcp_msg'); signal_add('ctcp reply', 'format_identify_ctcp_reply'); signal_add('event 290', 'format_identify_capab_reply'); signal_add('event cap', 'format_identify_cap_reply'); signal_add('event connected', 'format_identify_connected'); # On load enumerate the servers and try to turn on # IDENTIFY-MSG and IDENTIFY-CTCP foreach my $server (Irssi::servers()) { %servers = (); format_identify_connected($server); } # signal needed to catch the unload... Be sure to be the first to # get it too... signal_add_first('command script unload', 'format_identify_unload'); settings_add_bool('format_identify', 'format_colour', 1); # How we format the nick. $0 is the nick we'll be formating. settings_add_str('format_identify','format_identified_nick','$0'); settings_add_str('format_identify','format_unidentified_nick','~$0'); settings_add_str('format_identify','format_unknown_nick','$0'); # What we use for the formats... # Don't modify here, use the /set command or modify in the ~/.irssi/config file. settings_add_str('format_identify','pubmsg_identify','{pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick {format_identify $0}}}$1'); settings_add_str('format_identify','pubmsg_channel_identify','{pubmsgnick $3 {pubnick {format_identify $0}}{msgchannel $1}}$2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','msg_private_identify','{privmsg {format_identify $0} $1 }$2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','msg_private_query_identify','{privmsgnick {format_identify $0}}$2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','pubmsg_hilight_identify','{pubmsghinick {format_identify $0} $3 $1}$2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','pubmsg_hilight_channel_identify','{pubmsghinick {format_identify $0} $4 $1{msgchannel $2}$3'); settings_add_str('format_identify','action_private_identify','{pvtaction {format_identify $0}}$2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','action_private_query_identify','{pvtaction_query {format_identify $0}}$2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','action_public_identify','{pubaction {format_identify $0}}$1'); settings_add_str('format_identify','action_public_channel_identify', '{pubaction {format_identify $0}{msgchannel $1}}$2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','ctcp_requested_identify','{ctcp {hilight {format_identify $0}} {comment $1} requested CTCP {hilight $2} from {nick $4}}: $3'); settings_add_str('format_identify','ctcp_requested_unknown_identify','{ctcp {hilight {format_identify $0}} {comment $1} requested unknown CTCP {hilight $2} from {nick $4}}: $3'); settings_add_str('format_identify','pubmsg_me_identify','{pubmsgmenick $2 {menick {format_identify $0}}}$1'); settings_add_str('format_identify','pubmsg_me_channel_identify','{pubmsgmenick $3 {menick {format_identify $0}}{msgchannel $1}}$2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','notice_public_identify','{notice {format_identify $0}{pubnotice_channel $1}}$2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','notice_private_identify','{notice {format_identify $0}{pvtnotice_host $1}}$2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','ctcp_reply_identify','CTCP {hilight $0} reply from {nick {format_identify $1}}: $2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','ctcp_reply_channel_identify','CTCP {hilight $0} reply from {nick {format_identify $1}} in channel {channel $3}: $2'); settings_add_str('format_identify','ctcp_ping_reply_identify','CTCP {hilight PING} reply from {nick {format_identify $0}}: $1.$[-3.0]2 seconds');