# dice / A RP Dice Simulator # # What is this? # # I often Dungeon Master on our Neverwinternights Servers called "Bund der # alten Reiche" (eng. "Alliance of the old realms") at bundderaltenreiche.de # (German Site) Often idling in our Channel I thought it might be Fun to have # a script to dice. Since I found nothing for irssi I wrote this little piece # of script. The script assumes, that if a 'd' for english dice is given it # should print the output in english. On the other hand if a 'w' for german # "Würfel" is given it prints the output in german. # # Usage. # # Anyone on the Channel kann ask "!dice" to toss the dice for him. He just has # to say what dice he want to use. The notation should be well known from # RP :-) Thus # # Write: !dice: d[or w for german users] # # Here are some examples # # !dice: 2d20 # !dice: 3d6 # # OK, I think you got it already :-) # # Write: !dice version # For Version Information # # Write: !dice help # For Information about how to use it use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi qw(command_bind signal_add); use IO::File; $VERSION = '0.00.04'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Marcel Kossin', contact => '[email protected]', name => 'dice', description => 'A Dice Simulator for Roleplaying in Channels or just for fun.', license => 'GNU GPL Version 2 or later', url => 'http://www.enumerator.org/component/option,com_docman/task,view_category/Itemid,34/subcat,7/' ); sub own_question { my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_; question($server, $msg, $nick, $target); } sub public_question { my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_; question($server, $msg, $nick, $target); } sub question($server, $msg, $nick, $target) { my ($server, $msg, $nick, $target) = @_; $_ = $msg; if (!/^!dice/i) { return 0; } if (/^!dice:.+[d|w]\d+/i) { my $value; my $rnd; my $forloop; my $sides; my $lang; my @dice = split(/ /,$_,2); my @dices = split(/[d|w|D|W]/,$dice[1],2); if ($_ = /^.*[w|W].*/i) { $lang = "DE"; } else { $lang = "EN"; } SWITCH: { if ($lang eq "DE") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' würfelt mit dem '.$dice[1].'..... '); last SWITCH; } if ($lang eq "EN") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' tosses with the '.$dice[1].'..... '); last SWITCH; } } if($dices[1] > 1) { if($dices[1] < 100) { if($dices[0] < 11) { if($dices[0] < 1) { $dices[0] = 1; } for($forloop = 1; $forloop <= $dices[0]; $forloop++) { $rnd = int(rand($dices[1]-1)); if($rnd == 0){ $rnd = $dices[1]; } $value = $value + $rnd; SWITCH: { if ($lang eq "DE") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' würfelt beim '.$forloop.'. Wurf eine '.$rnd); last SWITCH; } if ($lang eq "EN") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' tosses at his '.$forloop.'. try a '.$rnd); last SWITCH; } } } SWITCH: { if ($lang eq "DE") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' ist fertig mit Würfeln. Sein Ergebnis lautet: '.$value); last SWITCH; } if ($lang eq "EN") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' finished. His result reads: '.$value); last SWITCH; } } } else { SWITCH: { if ($lang eq "DE") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' meint wohl in d'.$dices[1].'´s baden zu müssen... Mal im Ernst versuch es mit weniger Würfeln!' ); last SWITCH; } if ($lang eq "EN") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' seems to wanna take a bath in d'.$dices[1].'´s... Seriously! Try less dice' ); last SWITCH; } } } } else { SWITCH: { if ($lang eq "DE") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' baut uns bald einen riiiiiesigen d'.$dices[1].'... Mal im Ernst versuch es mit weniger Augen!' ); last SWITCH; } if ($lang eq "EN") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' soon will build us a biiiiiiiiiig d'.$dices[1].'... Seriously! Try less sides' ); last SWITCH; } } } } else { if($dices[1] == "0") { SWITCH: { if ($lang eq "DE") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' ist dumm wie Knäckebrot... Oder hat jemand schonmal einen Würfel ohne Seiten gesehen?' ); last SWITCH; } if ($lang eq "EN") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' is chuckleheaded... Or has anybody ever seen a dice without sides?' ); last SWITCH; } } } if($dices[1] == "1") { SWITCH: { if ($lang eq "DE") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' ist dumm wie Dosenthunfisch... Oder hat jemand schonmal einen Würfel mit einer Seite gesehen?' ); last SWITCH; } if ($lang eq "EN") { $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' plays possum... Or has anybody ever seen a dice with only one side?' ); last SWITCH; } } } } return 0; } elsif (/^!dice: version$/i){ $server->command('msg '.$target.' dice Version: '.$VERSION.' by mkossin'); return 0; } elsif (/^!dice: help$/i){ $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' Please explain which dice you want to toss: "!dice: d" e. g. "!dice: 2d20"'); return 0; } elsif (/^!dice: hilfe$/i){ $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' Sag mir welchen Würfel du werfen möchtest: "!dice: w" z. B. "!dice: 2w20"'); return 0; } else { if(!/^!dice.*:/i){ $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' "!dice: help" - gives you the english help'); $server->command('msg '.$target.' '.$nick.' "!dice: hilfe" - zeigt die Deutsche Hilfe an'); return 0; } } } signal_add("message public", "public_question"); signal_add("message own_public", "own_question");