use strict; use warnings; use Irssi; use Irssi::Irc; use Data::Dumper; #use Devel::NYTProf; our $VERSION = '1.2'; our %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Joost Vunderink (Garion)', contact => '[email protected]', name => 'Dejunk', description => 'Prevents all kinds of junk from showing up', license => 'Public Domain', url => '', changed => '2018-01-07', ); my ($STATUS_ACTIVE, $STATUS_INACTIVE, $STATUS_UNKNOWN) = (1, 2, 3); my $activity_filename = ''; # $activity{$tag}{$nickuserhost_mask} = { # last_msg => time(), # } my %activity; # $ignorlist{$server/$channel} my %ignorlist; # marker for the refresh my $time_tag_ignorlist; my $time_tag_clean; sub cmd_dejunk { my ($args, $server, $item) = @_; if ($args =~ m/^(help)|(status)|(save)/i ) { Irssi::command_runsub ('dejunk', $args, $server, $item); return; } message("Use /dejunk help for help."); } sub cmd_dejunk_help { message("Dejunk is a script that prevents some clutter from showing up."); message("In large and/or busy channels, joins, parts, nickchanges and"); message("quits can take up a large part of the activity. "); message("Using dejunk, all these events on large channels are hidden"); message("if the user doing them has not said anything for a while."); message("This way, you only see such activity when it matters."); message(""); message("Dejunk will save its data when it unloads, so when you upgrade"); message("it, or restart irssi quickly, it will remember "); message("which nicks were active recently on which networks."); message(""); message("Commands:"); message(" /dejunk status"); message(" Show which activity dejunk has seen recently."); message(" /dejunk save"); message(" Force saving of data immediately."); message(" Should not be needed at all."); message(""); message("Settings:"); message(" dejunk_joinpart_enabled"); message(" Hide all non-relevant joins, parts, quits and nickchanges."); message(" dejunk_joinpart_idle_time"); message(" The amount of minutes of inactivity after which a user"); message(" will be hidden."); message(" dejunk_joinpart_min_size"); message(" Activity on channels with fewer users than this"); message(" is not hidden."); message(" dejunk_joinpart_show_unknown"); message(" If it's unknown whether the user has been active recently, "); message(" show them if this setting is true. This is only relevant"); message(" if the script has just been loaded for the first time."); message(" dejunk_debug"); message(" set to ON to see debug messages."); message("dejunk_update_ignorlist_time"); message(" set the update time in seconds for the ignorlist"); message("dejunk_clean_data_time"); message(" set the repeat time in seconds for the shrinking function"); message(" clean_activity_data"); message(""); message("You can see the current values of all dejunk settings via"); message("the following command:"); message(" /set dejunk"); message("You can change a setting via commands like this one:"); message(" /set dejunk_joinpart_min_size 100"); } sub cmd_dejunk_status { report_status(); } sub cmd_dejunk_save { message("Saving dejunk data."); save_data(); } sub event_join { my ($server, $channel, $nick, $host) = @_; # Don't handle my own JOINs. return if ($nick eq $server->{nick}); return if is_ignor_channel($server,$channel); my $status = get_client_status($server->{tag}, $host, $nick); my $show_unknown = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dejunk_joinpart_show_unknown'); debug(sprintf("JOIN: channel=$channel nick=$nick host=$host tag=%s", $server->{tag})); if ($status == $STATUS_ACTIVE) { debug("Showing: active client"); return; } elsif ($status == $STATUS_UNKNOWN && $show_unknown) { debug("Showing: unknown client and dejunk_joinpart_show_unknown is true"); return; } debug("Hiding: Is idle client."); Irssi::signal_stop(); } sub event_part { my ($server, $channel, $nick, $host) = @_; # Don't handle my own JOINs. return if ($nick eq $server->{nick}); return if is_ignor_channel($server,$channel); my $status = get_client_status($server->{tag}, $host, $nick); my $show_unknown = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dejunk_joinpart_show_unknown'); debug("PART: nick=$nick host=$host channel=$channel tag=%s", $server->{tag}); if ($status == $STATUS_ACTIVE) { debug("Showing: active client"); return; } elsif ($status == $STATUS_UNKNOWN && $show_unknown) { debug("Showing: unknown client and dejunk_joinpart_show_unknown is true"); return; } debug("Hiding: Is idle client."); Irssi::signal_stop(); } sub event_quit { my ($server, $nick, $host) = @_; # Don't handle my own QUITs. return if ($nick eq $server->{nick}); return if is_ignor_nick($server,$nick); debug("QUIT: nick=$nick host=$host tag=%s", $server->{tag}); my $status = get_client_status($server->{tag}, $host, $nick); my $show_unknown = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dejunk_joinpart_show_unknown'); if ($status == $STATUS_ACTIVE) { debug("Showing: active client"); return; } elsif ($status == $STATUS_UNKNOWN && $show_unknown) { debug("Showing: unknown client and dejunk_joinpart_show_unknown is true"); return; } debug("Hiding: Is idle client."); Irssi::signal_stop(); } sub event_nick { my ($server, $newnick, $oldnick, $hostmask) = @_; debug("NICK: old=$oldnick new=$newnick host=$hostmask tag=%s", $server->{tag}); my $nuh_mask = "$oldnick!$hostmask"; if (exists $activity{$server->{tag}}{$nuh_mask}) { debug("Old client $oldnick was active; adding 'now' for $newnick"); $activity{$server->{tag}}{$nuh_mask} = { last_msg => time(), } } return if is_ignor_nick($server,$newnick); my $status = get_client_status($server->{tag}, $hostmask, $oldnick); my $show_unknown = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dejunk_joinpart_show_unknown'); if ($status == $STATUS_ACTIVE) { debug("Showing: active client"); return; } elsif ($status == $STATUS_UNKNOWN && $show_unknown) { debug("Showing: unknown client and dejunk_joinpart_show_unknown is true"); return; } debug("Hiding: Is idle client."); Irssi::signal_stop(); } sub event_public { my ($server, $data, $nick, $hostmask, $channel) = @_; # Don't handle my own messages. return if ($nick eq $server->{nick}); debug("MSG: nick=$nick hostmask=$hostmask tag=%s channel=$channel", $server->{tag}); my $nuh_mask = "$nick!$hostmask"; $activity{$server->{tag}}{$nuh_mask} = { last_msg => time(), } } sub is_active_client { my ($tag, $host, $nick) = @_; my $status = get_client_status($tag, $host, $nick); if ($status == $STATUS_ACTIVE) { return 1; } return; } sub get_client_status { my ($tag, $host, $nick) = @_; my $nuh_mask = "$nick!$host"; if (exists $activity{$tag}{$nuh_mask}) { my $d = $activity{$tag}{$nuh_mask}; if (time() - $d->{last_msg} < 60 * Irssi::settings_get_int('dejunk_joinpart_idle_time')) { return $STATUS_ACTIVE; } else { return $STATUS_INACTIVE; } } return $STATUS_UNKNOWN; } sub get_channel_str { my $channel=$_[0]; my $cn=$channel->{'server'}->{'tag'}."/".$channel->{'name'}; #print $cn; return $cn; } sub list_channels { my @cl = Irssi::channels; foreach (@cl) { my @nicks= $_->nicks(); my $cn=get_channel_str($_); #print $cn," ",$#nicks," ",$_->{"_irssi"}; if (!exists($ignorlist{$cn})) { $ignorlist{$cn}=0; } if ($#nicks > Irssi::settings_get_int('dejunk_joinpart_min_size')) { $ignorlist{$cn}=1; } } } sub is_ignor_channel { (my $server, my $channel)=@_; my $cn=$server->{"tag"}."/".$channel; my $ci=1; if (exists($ignorlist{$cn})) { if ($ignorlist{$cn} >0) { $ci=0; } } #print "is_ignor_channel: ",$cn," ",$ci; return $ci; } sub is_ignor_nick { (my $server, my $nick)=@_; my $res=1; foreach my $channel ($server->channels()) { if ($channel->nick_find($nick)) { my $cn=get_channel_str($channel); if (exists($ignorlist{$cn})) { if ($ignorlist{$cn} >0) { $res=0; } } } } #print "is_ignor_nick: $server->{'tag'} $nick $res"; return $res; } sub load_data { load_activity_data(); } sub load_activity_data { my $fn = Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . '/' . $activity_filename; if (!-r $fn) { return; } open my $fh, '<', $fn; if (!$fh) { error("Could not read dejunk activity data from $fn: $!"); return; } local $/; my $file_contents = <$fh>; eval { my $data = eval $file_contents; %activity = %$data; }; if ($@) { error("Error loading activity data from $fn: $@"); } else { message("Activity data loaded from $activity_filename"); } close $fh; } sub save_data { save_activity_data(); } sub save_activity_data { clean_activity_data(); my $fn = Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . '/' . $activity_filename; open my $fh, '>', $fn; if (!$fh) { error("Could not write dejunk activity data to $fn: $!"); return; } $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; print $fh Dumper \%activity; close $fh; } sub clean_activity_data { my $threshold_time = time() - 10 * Irssi::settings_get_int('dejunk_joinpart_idle_time'); # Go through all clients and remove the ones that haven't performed any action # in the past 10 * joinpart_idle_time seconds. # The factor 10 is here to make sure that if the user increases joinpart_idle_time # (by no more than a factor 10), we will still have enough data available for the # script to work properly. for my $tag (keys %activity) { for my $nuh_mask (keys %{ $activity{$tag} }) { if ($activity{$tag}{$nuh_mask}{last_msg} < $threshold_time) { debug("Deleting old data for $tag:$nuh_mask"); delete $activity{$tag}{$nuh_mask}; } } } } sub report_status { message("Status report:"); if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('dejunk_joinpart_enabled')) { message("Join/part hiding enabled."); my @tags = keys %activity; my $num_hosts = 0; for my $tag (@tags) { $num_hosts += scalar keys %{ $activity{$tag} }; } message(sprintf "Joins, parts, nickchanges, and quits are only shown for clients that have been active ". "in the past %d minutes (setting 'dejunk_joinpart_idle_time').", (Irssi::settings_get_int('dejunk_joinpart_idle_time'))); message(sprintf "Joins, parts, nickchanges, and quits are always shown for channels with fewer than %d clients ". "(setting 'dejunk_joinpart_min_size').", Irssi::settings_get_int('dejunk_joinpart_min_size')); message(sprintf "Currently, there is activity data on %d hostmask(s) in %d tag(s).", $num_hosts, scalar @tags); } else { message("Join/part hiding disabled."); } } sub UNLOAD { message("Dejunk is being unloaded - saving data."); save_data(); # DB::finish_profile(); } sub debug { if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('dejunk_debug')) { _log('debug', @_); } } sub error { _log('error', @_); } sub warning { _log('warning', @_); } sub message { _log('message', @_); } sub _log { my ($level, $fmt, @args) = @_; my $str = sprintf($fmt, @args); Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, "dejunk_$level", $str); } sub setup_change { if ($time_tag_ignorlist) { Irssi::timeout_remove($time_tag_ignorlist) } $time_tag_ignorlist= Irssi::timeout_add(Irssi::settings_get_int('dejunk_update_ignorlist_time') *1000,'list_channels',0); if ($time_tag_clean) { Irssi::timeout_remove($time_tag_clean) } $time_tag_clean= Irssi::timeout_add(Irssi::settings_get_int('dejunk_clean_data_time') *1000,'clean_activity_data',0); } Irssi::command_bind('dejunk', 'cmd_dejunk'); Irssi::command_bind('dejunk help', 'cmd_dejunk_help'); Irssi::command_bind('dejunk status', 'cmd_dejunk_status'); Irssi::command_bind('dejunk save', 'cmd_dejunk_save'); Irssi::settings_add_bool('dejunk', 'dejunk_joinpart_enabled', 1); Irssi::settings_add_int( 'dejunk', 'dejunk_joinpart_min_size', 40); Irssi::settings_add_int( 'dejunk', 'dejunk_joinpart_idle_time', 15); Irssi::settings_add_int( 'dejunk', 'dejunk_update_ignorlist_time', 60); Irssi::settings_add_int( 'dejunk', 'dejunk_clean_data_time', 60*10); Irssi::settings_add_bool('dejunk', 'dejunk_joinpart_show_unknown', 1); Irssi::settings_add_bool('dejunk', 'dejunk_debug', 0); Irssi::signal_add({ #'server connected' => \&event_connected, #'server disconnected' => \&event_disconnected, 'message join' => \&event_join, 'message part' => \&event_part, 'message quit' => \&event_quit, 'message nick' => \&event_nick, }); Irssi::signal_add_last('message public', \&event_public); Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', 'setup_change'); Irssi::theme_register( [ 'dejunk_error', '{line_start}{hilight Dejunk:} [%RERROR%n] $0', 'dejunk_warning', '{line_start}{hilight Dejunk:} [%YWARN%n] $0', 'dejunk_message', '{line_start}{hilight Dejunk:} $0', 'dejunk_debug', '{line_start}{hilight Dejunk:} [DEBUG] $0', ], ); setup_change(); list_channels(); load_data(); report_status(); message("Type /dejunk help for help.");