# doublefilter.pl
# Removes double messages, even if they appear on different channels.
# The script stores every message it sees in a query or a channel into
# a FIFO (a queue), if new, or increases the counter for that message.
# Any message already in the FIFO is further ignored (e.g. doesn't show
# up in any window).
# Customization:
# /set filter_length
# Sets the number of lines the script remembers in a FIFO to .
# Setting filter_length to 1 simulates the behaviour of repeat.pl, but
# it depends on ignore_window if doublefilter.pl ignores the windows the
# message gets to.
# Default is currently set to 5.
# /set show_repeat on/off
# If set to ON, shows the count for lines the script moves out of the FIFO.
# Default is OFF.
# (Idea is blatantly ripped from repeat.pl.)
# /set ignore_window on/off
# If set to OFF, and if filter_length is set to 1, it emulates repeat.pl.
# If set to ON, double messages get also filtered if they appear in different
# windows (queries or channels).
# Default is ON.
# (This idea was also inspired by repeat.pl.)
# History:
# 0.1 Initial release.
# 0.2 Counter for messages
# 0.3 If desired, filters per message window, thus emulating repeat.pl
use strict;
use Irssi;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "0.3";
%IRSSI = (
authors => "Karl Siegemund",
contact => "q \[at\] spuk.de",
name => "doublefilter",
description => "Filters msgs which appear the same on different channels.",
license => "GPLv2",
changed => "22.04.2005 9:50GMT"
my %lastmsgs = ();
my %count = ();
my %window = ();
sub filter_check {
my $max = Irssi::settings_get_int('filter_length');
my $show = Irssi::settings_get_bool('show_repeat');
my $win = Irssi::settings_get_bool('ignore_window');
my ($server, $msg, $nick, undef, $target) = @_;
my $refnum = -1;
($target, $msg) = split / :/,$msg,2;
if (!$win) {
$refnum = $server->window_find_item($target)->{refnum};
$msg = "<$nick> $msg";
if (exists $count{$refnum}{$msg}) {
if(exists $lastmsgs{$refnum}) {
$lastmsgs{$refnum} = [ $msg, @{$lastmsgs{$refnum}} ];
} else {
$lastmsgs{$refnum} = [ $msg ];
if(scalar @{$lastmsgs{$refnum}} > $max) {
my $last = pop @{$lastmsgs{$refnum}};
print "$last\n*** Repeated $count{$refnum}{$last} times."
if $show && $count{$refnum}{$last};
delete $count{$refnum}{$last};
$count{$refnum}{$msg} = 0;
sub window_change {
my $new = shift->{refnum};
my $old = shift;
$count{$new} = $count{$old};
$lastmsgs{$new} = $lastmsgs{$old};
delete $count{$old};
delete $lastmsgs{$old};
sub window_destroyed {
my $ref = shift->{refnum};
delete $count{$ref};
delete $lastmsgs{$ref};
Irssi::settings_add_int ('doublefilter', 'filter_length' => '5');
Irssi::settings_add_bool('doublefilter', 'show_repeat' => 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('doublefilter', 'ignore_window' => 1);
Irssi::signal_add_first('event privmsg', \&filter_check);
Irssi::signal_add_last('window refnum changed', \&window_change);
Irssi::signal_add_last('window destroyed', \&window_destroyed);