#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# dcc_ip.pl v0.5 - Copyright (c) ak5 2004
# License: Public Domain :-)
# this scripts gets the current IP before sending a dcc..
# useful, if you connect through a BNC f.e.
# just load it and it will do it's job if dcc_ip_interface is set correct.
# This means: If you are connecting through a router:
# /set dcc_ip_interface router
# (NOT the IP of your router, just the word "router".
# If you're on dialup or something other and you see your external
# IP address listed in 'ifconfig's output,
# /set dcc_ip_interface
# (for example ppp0)
# requires: /sbin/ifconfig ;) If you have a router, you need lynx also.
use strict;
use Irssi;
use Socket;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = '0.6';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'ak5, bw1',
contact => '[email protected]',
name => 'dcc_ip',
description => 'This script sets dcc_own_ip when starting a DCC send or chat.'.
'set dcc_ip_interface to your external interface, f.e. ppp0.'.
'If you are connecting though a router, set it to "router"',
license => 'Public Domain',
url => 'http://hq.kroenk.de/?gnu/irssi',
source => 'http://hq.kroenk.de/?gnu/irssi/dcc_ip.pl/plaintext',
changed => '2019-02-17',
# ip of the nat interface as a string;
my $router_ip;
# state of whois
my $router_c=0;
# arguments of the dcc command
my $router_args;
sub dcc_ip {
my ($args, $shash, $c, $iface, $cmd, @arg, @ip) = @_;
@arg = split(" ", $args);
if (@arg[0] eq "send" || @arg[0] eq "chat") {
$iface = Irssi::settings_get_str('dcc_ip_interface');
if ($router_c == 0) {
if ($iface eq "router") {
mywhois($args, $shash, $c);
$router_args = $args;
} else {
$cmd = `/sbin/ifconfig $iface | head -n 2 | tail -n 1`;
$cmd =~ s/^[a-zA-Z\ ]*\://;
$cmd =~ s/\ .*$//;
$cmd =~ s/\n//;
Irssi::command("^set dcc_own_ip ".$cmd);
} else {
$router_c =0;
sub mywhois {
my ($args, $server, $witem) = @_;
my $nick =$server->{nick};
$server->redirect_event("whois", 1, $nick, 0, undef, {
"event 311" => "redir whos",
"event 318" => "redir whosend",
"" => "event empty"}
$server->send_raw("WHOIS " . $nick);
sub sig_whos {
my ($server, $data) = @_;
my @r = split(/\s/,$data);
$router_ip = $r[3];
sub sig_whosend {
my ($server, $data) = @_;
if ( defined $router_ip ) {
if ( !( $router_ip =~ m/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ ||
($router_ip =~ m/[0-9a-fA-F:]+/ && $router_ip =~ m/:.*:/ ))) {
my $packed_ip = gethostbyname($router_ip);
if (defined $packed_ip) {
$router_ip = inet_ntoa($packed_ip);
} else {
$router_ip = undef;
if ( defined $router_ip ) {
Irssi::settings_set_str("dcc_own_ip", $router_ip);
$server->command('dcc '.$router_args );
Irssi::signal_add('redir whos', \&sig_whos);
Irssi::signal_add('redir whosend', \&sig_whosend);
Irssi::settings_add_str('dcc_ip', 'dcc_ip_interface', "ppp0");
Irssi::command_bind ('dcc', 'dcc_ip');
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