# This is useful with irssiproxy, to monitor irc on a separate terminal, # or if you just want to sit back and watch conversations. It just # lets Irssi go to the active window whenever there's any activity. # # It was made to demonstrate Irssi's new Perl capabilities... # # Juerd use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi qw(command_bind active_win); $VERSION = '1.10'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Juerd', contact => '[email protected]', name => 'Follower', description => 'Automatically switch to active windows', license => 'Public Domain', url => 'http://juerd.nl/irssi/', changed => 'Thu Mar 19 11:00 CET 2002', ); use Irssi 20011211 qw(signal_add command); sub sig_own { my ($server, $msg, $target, $orig_target) = @_; $server->print($target, 'Chatting with follow.pl loaded is very foolish.'); } signal_add { 'window hilight' => sub { command 'window goto active' }, 'message own_public' => \&sig_own, 'message own_private' => \&sig_own, 'message irc own_action' => \&sig_own }; =comment >> use Irssi 20011211 qw(signal_add command); Loads the Irssi module, requiring at least version 20011211 and telling it to export signal_add() and command() into our package. This kind of version checking came available in the 20011208-snapshot. Having te Irssi:: subs exported came available in the 20011211-snapshot. >> sub sig_own Warns the user: chatting while having windows switch all the time is foolish, because your text gets sent to whatever window has the focus when you press enter. >> signal_add This was exported into our package, so we can use signal_add() without the "Irssi::" prefix. Since the 20011207 snapshot, you can add multiple signals using a single add_signal(). If you want to do so, use a hash reference (either { foo => bar, foo2 => bar2 } or \%hash). >> sub { ... } >> \&subname These are references to subs(code). The first one is a reference to an anonymous sub, the second one refers to a named one. Anonymous code references allow for easy placement of oneliners :) Irssi understands codereferences since the 20011207 snapshot. Using references is better than having a string with the function name, imho. =cut