use strict;
use Irssi::Irc;
use Irssi 20020217; # Irssi 0.8.0
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "1.52";
%IRSSI = (
authors => "Matti 'qvr' Hiljanen",
contact => 'matti\',
contributors => '[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]',
name => "dccstat",
description => "Shows verbose or short information of dcc send/gets on statusbar (speed, size, eta etc.)",
license => "GPL, Version 2",
url => "",
sbitems => "dccstat"
# Theme settings:
# sb_dccstat = "{sb $0-}";
# $0 = sb_ds_short(_waiting)/sb_ds_normal(_waiting)
# sb_ds_short = "$0%G:%n$1%Y@%n$2kB/s%G:%n$4%G:%n$3";
# $0 = G/S
# $1 = filename
# $2 = transfer speed
# $3 = percent
# $4 = progressbar
# sb_ds_short_waiting = "$0%G:%n$1 $2 $3 waiting";
# $0 = G/S
# $1 = filename
# $2 = to/from
# $3 = nick
# sb_ds_normal = "$0 $1: '$2' $3 of $4 [$8] $9 ($5) $6kB/s ETA: $7";
# $0 = GET/SEND
# $1 = nick
# $2 = filename
# $3 = transferred amount
# $4 = full filesize
# $5 = percent
# $6 = speed
# $7 = ETA
# $8 = progressbar
# $9 = rotator thingy :)
# sb_ds_normal_waiting = "$0 $1: '$2' $3 $4 $5 waiting";
# $0 = GET/SEND
# $1 = nick
# $2 = filename
# $3 = full filesize
# $4 = to/from
# $5 = nick
# sb_ds_separator = ", ";
# new ideas more than welcome :)
# FAQ:
# Q: my input line gets cleared every time dcc send/get starts or ends,
# why's that?!
# A: it's a bug in irssi which is already fixed in cvs (2002-03-24 Sunday 20:06)
# so the solution: upgrade to cvs or live with it and wait until the next stable release
use Irssi::TextUI;
use strict;
my $dccstat_refresh=5;
my ($refresh_tag, $old_refresh, $new_refresh, $displayed_since);
my $visible = -1;
my $displaying = 0;
my @rot_bar = ('|', '/', '-', '\\\\\\\\');
my $rot_bar_n = 0;
my %dccstat;
sub cmd_print_help {
" Help:%_\n\n".
"Statusbar called dccstat should have appeared when you loaded this script,\n".
"now you need to add the dccstat item into that statusbar:\n".
" /statusbar dccstat add dccstat\n".
" /save\n\n".
" The default verbose mode will produce output like this: \n".
" [GET nick: 'foobar.avi' 5500kB of 11MB (50%) 99kB/s ETA: 00:03:00]\n".
" and the short mode looks like this:\n".
" [G:foobar.avi\@99kB/s:(50%)]\n\n".
" %_/SETs:%_\n".
" /set dccstat_refresh (default: 5)\n".
" /set dccstat_short_mode (default: OFF)\n".
" shorter output and doesn't show DCCs: None when there are no GET/SENDs\n".
" /set dccstat_hide_sbar_when_inactive (default: OFF)\n".
" hides the statusbar called dccstat when there are no GET/SENDs\n".
" /set dccstat_auto_short_limit (default: 2)\n".
" amount of dcc sends/gets we can have before we automagically switch to short mode\n".
" (when all the info wouldn't fit to statusbar). setting it to 0 will disable it.\n".
" /set dccstat_progbar_width (default: 10)\n".
" progressbar width in chars\n".
" /set dccstat_progbar_transferred (default: '%%g=%%n')\n".
" /set dccstat_progbar_position (default: '%%y>%%n')\n".
" /set dccstat_progbar_remaining (default: '%%r-%%n')\n".
" /set dccstat_cycle_through_transfers (default: OFF)\n".
" cycle trough the transfers (ON) or show all transfers at the same time (OFF, default)\n".
" /set dccstat_cycle_through_transfers_refresh (default: 5)\n".
" how long to show one transfer at a time\n".
" /set dccstat_filename_max_length (default: 17)\n".
" /set dccstat_filename_max_length_shortmode (default: 10)\n".
" how much to show of a filename in normal and short modes\n\n".
" /set dccstat_EXPERIMENTAL_fast_refresh (default: OFF)\n".
" use very experimental and super fast refreshing, will probably consume all cpu power,\n".
" depending on your connection speed. but hey, it's fun :)\n".
" /set dccstat_debug (default: OFF)\n".
" show debug messages\n".
" \n".
"\nSee also: STATUSBAR, DCC and theme help in the actual script"
sub debug {
my ($text) = @_;
return unless Irssi::settings_get_bool('dccstat_debug');
my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
$sec = sprintf("%02d", $sec);
$min = sprintf("%02d", $min);
$hour = sprintf("%02d", $hour);
Irssi::print("DEBUG( ".$text." [$hour:$min:$sec]");
sub startup_check {
debug("START-UP - DEBUG IS ON");
my @dccs = Irssi::Irc::dccs();
my $act;
foreach my $dcc (@dccs) { $act=$dcc if $dcc->{type} eq "SEND" || $dcc->{type} eq "GET"; };
sub dcc_connected {
debug("entering dcc_connected");
my ($dcc) = @_;
return unless $dcc->{type} eq "SEND" || $dcc->{type} eq "GET";
debug("removing dcc connected -signal");
Irssi::signal_remove('dcc connected', 'dcc_connected');
my $refresh_msecs = (Irssi::settings_get_int('dccstat_refresh')*1000);
$refresh_msecs = ($dccstat_refresh*1000) if $refresh_msecs < 1000;
debug("adding normal timeout..");
$refresh_tag=Irssi::timeout_add($refresh_msecs, 'refresh_dccstat', undef);
Irssi::signal_add_last('dcc destroyed', 'dcc_checklast');
sub dcc_setupcheck {
$new_refresh = Irssi::settings_get_int('dccstat_refresh');
if ($new_refresh != $old_refresh) {
debug("setting a new refresh timeout");
$new_refresh = ($new_refresh*1000);
$new_refresh = ($dccstat_refresh*1000) if $new_refresh < 1000;
$refresh_tag=Irssi::timeout_add($new_refresh, 'refresh_dccstat', undef);
sub dcc_checklast {
my @dccs = Irssi::Irc::dccs();
my $count = dcc_getcount();
debug("check for last, count is '$count'");
return unless $count == 0;
debug("was last, removing timeout '$refresh_tag'");
Irssi::signal_remove('dcc destroyed', 'dcc_checklast');
Irssi::signal_add('dcc connected', 'dcc_connected');
# this function calculates the average speed of the last 10 seconds.
# i think that's better than irssis default way of calculating the
# average speed from the whole transfer
sub dcc_calcSpeed {
my @dccs = Irssi::Irc::dccs();
foreach my $dcc (@dccs) {
next unless $dcc->{type} eq "SEND" || $dcc->{type} eq "GET";
my $id = "$dcc->{created}" . "$dcc->{addr}" . "$dcc->{port}";
if (defined($dccstat{$id}{'speed'})) {
my $old = $dccstat{$id}{'position'};
my $current = $dcc->{transfd};
my $speed = (($current-$old)/10);
unless ($dccstat{$id}{'speed'} == "-1" && ($current-$old) == 0) {
$dccstat{$id}{'speed'} = $speed;
$dccstat{$id}{'position'} = $current;
} else {
# new dcc
my $id = "$dcc->{created}" . "$dcc->{addr}" . "$dcc->{port}";
debug("creating dcc hash '$id'");
$dccstat{$id}{'speed'} = "-1";
$dccstat{$id}{'position'} = "0";
# let's remove old hashes
foreach my $hash (keys %dccstat) {
my $keep = 0;
foreach my $dcc (@dccs) {
my $id = "$dcc->{created}" . "$dcc->{addr}" . "$dcc->{port}";
$keep = 1 if ($hash == $id);
if ($keep) {
debug("dcc '$hash' is still active, it's speed is '" . $dccstat{$hash}{'speed'} . "'");
} else {
debug("deleting dcc '$hash'");
delete $dccstat{$hash};
### this function originally implemented by [email protected]
sub dcc_calculateETA {
my $dcc = $_[0];
my ($dccspeed, $dccleft, $going, $dccsecs, $dcctime);
# calculate current speed
$going=1 if $going==0;
my $id = "$dcc->{created}" . "$dcc->{addr}" . "$dcc->{port}";
if (defined($dccstat{$id})) {
} else {
$dccspeed = -1;
## speed in bytes/sec
if ($dccspeed > 0) {
# calculate left transfer size
$dccleft = ($dcc->{size}-$dcc->{transfd});
## size left in byte
$dccspeed=1 if $dccspeed==0;
$dccsecs = $dccleft / $dccspeed;
$dcctime = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", int($dccsecs/60/60), int($dccsecs/60%60), int($dccsecs%60));
} elsif ($dccspeed == "0") {
$dcctime = "stalled";
} elsif ($dccspeed == "-1") {
$dcctime = "???";
} else {
# panic!
$dcctime = "error!";
return $dcctime;
### this function originally implemented by [email protected]
sub dcc_progbar {
my ($dcc) = @_;
my ($filebar, $nobar);
my $barwidth = Irssi::settings_get_int('dccstat_progbar_width');
my $char1 = Irssi::settings_get_str('dccstat_progbar_transferred');
my $char2 = Irssi::settings_get_str('dccstat_progbar_position');
my $char3 = Irssi::settings_get_str('dccstat_progbar_remaining');
if ($dcc->{size} > 0) {
my $width_per_size = ($barwidth) / $dcc->{size};
my $transf_chars = sprintf("%.0f",($width_per_size * $dcc->{transfd}));
$filebar = $char1 x $transf_chars;
$nobar = $char3 x ($barwidth - $transf_chars - 1);
return "${filebar}${char2}${nobar}";
} else {
return $barwidth x $char3;
sub dcc_calculateSIZE {
my $fsize = $_[0];
my ($size, $unit, $div);
if ($fsize >= 1024*1024*1024) { $size = $fsize/1024/1024/1024; $unit = "GB"; $div = 2; }
elsif ($fsize >= 1024*1024) { $size = $fsize/1024/1024; $unit = "MB"; $div = 2; }
elsif ($fsize >= 1024) { $size = $fsize/1024; $unit = "kB"; $div = 0; }
else { $size = $fsize; $unit = "B"; $div = 0; }
$size = sprintf("%.${div}f", $size);
return "${size}${unit}";
sub dcc_getcount {
my @dccs = Irssi::Irc::dccs();
my $count = 0;
foreach my $dcc (@dccs) { $count++ if $dcc->{type} eq "GET" || $dcc->{type} eq "SEND"; }
return $count;
sub dccstat {
#debug("going into main function");
my ($item, $get_size_only) = @_;
my @dccs=Irssi::Irc::dccs();
my (@results, $results);
my $mode = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dccstat_short_mode');
my $theme = Irssi::current_theme();
my $format = $theme->format_expand("{sb_dccstat}");
my $count = dcc_getcount();
if ($count>0) {
my $sendcount=0;
my $getcount=0;
my (
$dccpercent, $dccspeed, $dcctype, $going,
$dccnick, $dccfile, $FooOfBar, $str,
$fsize, $transize, $dcceta, $from,
$to, $direction, $prep, $autolimit,
$separator, $dccprogbar, $dccrotbar
foreach my $dcc (@dccs) {
next unless $dcc->{type} eq "SEND" || $dcc->{type} eq "GET";
# if count is above the autolimit, we'll force the mode to short
# but not if we're cycling through transfers.
if (not Irssi::settings_get_bool('dccstat_cycle_through_transfers')) {
$mode=1 if $count > $autolimit && $autolimit > 0;
$sendcount++ if $dcc->{type} eq "SEND";
$getcount++ if $dcc->{type} eq "GET";
$dccpercent = ($dcc->{size} == 0) ? "(0%)" : sprintf("%.1f", $dcc->{transfd}/$dcc->{size}*100)."%%";
$going = (time-$dcc->{starttime});
$going = 1 if $going==0;
my $id = "$dcc->{created}" . "$dcc->{addr}" . "$dcc->{port}";
if (defined($dccstat{$id})) {
$dccspeed = $dccstat{$id}{'speed'};
} else {
$dccspeed = -1;
if ($dccspeed >= 0) {
$dccspeed = sprintf("%.2f", ($dccspeed/1024));
} else {
$dccspeed = sprintf("%.2f", ($dcc->{transfd}-$dcc->{skipped})/$going/1024);
$dcctype = $dcc->{type};
$dccnick = $dcc->{nick};
$dccnick =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$dccfile = $dcc->{arg};
$dccfile =~ s/ /\240/g;
$dccfile =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
# if filename is longer than 17 chars, we'll show only the first 15 chars
# and in short mode we'll show only 8 chars
# (lengths are now configurable, but the idea is the same)
my $max_normal = Irssi::settings_get_int('dccstat_filename_max_length');
my $max_short = Irssi::settings_get_int('dccstat_filename_max_length_shortmode');
if (!$mode) {
$dccfile=substr($dccfile, 0, $max_normal-2).".." if (length($dccfile) > $max_normal);
} else {
$dccfile=substr($dccfile, 0, $max_short-2).".." if (length($dccfile) > $max_short);
$fsize = dcc_calculateSIZE($dcc->{size});
$transize = dcc_calculateSIZE($dcc->{transfd});
$dccprogbar = dcc_progbar($dcc);
$dccprogbar =~ s/ /\240/g;
$dcceta = dcc_calculateETA($dcc);
if ($dcctype eq "GET") { $direction = "G"; $prep = "from"; }
if ($dcctype eq "SEND") { $direction = "S"; $prep = "to"; }
$dccrotbar = $rot_bar[$rot_bar_n];
# short mode?
if ($mode) {
# theme?
if ($format) {
if ($dcc->{starttime} > 0) {
$str = $theme->format_expand("{sb_ds_short $direction $dccfile $dccspeed $dccpercent $dccprogbar $dccrotbar}", $exp_flags);
} else {
$str = $theme->format_expand("{sb_ds_short_waiting $direction $dccfile $prep $dccnick}", $exp_flags);
} else {
$str = "$direction%G:%n$dccfile";
$str .= ($dcc->{starttime} > 0) ? "%G@%n${dccspeed}kB/s%G:%n$dccprogbar%G:%n$dccrotbar%G:%n$dccpercent" : " $prep $dccnick waiting";
} else {
if ($format) {
if ($dcc->{starttime} > 0) {
$str = $theme->format_expand("{sb_ds_normal $dcctype $dccnick $dccfile $transize $fsize $dccpercent $dccspeed $dcceta $dccprogbar $dccrotbar}", $exp_flags);
} else {
$str = $theme->format_expand("{sb_ds_normal_waiting $dcctype $dccnick $dccfile $fsize $prep $dccnick}", $exp_flags);
} else {
$str = "$dcctype $dccnick: '$dccfile'";
$str .= ($dcc->{starttime} > 0) ? " $transize of $fsize [$dccprogbar] $dccrotbar ($dccpercent) ${dccspeed}kB/s ETA: $dcceta" : " $fsize $prep $dccnick waiting";
push @results,$str;
if (not Irssi::settings_get_bool('dccstat_cycle_through_transfers')) {
$separator = ($theme->format_expand("{sb_ds_separator}")) ? $theme->format_expand("{sb_ds_separator}") : ", ";
$results = join("$separator", @results);
} else {
if (scalar(@results)-1 < $displaying) { $displaying = 0 };
$results = @results[$displaying];
if (not $get_size_only) {
if ((time-$displayed_since) >= (Irssi::settings_get_int('dccstat_cycle_through_transfers_refresh'))) {
debug("refreshing cycle display");
$displayed_since = time;
} else {
$results="%_DCCs:%_ None" if !$mode;
if ($format) {
if ($count > 0) {
$results = "{sb_dccstat $results}"
} else {
$results = "{sb_dccstat $results}" unless $mode;
} else {
if ($count > 0) {
$results = "{sb $results}";
} else {
$results = "{sb $results}" unless $mode;
$item->default_handler($get_size_only, "$results", undef, 1);
sub refresh_dccstat {
#debug("refreshing item");
my $hide = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dccstat_hide_sbar_when_inactive');
my $count = dcc_getcount();
if ($hide && $count == 0) {
if ($visible == -1 || $visible == 1) {
Irssi::command("statusbar dccstat disable");
debug("disabling statusbar");
$visible = 0;
if ($visible == 0 || $visible == -1) {
Irssi::command("statusbar dccstat enable");
debug("enabling statusbar");
$visible = 1;
$rot_bar_n %= @rot_bar;
my $fref = 0;
sub dcc_fast_refresh {
if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('dccstat_EXPERIMENTAL_fast_refresh'))
debug("transfer updated! ($fref)");
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, "dccstat_refresh", $dccstat_refresh);
Irssi::settings_add_bool($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_short_mode', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_hide_sbar_when_inactive', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_auto_short_limit', 2);
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_progbar_width', 10);
Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_progbar_transferred', '%g=%n');
Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_progbar_position', '%y>%n');
Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_progbar_remaining', '%r-%n');
Irssi::settings_add_bool($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_cycle_through_transfers', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_cycle_through_transfers_refresh', 10);
Irssi::settings_add_bool($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_EXPERIMENTAL_fast_refresh', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_debug', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_filename_max_length', 17);
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, 'dccstat_filename_max_length_shortmode', 10);
Irssi::command_bind('dccstat', 'cmd_print_help');
Irssi::statusbar_item_register('dccstat', undef, 'dccstat');
Irssi::timeout_add('10000', 'dcc_calcSpeed', undef);
Irssi::signal_add('dcc connected', 'dcc_connected');
'setup changed' => \&dcc_setupcheck,
'dcc request' => \&refresh_dccstat,
'dcc created' => \&refresh_dccstat,
'dcc destroyed' => \&refresh_dccstat,
'dcc transfer update' => \&dcc_fast_refresh,
# Startup
# lets save some global variables
$old_refresh = Irssi::settings_get_int('dccstat_refresh');
Irssi::print(" loaded - /dccstat for help");