#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# /SET default_chanmode
# - sets the desired default chanmodes
# Written by Jakub Jankowski
# for Irssi 0.7.98.CVS
# please report any bugs
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "1.1";
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Jakub Jankowski',
contact => '[email protected]',
name => 'Default Chanmode',
description => 'Allows your client to automatically set desired chanmode upon a join to an empty channel.',
license => 'GNU GPLv2 or later',
url => 'http://irssi.atn.pl/',
use Irssi 20011211.0107 ();
use Irssi::Irc;
# defaults
my $default_chanmode = "";
# str parse_mode($string)
# gets +a-e+bc-fg xyz
# returns +abc-efg xyz
sub parse_mode {
my ($string) = @_;
my ($modeStr, $rest) = split(/ +/, $string, 2);
my @modeParams = split(/ +/, $rest);
my $ptr = 0;
my ($mode, $plusmodes, $minusmodes, $args, $finalstring);
# processing the default_chanmode setting
foreach my $char (split(//, $modeStr)) {
if ($char eq "+") {
$mode = "+";
} elsif ($char eq "-") {
$mode = "-";
} else {
if ($mode eq "+") {
$plusmodes .= $char;
} elsif ($mode eq "-") {
$minusmodes .= $char;
if ($char =~ /[beIqoOdhvk]/ || ($char eq "l" && $mode eq "+")) {
# those are modes with arguments, so increase the pointer
$args .= " ".$modeParams[$ptr++];
# concatenating results
$finalstring .= "+".$plusmodes if (length($plusmodes) > 0);
$finalstring .= "-".$minusmodes if (length($minusmodes) > 0);
$finalstring .= $args if (length($args) > 0);
# debug stuff if you want
# Irssi::print("parse_mode($string) returning '$finalstring'");
return $finalstring;
# void event_channel_sync($channel)
# triggered on join
sub event_channel_sync {
my ($channel) = @_;
# return unless default_chanmode contains something valuable
my $mode = parse_mode(Irssi::settings_get_str('default_chanmode'));
return unless $mode;
# return unless $channel is active, synced, not modeless, and we're a chanop
return unless ($channel && $channel->{synced} && $channel->{chanop} && !$channel->{no_modes});
# check if we're the only one visitor
my @nicks = $channel->nicks();
return unless (scalar(@nicks) == 1);
# final stage: issue the MODE
$channel->command("/MODE ".$channel->{name}." ".$mode);
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'default_chanmode', $default_chanmode);
Irssi::signal_add_last('channel sync', 'event_channel_sync');
# changes:
# 25.01.2002: Initial release (v1.0)
# 24.02.2002: splitted into two subroutines, minor cleanups (v1.1)