# $Id: dau.pl 273 2008-02-03 15:27:25Z heidinger $
# dau.pl - write like an idiot
# Author
# Clemens Heidinger
# Changelog
# dau.pl has a built-in changelog (--changelog switch)
# Credits
# - Robert Hennig: For the original dau shell script. Out of this script,
# merged with some other small Perl and shell scripts and aliases arised the
# first version of dau.pl for irssi.
# Documentation
# dau.pl has a built-in documentation (--help switch)
# License
# Licensed under the BSD license
# Website
# http://dau.pl/
# Additional information, DAU.pm, the dauomat and the dauproxy
use 5.6.0;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use IPC::Open3;
use Irssi 20021107.0841;
use Irssi::TextUI;
use locale;
use POSIX;
use re 'eval';
use strict;
use Tie::File;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = '2.4.3';
#$VERSION = '2.4.3 SVN ($LastChangedRevision: 273 $)';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Clemens Heidinger',
changed => '$LastChangedDate: 2008-02-03 16:27:25 +0100 (Sun, 03 Feb 2008) $',
commands => 'dau',
contact => '[email protected]',
description => 'write like an idiot',
license => 'BSD',
modules => 'File::Basename File::Path IPC::Open3 POSIX Tie::File',
name => 'DAU',
sbitems => 'daumode',
url => 'http://dau.pl/',
# Register commands
Irssi::command_bind('dau', \&command_dau);
# Register settings
# setting changed/added => change/add it here
# boolean
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'dau_away_quote_reason', 1);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'dau_away_reminder', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'dau_babble_verbose', 1);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'dau_color_choose_colors_randomly', 1);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'dau_cowsay_print_cow', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'dau_figlet_print_font', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'dau_silence', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'dau_statusbar_daumode_hide_when_off', 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', 'dau_tab_completion', 1);
# Integer
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'dau_babble_history_size', 10);
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'dau_babble_verbose_minimum_lines', 2);
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'dau_cool_maximum_line', 2);
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'dau_cool_probability_eol', 20);
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'dau_cool_probability_word', 20);
Irssi::settings_add_int('misc', 'dau_remote_babble_interval_accuracy', 90);
# String
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_away_away_text', '$N is away now: [ $reason ]. Away since: $Z. I am currently not available at $T @ $chatnet (sry 4 amsg)!');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_away_back_text', '$N is back: [ $reason ]. Away time: [ $time ]. I am available again at $T @ $chatnet (sry 4 amsg)!');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_away_options',
"--parse_special --bracket -left '!---?[' -right ']?---!' --color -split capitals -random off -codes 'light red; yellow'," .
"--parse_special --bracket -left '--==||{{' -right '}}||==--' --color -split capitals -random off -codes 'light red; light cyan'," .
"--parse_special --bracket -left '--==||[[' -right ']]||==--' --color -split capitals -random off -codes 'yellow; light green'"
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_away_reminder_interval', '1 hour');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_away_reminder_text', '$N is still away: [ $reason ]. Away time: [ $time ] (sry 4 amsg)');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_babble_options_line_by_line', '--nothing');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_babble_options_preprocessing', '');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_color_codes', 'blue; green; red; magenta; yellow; cyan');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_cool_eol_style', 'random');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_cowsay_cowlist', '');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_cowsay_cowpath', &def_dau_cowsay_cowpath);
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_cowsay_cowpolicy', 'allow');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_cowsay_cowsay_path', &def_dau_cowsay_cowsay_path);
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_cowsay_cowthink_path', &def_dau_cowsay_cowthink_path);
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_daumode_channels', '');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_delimiter_string', ' ');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_figlet_fontlist', 'mnemonic,term,ivrit');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_figlet_fontpath', &def_dau_figlet_fontpath);
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_figlet_fontpolicy', 'allow');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_figlet_path', &def_dau_figlet_path);
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_files_away', '.away');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_files_babble_messages', 'babble_messages');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_files_cool_suffixes', 'cool_suffixes');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_files_root_directory', "$ENV{HOME}/.dau");
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_files_substitute', 'substitute.pl');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_language', 'en');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_moron_eol_style', 'random');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_parse_special_list_delimiter', ' ');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_random_options',
'--substitute --boxes --uppercase,' .
"--substitute --color -split capitals -random off -codes 'light red; yellow'," .
"--substitute --color -split capitals -random off -codes 'light red; light cyan'," .
"--substitute --color -split capitals -random off -codes 'yellow; light green'," .
'--substitute --color --uppercase,' .
'--substitute --cool,' .
'--substitute --delimiter,' .
'--substitute --dots --moron,' .
'--substitute --leet,' .
'--substitute --mix,' .
'--substitute --mixedcase --bracket,' .
'--substitute --moron --stutter --uppercase,' .
'--substitute --moron -omega on,' .
'--substitute --moron,' .
'--substitute --uppercase --underline,' .
'--substitute --words --mixedcase'
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_babble_channellist', '');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_babble_channelpolicy', 'deny');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_babble_interval', '1 hour');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_channellist', '');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_channelpolicy', 'deny');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_deop_reply', 'you are on my shitlist now @ $nick');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_devoice_reply', 'you are on my shitlist now @ $nick');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_op_reply', 'thx 4 op @ $nick');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_permissions', '000000');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_question_regexp', '%%%DISABLED%%%');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_question_reply', 'EDIT_THIS_ONE');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_remote_voice_reply', 'thx 4 voice @ $nick');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_standard_messages', 'hi @ all');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_standard_options', '--random');
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', 'dau_words_range', '1-4');
# Register signals
# (Note that most signals are set dynamical in the subroutine signal_handling)
Irssi::signal_add_last('setup changed', \&signal_setup_changed);
Irssi::signal_add_last('window changed' => sub { Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('daumode') });
Irssi::signal_add_last('window item changed' => sub { Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('daumode') });
# Register statusbar items
Irssi::statusbar_item_register('daumode', '', 'statusbar_daumode');
# Global variables
# Timer used by --away
our %away_timer;
# babble
our %babble;
# --command -in
our $command_in;
# The command to use for the output (MSG f.e.)
our $command_out;
# '--command -out' used?
our $command_out_activated;
# Counter for the subroutines entered
our $counter_subroutines;
# Counter for the switches
# --me --moron: --me would be 0, --moron 1
our $counter_switches;
# daumode
our %daumode;
# daumode activated?
our $daumode_activated;
# Help text
our %help;
$help{options} = < 0,
'daumode in' => 0,
'event 404' => 0,
'event privmsg' => 0,
'nick mode changed' => 0,
'send text' => 0,
# All switches that may be given at commandline
our %switches = (
# These switches may be combined
combo => {
boxes => { 'sub' => \&switch_boxes },
bracket => {
'sub' => \&switch_bracket,
left => { '*' => 1 },
right => { '*' => 1 },
chars => { 'sub' => \&switch_chars },
color => {
'sub' => \&switch_color,
codes => { '*' => 1 },
random => {
off => 1,
on => 1,
'split' => {
capitals => 1,
chars => 1,
lines => 1,
paragraph => 1,
rchars => 1,
words => 1,
command => {
'sub' => \&switch_command,
in => { '*' => 1 },
out => { '*' => 1 },
cool => {
'sub' => \&switch_cool,
eol_style => {
suffixes => 1,
exclamation_marks => 1,
random => 1,
max => { '*' => 1 },
prob_eol => { '*' => 1 },
prob_word => { '*' => 1 },
cowsay => {
'sub' => \&switch_cowsay,
arguments => { '*' => 1 },
think => {
off => 1,
on => 1,
delimiter => {
'sub' => \&switch_delimiter,
string => { '*' => 1 },
dots => { 'sub' => \&switch_dots },
figlet => { 'sub' => \&switch_figlet },
me => { 'sub' => \&switch_me },
mix => { 'sub' => \&switch_mix },
moron => {
'sub' => \&switch_moron,
eol_style => {
nothing => 1,
random => 1,
level => { '*' => 1 },
omega => {
off => 1,
on => 1,
typo => {
off => 1,
on => 1,
uppercase => {
off => 1,
on => 1,
leet => { 'sub' => \&switch_leet },
mixedcase => { 'sub' => \&switch_mixedcase },
nothing => { 'sub' => \&switch_nothing },
parse_special => {
'sub' => \&switch_parse_special,
irssi_variables => {
off => 1,
on => 1,
list_delimiter => { '*' => 1 },
'reverse' => { 'sub' => \&switch_reverse },
stutter => { 'sub' => \&switch_stutter },
substitute => { 'sub' => \&switch_substitute },
underline => { 'sub' => \&switch_underline },
uppercase => { 'sub' => \&switch_uppercase },
words => { 'sub' => \&switch_words },
# The following switches must not be combined
nocombo => {
away => {
'sub' => \&switch_away,
channels => { '*' => 1 },
interval => { '*' => 1 },
reminder => {
on => 1,
off => 1,
babble => {
'sub' => \&switch_babble,
at => { '*' => 1 },
cancel => {
on => 1,
off => 1,
filter => { '*' => 1 },
history_size => { '*' => 1 },
changelog => { 'sub' => \&switch_changelog },
create_files => { 'sub' => \&switch_create_files },
daumode => {
'sub' => \&switch_daumode,
modes_in => { '*' => 1 },
modes_out => { '*' => 1 },
perm => {
'00' => 1,
'01' => 1,
'10' => 1,
'11' => 1,
help => {
'sub' => \&switch_help,
# setting changed/added => change/add it here
setting => {
# boolean
dau_away_quote_reason => 1,
dau_away_reminder => 1,
dau_babble_verbose => 1,
dau_color_choose_colors_randomly => 1,
dau_cowsay_print_cow => 1,
dau_figlet_print_font => 1,
dau_silence => 1,
dau_statusbar_daumode_hide_when_off => 1,
dau_tab_completion => 1,
# Integer
dau_babble_history_size => 1,
dau_babble_verbose_minimum_lines => 1,
dau_cool_maximum_line => 1,
dau_cool_probability_eol => 1,
dau_cool_probability_word => 1,
dau_remote_babble_interval_accuracy => 1,
# String
dau_away_away_text => 1,
dau_away_back_text => 1,
dau_away_options => 1,
dau_away_reminder_interval => 1,
dau_away_reminder_text => 1,
dau_babble_options_line_by_line => 1,
dau_babble_options_preprocessing => 1,
dau_color_codes => 1,
dau_cool_eol_style => 1,
dau_cowsay_cowlist => 1,
dau_cowsay_cowpath => 1,
dau_cowsay_cowpolicy => 1,
dau_cowsay_cowsay_path => 1,
dau_cowsay_cowthink_path => 1,
dau_daumode_channels => 1,
dau_delimiter_string => 1,
dau_figlet_fontlist => 1,
dau_figlet_fontpath => 1,
dau_figlet_fontpolicy => 1,
dau_figlet_path => 1,
dau_files_away => 1,
dau_files_babble_messages => 1,
dau_files_cool_suffixes => 1,
dau_files_root_directory => 1,
dau_files_substitute => 1,
dau_language => 1,
dau_moron_eol_style => 1,
dau_parse_special_list_delimiter => 1,
dau_random_options => 1,
dau_remote_babble_channellist => 1,
dau_remote_babble_channelpolicy => 1,
dau_remote_babble_interval => 1,
dau_remote_channellist => 1,
dau_remote_channelpolicy => 1,
dau_remote_deop_reply => 1,
dau_remote_devoice_reply => 1,
dau_remote_op_reply => 1,
dau_remote_permissions => 1,
dau_remote_question_regexp => 1,
dau_remote_question_reply => 1,
dau_remote_voice_reply => 1,
dau_standard_messages => 1,
dau_standard_options => 1,
dau_words_range => 1,
long_help => { 'sub' => \&switch_long_help },
random => { 'sub' => \&switch_random,
verbose => {
off => 1,
on => 1,
# Code run once at start
print CLIENTCRAP "dau.pl $VERSION loaded. For help type %9${k}dau --help%9 or %9${k}dau --long_help%9";
# Subroutines (commands)
sub command_dau {
my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
my $output;
$output = parse_text($data, $witem);
unless (defined($server) && $server && $server->{connected}) {
$print_message = 1;
unless ((defined($witem) && $witem &&
($witem->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' || $witem->{type} eq 'QUERY')))
$print_message = 1;
if ($daumode_activated) {
if (defined($witem) && $witem &&
($witem->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' || $witem->{type} eq 'QUERY'))
my $modes_set = 0;
# daumode set with parameters (modes_in)
if ($queue{0}{daumode}{modes_in}) {
$daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 1;
$daumode{channels_in_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} =
$modes_set = 1;
# daumode set with parameters (modes_out)
if ($queue{0}{daumode}{modes_out}) {
$daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 1;
$daumode{channels_out_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} =
$modes_set = 1;
# daumode set without parameters
if (!$daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} &&
!$daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} &&
$daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 1;
$daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 1;
$daumode{channels_in_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = '';
$daumode{channels_out_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = '';
# daumode unset
elsif (($daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} ||
$daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}}) &&
$daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 0;
$daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 0;
$daumode{channels_in_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = '';
$daumode{channels_out_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = '';
# the perm-option overrides everything
# perm: 00
if ($queue{0}{daumode}{perm} eq '00') {
$daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 0;
$daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 0;
$daumode{channels_in_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = '';
$daumode{channels_out_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = '';
# perm: 01
if ($queue{0}{daumode}{perm} eq '01') {
$daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 0;
$daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 1;
$daumode{channels_in_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = '';
# perm: 10
if ($queue{0}{daumode}{perm} eq '10') {
$daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 1;
$daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 0;
$daumode{channels_out_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = '';
# perm: 11
if ($queue{0}{daumode}{perm} eq '11') {
$daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 1;
$daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} = 1;
# Signal handling (for daumode and signal 'send text')
# MSG (or CTCP ACTION) $output to active channel/query-window
no strict 'refs';
$output = $output || '';
output_text($witem, $witem->{name}, $output);
# Subroutines (switches, must not be combined)
sub switch_away {
my ($reason, $channel_rec, $reminder, $interval) = @_;
my $output;
my $time;
my $status = 'away';
# Get and handle options
# "/dau --away -interval " resp. dau_away_reminder_interval setting
# If called from command line, i.e. not by the
# "/dau --away -channels ''" workaround, $interval will be defined
# here
if (!defined($interval)) {
$interval = time_parse(return_option('away', 'interval', $option{dau_away_reminder_interval}));
if ($interval < 10 || $interval > 1000000000) {
print_err('Invalid value for away timer!');
# setting dau_away_options
my $options = return_random_list_item($option{dau_away_options});
# "/dau --away -reminder " resp. dau_away_reminder setting
# If called from command line, i.e. not by "/dau --away -channels ''"
# workaround, $reminder will be defined here
if (!defined($reminder)) {
$reminder = return_option('away', 'reminder', $option{dau_away_reminder});
# on -> 1, off -> 0
if ($reminder eq 'on' || $reminder == 1) {
$reminder = 1;
} else {
$reminder = 0;
# "/dau --away -channels ''"
# Go through all channels and for each call this subroutine again with
# $reminder and $interval as additional parameter as those otherwise would be
# lost. Sad world.
my $channels = return_option('away', 'channels');
# If not deleted, the program may loop here.
while ($channels =~ m{([^/]+)/([^,]+),?\s*}g) {
my $channel = $1;
my $network = $2;
my $server_rec = Irssi::server_find_tag($network);
my $channel_rec = $server_rec->channel_find($channel);
if (defined($channel_rec) && $channel_rec &&
($channel_rec->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' || $channel_rec->{type} eq 'QUERY'))
switch_away($reason, $channel_rec, $reminder, $interval);
# "/dau --away -channels ''" first run => exit
return if ($channels);
# Now we are clear (from -channels)...
# Normal "/dau --away" (i.e. no -channels), but called from non
# channel/query window => exit
unless (defined($channel_rec) && $channel_rec &&
($channel_rec->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' || $channel_rec->{type} eq 'QUERY'))
my $channel = $channel_rec->{name};
my $network = $channel_rec->{server}->{tag};
my $id = "$channel/$network";
# Open file
my $file = "$option{dau_files_root_directory}/$option{dau_files_away}";
my @file;
unless (tie(@file, 'Tie::File', $file)) {
print_err("Cannot tie $file!");
# Go through/edit file
# Format:
# channel | network | time | options | reminder | interval | reason
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@file) {
if ($line =~ m{^\Q$channel\E\x02\Q$network\E\x02(\d+)\x02([^\x02]*)\x02(?:\d)\x02(?:\d+)\x02(.*)}) {
$time = $1;
$options = $2;
$reason = $3;
$status = 'back';
if ($status eq 'away' && $reason eq '') {
print_out('Please set reason for your being away!');
if ($status eq 'away') {
push(@file, "$channel\x02$network\x02" . time . "\x02$options\x02$reminder\x02$interval\x02$reason");
$output = $option{dau_away_away_text};
if ($status eq 'back') {
splice(@file, $i, 1);
$output = $option{dau_away_back_text};
# Special variables
# $time
if ($status eq 'back') {
my $difference = time_diff_verbose(time, $time);
$output =~ s/\$time/$difference/g;
# $reason
if ($option{dau_away_quote_reason}) {
$reason =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$reason =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
$output =~ s/\$reason/$reason/g;
# Write changes back to file
# The reminder timer
if ($status eq 'away' && $reminder) {
$away_timer{$id} = Irssi::timeout_add($interval, \&timer_away_reminder, $id);
} else {
# Print message to channel
$output = parse_text("$options $output", $channel_rec);
output_text($channel_rec, $channel_rec->{name}, $output);
sub switch_babble {
my ($data, $channel) = @_;
my $text;
# Cancel babble?
if (lc(return_option('babble', 'cancel')) eq 'on') {
if (defined($babble{timer_writing})) {
if ($babble{remote}) {
print_out("Babble cancelled.");
# Filters
my @filter = ();
my $option_babble_at = return_option('babble', 'at');
my $option_babble_filter = return_option('babble', 'filter');
my $option_babble_history_size = return_option('babble', 'history_size', $option{dau_babble_history_size});
if ($option_babble_filter) {
push(@filter, $option_babble_filter);
# If something is babbling right now, exit
if (defined($babble{timer_writing})) {
print_err("You are already babbling something!");
# get text from file
if ($option_babble_at) {
my @nicks;
foreach my $nick (split(/\s*,\s*/, $option_babble_at)) {
push(@nicks, $nick);
if (@nicks > 0) {
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#nicks + 1; $i++) {
push(@filter, '\$nick' . $i);
$text = &babble_get_text($channel, \@filter, \@nicks, $option_babble_history_size);
} else {
$text = &babble_get_text($channel, \@filter, undef, $option_babble_history_size);
# babble only in channels
unless (defined($channel) && $channel && $channel->{type} eq 'CHANNEL') {
print_out('%9--babble%9 will only work in channel windows!');
# Start the babbling
babble_start($channel, $text, 0);
sub switch_changelog {
my $output;
$print_message = 1;
$output = &fix(<<" END");
2002-05-05 release 0.1.0
initial release
2002-05-06 release 0.1.1
maintenance release
2002-05-11 release 0.2.0
new feature: %9--delimiter%9
2002-05-12 release 0.3.0
new feature: %9--mixedcase%9
2002-05-17 release 0.4.0
%9--delimiter%9 revised
2002-05-20 release 0.4.1
some nice new substitutions for %9--moron%9
2002-05-24 release 0.5.0
new settings for %9--figlet%9
2002-06-15 release 0.6.0
new settings for %9--figlet%9
2002-06-16 release 0.6.1
maintenance release
2002-06-16 release 0.6.2
maintenance release
2002-06-17 release 0.7.0
new stuff for %9--moron%9
2002-06-19 release 0.8.0
new feature: %9--dots%9
2002-06-23 release 0.9.0
new "reply to question" remote feature
2002-06-23 release 0.9.1
maintenance release
2002-06-29 release 0.9.2
maintenance release
2002-07-23 release 0.9.3
maintenance release
2002-07-28 release 1.0.0
- Tabcompletion for the switches
- new feature: %9--changelog%9
- new feature: %9--help%9
- new feature: %9--leet%9
- new feature: %9--reverse%9
2002-07-28 release 1.0.1
maintenance release
2002-09-01 release 1.0.2
maintenance release
2002-09-03 release 1.0.3
new switch for %9--figlet%9: %9-font%9
2002-09-03 release 1.0.4
maintenance release
2002-09-03 release 1.0.5
maintenance release
2002-09-09 release 1.1.0
You can combine switches now!
2002-11-22 release 1.2.0
- new setting: %9dau_moron_eol_style%9
- new setting: %9dau_standard_messages%9
- new setting: %9dau_standard_options%9
- new remote features: Say something on (de)op/(de)voice
- new switch for %9--delimiter%9: %9-string%9
- new switch for %9--moron%9: %9-eol_style%9
- new feature: %9--color%9
- new feature: %9--daumode%9
- new feature: %9--random%9
- new feature: %9--stutter%9
- new feature: %9--uppercase%9
- new statusbar item: %9daumode%9
2002-11-27 release 1.2.1
maintenance release
2002-12-15 release 1.2.2
maintenance release
2003-01-12 release 1.3.0
- new setting: %9dau_files_root_directory%9
- %9--moron%9: randomly transpose letters with letters
next to them at the keyboard
- new switch for %9--moron%9: %9-uppercase%9
- new feature: %9--create_files%9
2003-01-17 release 1.4.0
- %9--color%9 revised
- new remote feature: babble
2003-01-18 release 1.4.1
maintenance release
2003-01-20 release 1.4.2
new setting: %9dau_statusbar_daumode_hide_when_off%9
2003-02-01 release 1.4.3
maintenance release
2003-02-09 release 1.4.4
maintenance release
2003-02-16 release 1.4.5
maintenance release
2003-03-16 release 1.4.6
maintenance release
2003-05-01 release 1.5.0
- new setting: %9dau_tab_completion%9
- new feature: %9--bracket%9
2003-06-13 release 1.5.1
new feature: %9--underline%9
2003-07-16 release 1.5.2
new feature: %9--boxes%9
2003-08-16 release 1.5.3
maintenance release
2003-09-14 release 1.5.4
maintenance release
2003-11-16 release 1.6.0
- Incoming messages can be dauified now!
- daumode statusbar item revised
2004-03-25 release 1.7.0
- new setting: %9dau_babble_options_line_by_line%9
- new setting: %9dau_files_babble_messages%9
- new switch for %9--color%9: %9-split paragraph%9
- new switch for %9--command%9: %9-in%9
- new switch for %9--moron%9: %9-omega%9
- new feature: %9--cowsay%9
- new feature: %9--mix%9 (by Martin Kihlgren )
2004-04-01 release 1.7.1
- new setting: %9dau_remote_babble_channellist%9
- new setting: %9dau_remote_babble_channelpolicy%9
- new setting: %9dau_remote_babble_interval_accuracy%9
2004-04-02 release 1.7.2
maintenance release
2004-04-05 release 1.7.3
maintenance release
2004-05-01 release 1.8.0
- new feature: %9--babble%9
- %9--help%9 revised
2004-06-24 release 1.8.1
- new setting: %9dau_babble_verbose%9
- new setting: %9dau_babble_verbose_minimum_lines%9
2004-07-10 release 1.8.2
maintenance release
2004-07-25 release 1.8.3
maintenance release
2004-09-14 release 1.8.4
maintenance release
2004-10-18 release 1.8.5
maintenance release
2004-11-07 release 1.8.6
maintenance release
2005-01-28 release 1.9.0
- new setting: %9dau_cowsay_cowthink_path%9
- new switch for %9--cowsay%9: %9-arguments%9
- new switch for %9--cowsay%9: %9-think%9
2005-06-05 release 2.0.0
- new setting: %9dau_color_choose_colors_randomly%9
- new setting: %9dau_color_codes%9
- new setting: %9dau_language%9
- new setting: %9dau_remote_question_regexp%9
- new switch for %9--bracket%9: %9-left%9
- new switch for %9--bracket%9: %9-right%9
- new switch for %9--color%9: %9-codes%9
- new switch for %9--color%9: %9-random%9
- new switch for %9--color%9: %9-split capitals%9
- new feature: %9--away%9
- new feature: %9--cool%9
- new feature: %9--long_help%9
- new feature: %9--parse_special%9
2005-07-01 release 2.1.0
- new switch for %9--babble%9: %9-at%9
- %9--color%9: Support for background colors
- %9--color -codes%9: You may use now the color names
instead of the numeric color codes
2005-07-24 release 2.1.1
maintenance release
2005-08-02 release 2.1.2
maintenance release
2005-11-01 release 2.1.3
maintenance release
2006-03-11 release 2.1.4
maintenance release
2006-05-21 release 2.1.5
new switch for %9--babble%9: %9-filter%9
2006-10-25 release 2.1.6
new switch for %9--babble%9: %9-cancel%9
2006-11-25 release 2.2.0
new feature: %9--substitute%9
2007-03-07 release 2.3.0
- new setting: %9dau_daumode_channels%9
- new switch for %9--moron%9: %9-level%9
- new switch for %9--moron%9: %9-typo%9
- new switch for %9--random%9: %9-verbose%9
2007-03-08 release 2.3.1
maintenance release
2007-03-11 release 2.3.2
maintenance release
2007-03-18 release 2.3.3
maintenance release
2007-06-02 release 2.4.0
- new setting: %9dau_babble_history_size%9
- new switch for %9--babble%9: %9-history_size%9
2007-06-26 release 2.4.1
maintenance release
2007-10-11 release 2.4.2
maintenance release
2008-02-03 release 2.4.3
maintenance release
return $output;
sub switch_create_files {
# create directory dau_files_root_directory if not found
if (-f $option{dau_files_root_directory}) {
print_err("$option{dau_files_root_directory} is a _file_ => aborting");
if (-d $option{dau_files_root_directory}) {
print_out('directory dau_files_root_directory already exists - no need to create it');
} else {
if (mkpath([$option{dau_files_root_directory}])) {
print_out("creating directory $option{dau_files_root_directory}/");
} else {
print_err("failed creating directory $option{dau_files_root_directory}/");
# create file dau_files_substitute if not found
my $file1 = "$option{dau_files_root_directory}/$option{dau_files_substitute}";
if (-e $file1) {
print_out("file $file1 already exists - no need to create it");
} else {
if (open(FH1, ">", $file1)) {
print FH1 &fix(<<' END');
# dau.pl - http://dau.pl/
# This is the file --moron will use for your own substitutions.
# You can use any perlcode in here.
# $_ contains the text you can work with.
# $_ has to contain the data to be returned to dau.pl at the end.
print_out("$file1 created. you should edit it now!");
} else {
print_err("cannot write $file1: $!");
if (!close(FH1)) {
print_err("cannot close $file1: $!");
# create file dau_files_babble_messages if not found
my $file2 = "$option{dau_files_root_directory}/$option{dau_files_babble_messages}";
if (-e $file2) {
print_out("file $file2 already exists - no need to create it");
} else {
if (open(FH1, ">", $file2)) {
print FH1 &fix(<<' END');
print_out("$file2 created. you should edit it now!");
} else {
print_err("cannot write $file2: $!");
if (!close(FH1)) {
print_err("cannot close $file2: $!");
# create file dau_files_cool_suffixes if not found
my $file3 = "$option{dau_files_root_directory}/$option{dau_files_cool_suffixes}";
if (-e $file3) {
print_out("file $file3 already exists - no need to create it");
} else {
if (open(FH1, ">", $file3)) {
print FH1 &fix(<<' END');
print_out("$file3 created. you should edit it now!");
} else {
print_err("cannot write $file3: $!");
if (!close(FH1)) {
print_err("cannot close $file3: $!");
sub switch_daumode {
$daumode_activated = 1;
sub switch_help {
my $output;
my $option_setting = return_option('help', 'setting');
$print_message = 1;
if ($option_setting eq '') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
# setting changed/added => change/add them below
# boolean
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_away_quote_reason') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_away_quote_reason%9 %Ubool
If turned on, %9--parse_special%9 will not be able to replace
variables which probably aren't one anyway.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_away_reminder') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_away_reminder%9 %Ubool
Turn the reminder message of %9--away%9 on or off.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_babble_verbose') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_babble_verbose%9 %Ubool
Before babbling print a message how many lines will be babbled and
when finished a notification message.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_color_choose_colors_randomly') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_color_choose_colors_randomly%9 %Ubool
Choose colors randomly from setting dau_color_codes resp.
%9--color -codes%9 or take one by one in the exact order given.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_cowsay_print_cow') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_cowsay_print_cow%9 %Ubool
Print a message which cow will be used.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_figlet_print_font') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_figlet_print_font%9 %Ubool
Print a message which font will be used.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_silence') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_silence%9 %Ubool
Don't print any information message. This does not include
error messages.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_statusbar_daumode_hide_when_off') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_statusbar_daumode_hide_when_off%9 %Ubool
Hide statusbar item when daumode is turned off.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_tab_completion') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_tab_completion%9 %Ubool
Perhaps someone wants to disable TAB completion for the
${k}dau-command because he/she doesn't like it or wants
to give the CPU a break (don't know whether it has much
# Integer
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_babble_history_size') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_babble_history_size%9 %Uinteger
Number of lines to store in the babble history.
dau.pl will babble no line the history is holding.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_babble_verbose_minimum_lines') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_babble_verbose_minimum_lines%9 %Uinteger
Minimum lines necessary to produce the output of the verbose
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_cool_maximum_line') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_cool_maximum_line%9 %Uinteger
Trademarke[tm] or do \$this only %Un%U words per line tops.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_cool_probability_eol') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_cool_probability_eol%9 %Uinteger
Probability that "!!!11one" or something like that will be put at EOL.
Set it to 100 and every line will be.
Set it to 0 and no line will be.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_cool_probability_word') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_cool_probability_word%9 %Uinteger
Probability that a word will be trademarked[tm].
Set it to 100 and every word will be.
Set it to 0 and no word will be.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_babble_interval_accuracy') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_babble_interval_accuracy%9 %Uinteger
Value expressed as a percentage how accurate the timer of
the babble feature should be.
Legal values: 1-100
%U100%U would result in a very accurate timer.
# String
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_away_away_text') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_away_away_text%9 %Ustring
The text to say when using %9--away%9.
Special Variables:
\$reason: Your away reason.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_away_back_text') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_away_back_text%9 %Ustring
The text to say when you return.
Special Variables:
\$reason: Your away reason.
\$time: The time you've been away.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_away_reminder_interval') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_away_reminder_interval%9 %Ustring
Remind the channel that you're away! Repeat the message
in the given interval.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_away_reminder_text') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_away_reminder_text%9 %Ustring
The text to say when you remind the channel that you're away.
Special Variables:
\$reason: Your away reason.
\$time: The time you've been away.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_away_options') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_away_options%9 %Ustring
Options %9--away%9 will use.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_babble_options_line_by_line') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_babble_options_line_by_line%9 %Ustring
One single babble may contain several lines. The options
specified in this setting are used for every line.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_babble_options_preprocessing') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_babble_options_preprocessing%9 %Ustring
The options specified in this setting are applied to the
whole babble before anything else. Later, the options of
the setting %9dau_babble_options_line_by_line%9 are
applied to every line of the babble.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_color_codes') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_color_codes%9 %Ustring
Specify the color codes to use, seperated by semicolons.
Example: %Ugreen; red; blue%U. You may use the color code (one
or two digits) or the color names. So either
%U2%U or %Ublue%U is ok. You can set a background color too:
%Ured,green%U and you will write with red on a green
For a complete list of the color codes and names look at
formats.txt in the irssi documentation.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_cool_eol_style') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_cool_eol_style%9 %Ustring
%Uexclamation_marks%U: !!!11one
%Urandom%U: Choose one style randomly
%Usuffixes%U: Suffixes from file
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_cowsay_cowlist') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_cowsay_cowlist%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of cows. Checkout
%9${k}dau --help -setting dau_cowsay_cowpolicy%9
to see what this setting is good for.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_cowsay_cowpath') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_cowsay_cowpath%9 %Ustring
Path to the cowsay-cows (*.cow).
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_cowsay_cowpolicy') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_cowsay_cowpolicy%9 %Ustring
Specifies the policy used to handle the cows in
dau_cowsay_cowpath. If set to %Uallow%U, all cows available
will be used by the command. You can exclude some cows by
setting dau_cowsay_cowlist. If set to %Udeny%U, no cows but
the ones listed in dau_cowsay_cowlist will be used by the
command. Useful if you have many annoying cows in your
cowpath and you want to permit only a few of them.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_cowsay_cowsay_path') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_cowsay_cowsay_path%9 %Ustring
Should point to the cowsay executable.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_cowsay_cowthink_path') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_cowsay_cowthink_path%9 %Ustring
Should point to the cowthink executable.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_daumode_channels') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_daumode_channels%9 %U/:, ...%U
Automatically enable the daumode for some channels.
%U#foo/bar:-modes_out '--substitute'%U would automatically
set the daumode on #foo in network bar to modify outgoing
messages with --substitute.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_delimiter_string') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_delimiter_string%9 %Ustring
Tell %9--delimiter%9 which delimiter to use.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_figlet_fontlist') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_figlet_fontlist%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of fonts. Checkout
%9${k}dau --help -setting dau_figlet_fontpolicy%9
to see what this setting is good for. Use the program
`showfigfonts` shipped with figlet to find these fonts.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_figlet_fontpath') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_figlet_fontpath%9 %Ustring
Path to the figlet-fonts (*.flf).
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_figlet_fontpolicy') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_figlet_fontpolicy%9 %Ustring
Specifies the policy used to handle the fonts in
dau_figlet_fontpath. If set to %Uallow%U, all fonts available
will be used by the command. You can exclude some fonts by
setting dau_figlet_fontlist. If set to %Udeny%U, no fonts but
the ones listed in dau_figlet_fontlist will be used by the
command. Useful if you have many annoying fonts in your
fontpath and you want to permit only a few of them.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_figlet_path') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_figlet_path%9 %Ustring
Should point to the figlet executable.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_files_away') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_files_away%9 %Ustring
The file with the away messages.
_Must_ be in dau_files_root_directory.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_files_babble_messages') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_files_babble_messages%9 %Ustring
The file with the babble messages.
_Must_ be in dau_files_root_directory.
%9${k}dau --create_files%9 will create it.
Format of the file: Newline separated plain text.
The text will be sent through %9--parse_special%9 as well.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_files_cool_suffixes') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_files_cool_suffixes%9 %Ustring
%9--cool%9 takes randomly one line out of this file
and puts it at the end of the line.
This file _must_ be in dau_files_root_directory.
%9${k}dau --create_files%9 will create it.
Format of the file: Newline separated plain text.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_files_root_directory') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_files_root_directory%9 %Ustring
Directory in which all files for dau.pl will be stored.
%9${k}dau --create_files%9 will create it.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_files_substitute') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_files_substitute%9 %Ustring
Your own substitutions file. _Must_ be in
%9${k}dau --create_files%9 will create it.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_language') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_language%9 %Ustring
%Ude%U: If you are writing in german
%Uen%U: If you are writing in english
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_moron_eol_style') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_moron_eol_style%9 %Ustring
What to do at End Of Line?
- !!!??!!!!!????!??????????!!!1
- =
- ?¿?
%Unothing%U: do nothing
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_parse_special_list_delimiter') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_parse_special_list_delimiter%9 %Ustring
Set the list delimiter used for \@nicks and \@opnicks to %Ustring%U.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_random_options') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_random_options%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of options %9--random%9 will use. It will
take randomly one item of the list. If you set it f.e. to
%U--uppercase --color,--mixedcase%U,
the probability of printing a colored, uppercased string hello
will be 50% as well as the probabilty of printing a mixedcased
string hello when typing %9${k}dau --random hello%9.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_babble_channellist') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_babble_channellist%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of channels. You'll have to specify the
ircnet too.
Format: #channel1/IRCNet,#channel2/EFnet
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_babble_channelpolicy') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_babble_channelpolicy%9 %Ustring
Using the default policy %Udeny%U the script won't do anything
except in the channels listed in dau_remote_babble_channellist.
Using the policy %Uallow%U the script will babble in all
channels but the ones listed in dau_remote_babble_channellist.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_babble_interval') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_babble_interval%9 %Ustring
dau.pl will babble text in the given interval.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_channellist') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_channellist%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of channels. You'll have to specify the
ircnet too.
Format: #channel1/IRCNet,#channel2/EFnet
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_channelpolicy') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_channelpolicy%9 %Ustring
Using the default policy %Udeny%U the script won't do anything
except in the channels listed in dau_remote_channellist. Using
the policy %Uallow%U the script will reply to all channels but
the ones listed in dau_remote_channellist.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_deop_reply') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_deop_reply%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of messages (it will take randomly one
item of the list) sent to channel if someone deops you (mode
change -o).
The string given will be processed by the same subroutine
parsing the %9${k}dau%9 command.
Special Variables:
\$nick: contains the nick of the one who changed the mode
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_devoice_reply') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_devoice_reply%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of messages (it will take randomly one
item of the list) sent to channel if someone devoices you (mode
change -v).
The string given will be processed by the same subroutine
parsing the %9${k}dau%9 command.
Special Variables:
\$nick: contains the nick of the one who changed the mode
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_op_reply') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_op_reply%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of messages (it will take randomly one
item of the list) sent to channel if someone ops you (mode
change +o).
The string given will be processed by the same subroutine
parsing the %9${k}dau%9 command.
Special Variables:
\$nick: contains the nick of the one who changed the mode
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_permissions') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_permissions%9 %U[01][01][01][01][01][01]
Permit or forbid the remote features.
First Bit:
Reply to question
Second Bit:
If someone gives you voice in a channel, thank him!
Third Bit:
If someone gives you op in a channel, thank him!
Fourth Bit:
If devoiced, print message
Fifth Bit:
If deopped, print message
Sixth Bit:
Babble text in certain intervals
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_question_regexp') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_question_regexp%9 %Ustring
If someone says something matching that regular expression,
act accordingly.
The regexp will be sent through %9--parse_special%9.
Because of that you will have to escape some characters, f.e.
\\s to \\\\s for whitespace.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_question_reply') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_question_reply%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of reply strings for the question of
setting dau_remote_question_regexp (it will randomly choose one
item of the list).
The string given will be processed by the same subroutine
parsing the %9${k}dau%9 command.
Special Variables:
\$nick: contains the nick of the one who sent the message to which
dau.pl reacts
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_remote_voice_reply') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_remote_voice_reply%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of messages (it will take randomly one
item of the list) sent to channel if someone voices you (mode
change +v).
The string given will be processed by the same subroutine
parsing the %9${k}dau%9 command.
Special Variables:
\$nick: contains the nick of the one who changed the mode
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_standard_messages') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_standard_messages%9 %Ustring
Comma separated list of strings %9${k}dau%9 will use if the user
omits the text on the commandline.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_standard_options') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_standard_options%9 %Ustring
Options %9${k}dau%9 will use if the user omits them on the commandline.
elsif ($option_setting eq 'dau_words_range') {
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9dau_words_range%9 %Ui-j
Setup the range howmany words the command should write per line.
1 <= i <= j <= 9; i, j element { 1, ... , 9 }. If i == j the command
will write i words to the active window. Else it takes a random
number k (element { i, ... , j }) and writes k words per
return $output;
sub switch_long_help {
my $output;
$print_message = 1;
$output = &fix(<<" END");
%9${k}dau [%Uoptions%U] [%Utext%U%9]
dau? What does that mean? It's a german acronym for %9d%9ümmster
%9a%9nzunehmender %9u%9ser. In english: stupidest imaginable user.
With dau.pl every person can write like an idiot on the IRC!
%9${k}dau --uppercase --mixedcase %Ufoo bar baz%9
Will write %Ufoo bar baz%U in mixed case.
%Ufoo bar baz%U is sent _first_ to %9--uppercase%9, _then_ to
The order in which you put the options on the commandline is
You can see what output a command produces without sending it to
the active channel/query by sending it to a non-channel/query
%9${k}dau --color --figlet %Ufoo bar baz%9
%9--color%9 is the first to be run and thus color codes will
be inserted.
The string will look like %U\\00302f\\00303o[...]%U when leaving
%9--figlet%9 uses then that string as its input.
So you'll have finally an output like
%U02f03o[...]%U in the figlet letters.
You'll probably want to use %9--figlet --color%9 instead.
%9Combine the options%9
You can combine most of the options! So you can write colored
leet messages f.e.. Look in the EXAMPLES section above.
dau.pl will babble text for you. It can do this on its own
in certain intervals or forced by the user using %9--babble%9.
Related settings:
Related switches:
Dauify incoming and/or outgoing messages.
There is a statusbar item available displaying the current
status of the daumode. Add it with
%9/statusbar add [-alignment ] daumode%9
You may customize the look of the statusbar item in the
theme file:
sb_daumode = "{sb daumode I: \$0 (\$1) O: \$2 (\$3)}";
# \$0: will incoming messages be dauified?
# \$1: modes for incoming messages
# \$2: will outgoing messages be dauified?
# \$3: modes for outgoing messages
%9Remote features%9
Don't worry, dau.pl won't do anything automatically unless you
unlock these features!
dau.pl will babble text for you in certain intervals.
%9Reply to a question%9
Answer a question as a moron would.
Related settings:
%9Say something on (de)op/(de)voice%9
Related settings:
%9TAB Completion%9
There is a really clever TAB Completion included! Since
commands can get very long you definitely want to use it.
It will only complete syntactically correct commands so the
TAB Completion isn't only a time saver, it's a control
instance too. You'll be suprised to see that it even completes
the figlet fonts and cows for cowsay that are available on
your system.
Additional information, DAU.pm, the dauomat and the dauproxy.
return $output;
sub switch_random {
my ($data, $channel_rec) = @_;
my $output;
my (@options, $opt, $text);
# Push each item of dau_random_options in the @options array.
while ($option{dau_random_options} =~ /\s*([^,]+)\s*,?/g) {
my $item = $1;
push @options, $item;
# More than one item in @options. Choose one randomly but exclude
# the last item chosen.
if (@options > 1) {
@options = grep { $_ ne $random_last } @options;
$opt = @options[rand(@options)];
$random_last = $opt;
# Exact one item in @options - take that
elsif (@options == 1) {
$opt = $options[0];
$random_last = $opt;
# No item in @options - call switch_moron()
else {
$opt = '--moron';
# dauify it!
unless (lc(return_option('random', 'verbose')) eq 'off') {
print_out("%9--random%9 has chosen %9$opt%9", $channel_rec);
$text .= $opt . ' ' . $data;
$output = parse_text($text, $channel_rec);
return $output;
# Subroutines (switches, may be combined)
sub switch_boxes {
my $data = shift;
# handling punctuation marks:
# they will be put in their own box later
$data =~ s%(\w+)([,.?!;:]+)%
$1 . ' ' . join(' ', split(//, $2))
# separate words (by whitespace) and put them in a box
$data =~ s/(\s*)(\S+)(\s*)/$1\[$2\]$3/g;
return $data;
sub switch_bracket {
my $data = shift;
my $output;
my $option_left = return_option('bracket', 'left');
my $option_right = return_option('bracket', 'right');
my %brackets = (
'((' => '))',
'-=(' => ')=-',
'-=[' => ']=-',
'-={' => '}=-',
'-=|(' => ')|=-',
'-=|[' => ']|=-',
'-=|{' => '}|=-',
'.:>' => '<:.',
foreach (keys %brackets) {
for my $times (2 .. 3) {
my $pre = $_;
my $post = $brackets{$_};
$pre =~ s/(.)/$1 x $times/eg;
$post =~ s/(.)/$1 x $times/eg;
$brackets{$pre} = $post;
$brackets{'!---?['} = ']?---!';
$brackets{'(qp=>'} = '<=qp)';
$brackets{'----->'} = '<-----';
my ($left, $right);
if ($option_left && $option_right) {
$left = $option_left;
$right = $option_right;
} else {
$left = (keys(%brackets))[int(rand(keys(%brackets)))];
$right = $brackets{$left};
$output = "$left $data $right";
return $output;
sub switch_chars {
my $data = shift;
my $output;
foreach my $char (split //, $data) {
$output .= "$char\n";
return $output;
sub switch_command {
my ($data, $channel_rec) = @_;
# -out
$command_out = return_option('command', 'out');
$command_out_activated = 1;
# -in
$command_in = '';
my $option_command_in = return_option('command', 'in');
if ($option_command_in) {
return unless (defined($channel_rec) && $channel_rec);
# Deactivate daumode for a brief moment
$signal{'send text'} = 0;
Irssi::signal_remove('send text', 'signal_send_text');
# Capture the output
Irssi::signal_add_first('command msg', 'signal_command_msg');
$channel_rec->command("$option_command_in $data");
Irssi::signal_remove('command msg', 'signal_command_msg');
# Reactivate daumode
return $command_in;
return $data;
sub switch_color {
my $data = shift;
my (@all_colors, @colors, $output, $split);
# Hack to support UTF-8
if (Irssi::settings_get_str('term_charset') =~ /utf-?8/i) {
eval {
require Encode;
$data = Encode::decode("utf-8", $data);
# Get options
my $option_color_split = return_option('color', 'split', 'words');
my $option_color_codes = return_option('color', 'codes', $option{dau_color_codes});
my $option_color_random = return_option('color', 'random', $option{dau_color_choose_colors_randomly});
if ($option_color_random eq 'on' || $option_color_random == 1) {
$option_color_random = 1;
} else {
$option_color_random = 0;
# color name -> color code
$option_color_codes =~ s/\blight green\b/09/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\bgreen\b/03/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\blight red\b/04/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\bred\b/05/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\blight cyan\b/11/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\bcyan\b/10/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\blight blue\b/12/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\bblue\b/02/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\blight magenta\b/13/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\bmagenta\b/06/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\blight grey\b/15/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\bgrey\b/14/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\bwhite\b/00/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\bblack\b/01/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\borange\b/07/gi;
$option_color_codes =~ s/\byellow\b/08/gi;
# Produce @all_colors
# 5 shall be a colored 5
$option_color_codes =~ s/(\d+)/sprintf('%02d', $1)/eg;
# Fill @all_colors and do error checking
my @all_colors = split(/\s*;\s*/, $option_color_codes);
foreach my $code (@all_colors) {
if ($code !~ /^\d+(,\d+)?$/) {
print_err("Incorrect color code '$code'!");
return $data;
if (@all_colors == 0) {
print_err('No color code found.');
return $data;
@colors = @all_colors;
# "-split capitals"
if ($option_color_split eq 'capitals') {
$output = $data;
my ($color1, $color2);
if ($option_color_random) {
$color1 = $colors[rand(@colors)];
@colors = grep { $_ ne $color1 } @colors unless (@colors == 1);
$color2 = $colors[rand(@colors)];
} else {
if (@colors == 1) {
$color1 = $color2 = $colors[0];
} else {
$color1 = $colors[0];
$color2 = $colors[1];
$output =~ s/([[:upper:][:punct:]]+|\b\S)/\003${color1}${1}\003${color2}/g;
# Remove needless color codes
$output =~ s/\003(?:$color1|$color2)( *)\003(?:$color1|$color2)/$1/g;
$output =~ s/\003(?:$color1|$color2)$//;
# Not "-split capitals"
else {
if ($option_color_split eq 'chars') {
$split = '';
} elsif ($option_color_split eq 'lines') {
$split = "\n";
} elsif ($option_color_split eq 'words') {
$split = '\s+';
} elsif ($option_color_split eq 'rchars') {
$split = '.' x rand(10);
} elsif ($option_color_split eq 'paragraph') {
$split = "\n";
} else {
$split = '\s+';
my $i = 0;
my $background = 0;
my $color;
for (split /($split)/, $data) {
if (/^\s*$/) {
$output .= $_;
if ($option_color_random) {
$color = $colors[rand(@colors)];
$output .= "\017" if ($background && $color !~ /,/);
$output .= "\003" . $color . $_;
if ($color =~ /,/) {
$background = 1;
} else {
$background = 0;
if ($option_color_split eq 'paragraph') {
@colors = ($color);
} else {
@colors = grep { $_ ne $color } @all_colors unless (@all_colors == 1);
} else {
$color = $colors[($i++ % ($#colors + 1))];
if ($option_color_split eq 'paragraph') {
$color = $colors[0];
$output .= "\017" if ($background && $color !~ /,/);
$output .= "\003" . $color . $_;
if ($color =~ /,/) {
$background = 1;
} else {
$background = 0;
return $output;
sub switch_cool {
my ($data, $channel) = @_;
my $output;
# Get the options
my $option_eol_style = return_option('cool', 'eol_style', $option{dau_cool_eol_style});
my $option_max = return_option('cool', 'max', $option{dau_cool_maximum_line});
if (!defined($option_max) || int($option_max) < 0) {
$option_max = INT_MAX;
my $option_prob_eol = return_option('cool', 'prob_eol', $option{dau_cool_probability_eol});
if (!defined($option_prob_eol) || int($option_prob_eol) < 0 || int($option_prob_eol) > 100) {
$option_prob_eol = 20;
my $option_prob_word = return_option('cool', 'prob_word', $option{dau_cool_probability_word});
if (!defined($option_prob_word) || int($option_prob_word) < 0 || int($option_prob_word) > 100) {
$option_prob_word = 20;
# Insert the trademarks and dollar signs
my $max = $option_max;
foreach my $line (split /(\n)/, $data) {
foreach my $word (split /(\s)/, $line) {
if ($max > 0 && (rand(100) <= $option_prob_word) && $word =~ /^(\w+)([[:punct:]])?$/) {
$word = "${1}[tm]${2}";
if ($max > 0 && (rand(100) <= $option_prob_word) && $word =~ /^(\w+(?:\[tm\])?)([[:punct:]])?$/) {
$word = "\$${1}${2}";
$output .= $word;
$max = $option_max;
# Reversed smileys
my $hat = '[(<]';
my $eyes = '[:;%]';
my $nose = '[-]';
my $mouth = '[)(><\[\]{}|]';
$output =~ s{($hat?$eyes$nose?$mouth+)}{
# Supposed to be read from the right to the left.
# Therefore reverse all parenthesis characters:
my $tr = $1;
$tr =~ tr/()<>[]\{\}/)(><][\}\{/;
# Reverse the rest
# EOL modifications
my $style = $option_eol_style;
if ($option_eol_style eq 'random') {
if (int(rand(2)) && $output !~ /[?!]$/) {
$style = 'exclamation_marks';
} else {
$style = 'suffixes';
# If there is no suffixes file, go for the exclamation marks
my $file = "$option{dau_files_root_directory}/$option{dau_files_cool_suffixes}";
unless (-e $file && -r $file && !(-z $file)) {
$style = 'exclamation_marks';
# Skip EOL modifications?
if (int(rand(100)) > $option_prob_eol) {
$style = 'none';
# Style determined. Act accordingly:
if ($style eq 'exclamation_marks') {
my @eol;
if ($option{dau_language} eq 'de') {
@eol = ("eins", "shifteins", "elf", "hundertelf", "tausendeinhundertundelf");
for (1 .. 5) {
push(@eol, "eins");
push(@eol, "elf");
} else {
@eol = ("one", "shiftone", "eleven");
for (1 .. 5) {
push(@eol, "one");
push(@eol, "eleven");
$output =~ s/\s*([,.?!])*\s*$//;
$output .= '!' x (3 + int(rand(3)));
$output .= '1' x (3 + int(rand(3)));
$output .= $eol[rand(@eol)] x (1 + int(rand(1)));
$output .= $eol[rand(@eol)] x (int(rand(2)));
} elsif ($style eq 'suffixes') {
my $suffix;
if (-e $file && -r $file) {
local $/ = "\n";
@ARGV = ($file);
rand($.) < 1 && ($suffix = switch_parse_special($_, $channel)) while <>;
$output =~ s/\s*$//;
if ($output =~ /^\s*$/) {
$output = $suffix;
} else {
$output .= " " . $suffix;
return $output;
sub switch_cowsay {
my $data = shift;
my ($binarypath, $output, @cows, %cow, $cow, @cache1, @cache2);
my $skip = 1;
my $think = return_option('cowsay', 'think');
my $executable_name;
if ($think eq 'on') {
$binarypath = $option{dau_cowsay_cowthink_path};
$executable_name = 'cowthink';
} else {
$binarypath = $option{dau_cowsay_cowsay_path};
$executable_name = 'cowsay';
if (-e $binarypath && !(-f $binarypath)) {
print_err("dau_cowsay_${executable_name}_path has to point to the $executable_name executable.");
} elsif (!(-e $binarypath)) {
print_err("$executable_name not found. Install it and set dau_cowsay_${executable_name}_path.");
if (return_option('cowsay', 'cow')) {
$cow = return_option('cowsay', 'cow');
} else {
while ($option{dau_cowsay_cowlist} =~ /\s*([^,\s]+)\s*,?/g) {
$cow{$1} = 1;
foreach my $cow (keys %{ $switches{combo}{cowsay}{cow} }) {
if (lc($option{dau_cowsay_cowpolicy}) eq 'allow') {
push(@cows, $cow)
unless ($cow{$cow});
} elsif (lc($option{dau_cowsay_cowpolicy}) eq 'deny') {
push(@cows, $cow)
if ($cow{$cow});
} else {
print_err('Invalid value for dau_cowsay_cowpolicy');
if (@cows == 0) {
print_err('Cannot find any cowsay cow.');
$cow = $cows[rand(@cows)];
# Run cowsay or cowthink
local(*HIS_IN, *HIS_OUT, *HIS_ERR);
my @arguments;
my $option_arguments = return_option('cowsay', 'arguments');
if ($option_arguments) {
@arguments = split(/ /, $option_arguments);
my $childpid = open3(*HIS_IN, *HIS_OUT, *HIS_ERR, $binarypath, '-f', $cow, @arguments);
print HIS_IN $data or return;
close(HIS_IN) or return;
my @errlines = ;
my @outlines = ;
close(HIS_ERR) or return;
close(HIS_OUT) or return;
waitpid($childpid, 0);
if ($?) {
print_err("That child exited with wait status of $?");
# Error during execution? Print errors and return
unless (@errlines == 0) {
print_err('Error during execution of cowsay');
foreach my $line (@errlines) {
if ($option{dau_cowsay_print_cow}) {
print_out("Using cowsay cow $cow");
foreach (@outlines) {
if (/^\s*$/ && $skip) {
} else {
$skip = 0;
push(@cache1, $_);
$skip = 1;
foreach (reverse @cache1) {
if (/^\s*$/ && $skip) {
} else {
$skip = 0;
push(@cache2, $_);
foreach (reverse @cache2) {
$output .= "$_\n";
return $output;
sub switch_delimiter {
my $data = shift;
my $output;
my $option_delimiter_string = return_option('delimiter', 'string', $option{dau_delimiter_string});
foreach my $char (split //, $data) {
$output .= $char . $option_delimiter_string;
return $output;
sub switch_dots {
my $data = shift;
$data =~ s/[.]*\s+/
if (rand(10) < 3) {
(rand(10) >= 5 ? ' ' : '')
('...' . '.' x rand(5))
(rand(10) >= 5 ? ' ' : '')
} else { ' ' }
rand(10) >= 5 ? $data .= ' ' : 0;
$data .= ('...' . '.' x rand(10));
return $data;
sub switch_figlet {
my $data = shift;
my $skip = 1;
my ($output, @fonts, %font, $font, @cache1, @cache2);
if (-e $option{dau_figlet_path} && !(-f $option{dau_figlet_path})) {
print_err('dau_figlet_path has to point to the figlet executable.');
} elsif (!(-e $option{dau_figlet_path})) {
print_err('figlet not found. Install it and set dau_figlet_path.');
if (return_option('figlet', 'font')) {
$font = return_option('figlet', 'font');
} else {
while ($option{dau_figlet_fontlist} =~ /\s*([^,\s]+)\s*,?/g) {
$font{$1} = 1;
foreach my $font (keys %{ $switches{combo}{figlet}{font} }) {
if (lc($option{dau_figlet_fontpolicy}) eq 'allow') {
push(@fonts, $font)
unless ($font{$font});
} elsif (lc($option{dau_figlet_fontpolicy}) eq 'deny') {
push(@fonts, $font)
if ($font{$font});
} else {
print_err('Invalid value for dau_figlet_fontpolicy.');
if (@fonts == 0) {
print_err('Cannot find figlet fonts.');
$font = $fonts[rand(@fonts)];
# Run figlet
local(*HIS_IN, *HIS_OUT, *HIS_ERR);
my $childpid = open3(*HIS_IN, *HIS_OUT, *HIS_ERR, $option{dau_figlet_path}, '-f', $font);
print HIS_IN $data or return;
close(HIS_IN) or return;
my @errlines = ;
my @outlines = ;
close(HIS_ERR) or return;
close(HIS_OUT) or return;
waitpid($childpid, 0);
if ($?) {
print_err("That child exited with wait status of $?");
# Error during execution? Print errors and return
unless (@errlines == 0) {
print_err('Error during execution of figlet');
foreach my $line (@errlines) {
if ($option{dau_figlet_print_font}) {
print_out("Using figlet font $font");
foreach (@outlines) {
if (/^\s*$/ && $skip) {
} else {
$skip = 0;
push(@cache1, $_);
$skip = 1;
foreach (reverse @cache1) {
if (/^\s*$/ && $skip) {
} else {
$skip = 0;
push(@cache2, $_);
foreach (reverse @cache2) {
$output .= "$_\n";
return $output;
sub switch_leet {
my $data = shift;
$_ = $data;
s/(\w)/rand(100) < 50 ? "\u$1" : "\l$1"/ge;
return $_;
sub switch_me {
my $data = shift;
$command_out = 'ACTION';
return $data;
# &switch_mix by Martin Kihlgren
# slightly modified by myself
sub switch_mix {
my $data = shift;
my $output;
while ($data =~ s/(\s*)([^\w]*)([\w]+)([^\w]*)(\s+[^\w]*\w+[^\w]*\s*)*/$5/) {
my $prespace = $1;
my $prechars = $2;
my $w = $3;
my $postchars = $4;
$output = $output . $prespace . $prechars . substr($w,0,1);
my $middle = substr($w,1,length($w) - 2);
while ($middle =~ s/(.)(.*)/$2/) {
if (rand() > 0.1) {
$middle = $middle . $1;
} else {
$output = $output . $1;
if (length($w) > 1) {
$output = $output . substr($w, length($w) - 1, 1);
$output = $output . $postchars;
return $output;
sub switch_mixedcase {
my $data = shift;
$data =~ s/([[:alpha:]])/rand(100) < 50 ? uc($1) : lc($1)/ge;
return $data;
sub switch_moron {
my ($data, $channel_rec) = @_;
my $output;
my $option_eol_style = return_option('moron', 'eol_style', $option{dau_moron_eol_style});
my $option_language = $option{dau_language};
# -omega on
my $omega;
if (return_option('moron', 'omega') eq 'on') {
my @words = qw(omfg lol wtf);
foreach (split / (?=\w+\b)/, $data) {
if (rand(100) < 20) {
$omega .= ' ' . $words[rand(@words)] . " $_";
} else {
$omega .= ' ' . $_;
$omega =~ s/\s*,\s+\@/ @/g;
$omega =~ s/^\s+//;
$_ = $omega || $data;
# 'nick: text' -> 'text @ nick'
my $old_list_delimiter = $option{dau_parse_special_list_delimiter};
$option{dau_parse_special_list_delimiter} = ' ';
my @nicks = split(/ /, switch_parse_special('@nicks', $channel_rec));
$option{dau_parse_special_list_delimiter} = $old_list_delimiter;
@nicks = map { quotemeta($_) } @nicks;
local $" = '|';
eval { # Catch strange error
s/^(@nicks): (.+)/$2 @ $1/;
# Preparations for "EOL modifications" later
# Remove puntuation marks at EOL and ensure there is a single space at EOL.
# This is necessary because the EOL-styles 'new' and 'classic' put them at
# EOL. If EOL-style is set to 'nothing' don't do this.
s/\s*([,;.:?!])*\s*$// unless ($option_eol_style eq 'nothing');
my $lastchar = $1;
# Only whitespace? Remove it.
# Substitutions for every language
# Dauify smileys
# Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at...
# (the optional dash ($1) in the regular expressions).
# Thus turn off warnings
no warnings;
if ($option{dau_language} eq 'de') {
if (int(rand(2))) {
} else {
s/:(-)?\)/':' . $1 . ')))' . (')' x rand(10)) . ('9' x rand(4))/ego;
s/;(-)?\)/';' . $1 . ')))' . (')' x rand(10)) . ('9' x rand(4))/ego;
s/:(-)?\(/':' . $1 . '(((' . ('(' x rand(10)) . ('8' x rand(4))/ego;
s#(^|\s):(-)?/(\s|$)#$1 . ':' . $2 . '///' . ('/' x rand(10)) . ('7' x rand(4)) . $3#ego;
} else {
if (int(rand(2))) {
} else {
s/:(-)?\)/':' . $1 . ')))' . (')' x rand(10)) . ('0' x rand(4))/ego;
s/;(-)?\)/';' . $1 . ')))' . (')' x rand(10)) . ('0' x rand(4))/ego;
s/:(-)?\(/':' . $1 . '(((' . ('(' x rand(10)) . ('9' x rand(4))/ego;
# English text
if ($option_language eq 'en') {
# German text
if ($option_language eq 'de') {
# '*GG*' -> 'ÃGGÃ'
my @a = ('*', 'Ã');
my $a = $a[int(rand(@a))];
s/\*g\*/$a . 'ggg' . ('g' x rand(10)) . $a/egio;
# verbs
s/\b(k)onfigurieren\b/$1 eq 'k' ? 'confen' : 'Confen'/egio;
s/\b(k)onfiguriere\b/$1 eq 'k' ? 'confe' : 'Confe'/egio;
s/\b(k)onfigurierst\b/$1 eq 'k' ? 'confst' : 'Confst'/egio;
s/\b(k)onfiguriert\b/$1 eq 'k' ? 'conft' : 'Conft'/egio;
s/\b(m)achen\b/$1 eq 'm' ? 'tun' : 'Tun'/egio;
s/\b(m)ache\b/$1 eq 'm' ? 'tu' : 'Tu'/egio;
s/\b(m)achst\b/$1 eq 'm' ? 'tust' : 'Tust'/egio;
# other
if (int(rand(2)) == 0) {
} else {
if (int(rand(2)) == 0) {
} else {
if (int(rand(2)) == 0) {
} else {
if (int(rand(2)) == 0) {
} else {
if (int(rand(3)) == 0) {
} elsif (int(rand(3)) == 1) {
} else {
if (int(rand(3)) == 0) {
} elsif (int(rand(3)) == 1) {
} else {
s/\b(i)st er\b/$1ssa/gio;
s/\bist\b/int(rand(2)) ? 'is' : 'iss'/ego;
s/\bIst\b/int(rand(2)) ? 'Is' : 'Iss'/ego;
s/\b(d)a(?:ss|Ã) du\b/$1asu/gio;
s/\b(s)ag mal\b/$1amma/gio;
s/\b(u)nd nun\b/$1nnu/gio;
s/\b(s)oll denn\b/$1olln/gio;
s/\b(s)o eine\b/$1onne/gio;
s/\b(e)ine\b/$1 eq 'e' ? 'ne' : 'Ne'/egio;
s/\bkein problem\b/NP/gio;
s/\b([[:alpha:]]{2,})st du\b/${1}su/gio;
s/\b(a)nf(?:ä|ae)nger\b/$1 eq 'a' ? 'n00b' : 'N00b'/egio;
s/\b(b)asta\b/$1 eq 'b' ? 'pasta' : 'Pasta'/egio;
s/\b(b)itte\b/$1 eq 'b' ? 'plz' : 'Plz'/egio;
s/\b(c)hannel\b/$1 eq 'c' ? 'kanal' : 'Kanal'/egio;
s/\b(c)ool\b/$1 eq 'c' ? 'kewl' : 'Kewl'/egio;
s/\b(e)ntschuldigung\b/$1 eq 'e' ? 'sry' : 'Sry'/egio;
s/\b(f)ilm\b/$1 eq 'f' ? 'movie' : 'Movie'/egio;
s/\b(g)ibt es\b/$1ibbet/gio;
s/\bgra([dt])/$1 eq 'd' ? 'grat' : 'grad'/ego;
s/\bGra([dt])/$1 eq 'd' ? 'Grat' : 'Grad'/ego;
s/\b(k)iste\b/$1 eq 'k' ? 'byxe' : 'Byxe'/egio;
s/\b(l)eute\b/$1 eq 'l' ? 'ppl' : 'Ppl'/egio;
s/\b(m)it dem\b/$1im/gio;
s/\bnicht\b/int(rand(2)) ? 'net' : 'ned'/ego;
s/\bNicht\b/int(rand(2)) ? 'Net' : 'Ned'/ego;
s/\b(r)(o)(t?fl)\b/$1 . ($2 eq 'o' ? 'ö' : 'Ã') . $3/egio;
s/\b(r)(o)(t?fl)(o)(l)\b/$1 . ($2 eq 'o' ? 'ö' : 'Ã') . $3 . ($4 eq 'o' ? 'ö' : 'Ã') . $5/egio;
s/\bsei([dt])\b/$1 eq 'd' ? 'seit' : 'seid'/ego;
s/\bSei([dt])\b/$1 eq 'd' ? 'Seit' : 'Seid'/ego;
s/\b(s)piel\b/$1 eq 's' ? 'game' : 'Game'/egio;
s/\bto([td])/$1 eq 't' ? 'tod' : 'tot'/ego;
s/\bTo([td])/$1 eq 't' ? 'Tod' : 'Tot'/ego;
s/\bviel gl(?:ü|ue)ck\b/GL/gio;
s/\bwa(h)?r/$1 eq 'h' ? 'war' : 'wahr'/ego;
s/\bWa(h)?r/$1 eq 'h' ? 'War' : 'Wahr'/ego;
s/\b(w)as du\b/$1asu/gio;
s/\b(w)eil du\b/$1eilu/gio;
s/\bweis(s)?/$1 eq 's' ? 'weis' : 'weiss'/ego;
s/\bWeis(s)?/$1 eq 's' ? 'Weis' : 'Weiss'/ego;
s/\b(w)enn du\b/$1ennu/gio;
if(return_option('moron', 'level') >= 1) {
s/\b(v)er(\w+)/$1 eq 'V' ? "Fa$2" : "fa$2"/egio;
if (rand(10) <= 4) {
if ($1 eq 'f') {
else {
} else {
if (rand(10) <= 4) {
if ($1 eq 'F') {
else {
} else {
my $begin = $1;
my $end = $2;
if (rand(10) <= 4) {
if ($end eq 't' && $begin !~ /t$/) {
} elsif ($end eq 'd' && $begin !~ /d$/) {
} else {
} else {
if (rand(10) <= 4) {
} else {
$data = $_;
# Swap characters with characters near at the keyboard
my %mark;
my %chars;
if ($option{dau_language} eq 'de') {
%chars = (
'a' => [ 's' ],
'b' => [ 'v', 'n' ],
'c' => [ 'x', 'v' ],
'd' => [ 's', 'f' ],
'e' => [ 'w', 'r' ],
'f' => [ 'd', 'g' ],
'g' => [ 'f', 'h' ],
'h' => [ 'g', 'j' ],
'i' => [ 'u', 'o' ],
'j' => [ 'h', 'k' ],
'k' => [ 'j', 'l' ],
'l' => [ 'k', 'ö' ],
'm' => [ 'n' ],
'n' => [ 'b', 'm' ],
'o' => [ 'i', 'p' ],
'p' => [ 'o', 'ü' ],
'q' => [ 'w' ],
'r' => [ 'e', 't' ],
's' => [ 'a', 'd' ],
't' => [ 'r', 'z' ],
'u' => [ 'z', 'i' ],
'v' => [ 'c', 'b' ],
'w' => [ 'q', 'e' ],
'x' => [ 'y', 'c' ],
'y' => [ 'x' ],
'z' => [ 't', 'u' ],
} else {
%chars = (
'a' => [ 's' ],
'b' => [ 'v', 'n' ],
'c' => [ 'x', 'v' ],
'd' => [ 's', 'f' ],
'e' => [ 'w', 'r' ],
'f' => [ 'd', 'g' ],
'g' => [ 'f', 'h' ],
'h' => [ 'g', 'j' ],
'i' => [ 'u', 'o' ],
'j' => [ 'h', 'k' ],
'k' => [ 'j', 'l' ],
'l' => [ 'k', 'ö' ],
'm' => [ 'n' ],
'n' => [ 'b', 'm' ],
'o' => [ 'i', 'p' ],
'p' => [ 'o', 'ü' ],
'q' => [ 'w' ],
'r' => [ 'e', 't' ],
's' => [ 'a', 'd' ],
't' => [ 'r', 'z' ],
'u' => [ 'z', 'i' ],
'v' => [ 'c', 'b' ],
'w' => [ 'q', 'e' ],
'x' => [ 'y', 'c' ],
'y' => [ 't', 'u' ],
'z' => [ 'x' ],
# Do not replace one character twice
# Therefore every replace-position will be marked
unless (lc(return_option('moron', 'typo')) eq 'off') {
for (0 .. length($data)) {
$mark{$_} = 0;
for (0 .. rand(length($data))/20) {
my $pos = int(rand(length($data)));
pos $data = $pos;
unless ($mark{$pos} == 1) {
no locale;
if ($data =~ /\G([A-Za-z])/g) {
my $matched = $1;
my $replacement;
if ($matched eq lc($matched)) {
$replacement = $chars{$matched}[int(rand(@{ $chars{$matched} }))];
} else {
$replacement = uc($chars{$matched}[int(rand(@{ $chars{$matched} }))]);
if ($replacement !~ /^\s*$/) {
substr($data, $pos, 1, $replacement);
$mark{$pos} = 1;
# Mix in some typos (swapping characters)
unless (lc(return_option('moron', 'typo')) eq 'off') {
foreach my $word (split /([\s\n])/, $data) {
if ((rand(100) <= 20) && length($word) > 1) {
my $position_swap = int(rand(length($word)));
if ($position_swap == 0) {
$position_swap = 1;
} elsif ($position_swap == length($word)) {
$position_swap = length($word) - 1;
if (substr($word, $position_swap - 1, 1) eq uc(substr($word, $position_swap - 1, 1)) &&
substr($word, $position_swap, 1) eq lc(substr($word, $position_swap, 1)))
(substr($word, $position_swap, 1), substr($word, $position_swap - 1, 1)) =
(lc(substr($word, $position_swap - 1, 1)), uc(substr($word, $position_swap, 1)));
} else {
(substr($word, $position_swap, 1), substr($word, $position_swap - 1, 1)) =
(substr($word, $position_swap - 1, 1), substr($word, $position_swap, 1));
$output .= $word;
} else {
$output = $_;
# plenk
$output =~ s/(\w+)([,;.:?!]+)(\s+|$)/
if (rand(10) <= 8 || $3 eq '') {
"$1 $2$3"
} else {
# default behaviour: uppercase text
$output = uc($output) unless (return_option('moron', 'uppercase') eq 'off');
# do something at EOL
if ($option_eol_style ne 'nothing') {
my $random = int(rand(100));
$output .= ' ' unless ($output =~ /^\s*$/);
# !!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!!11111
if ($random <= 70 || $lastchar eq '!') {
my @punct = qw(? !);
$output .= $punct[rand(@punct)] x int(rand(5))
for (1..15);
if ($lastchar eq '?') {
$output .= '?' x (int(rand(4))+1);
} elsif ($lastchar eq '!') {
$output .= '!' x (int(rand(4))+1);
if ($output =~ /\?$/) {
if ($option{dau_language} eq 'de') {
$output .= "Ã" x int(rand(10));
} else {
$output .= "/" x int(rand(10));
} elsif ($output =~ /!$/) {
$output .= "1" x int(rand(10));
# ?¿?
elsif ($random <= 85) {
$output .= '?¿?';
# "=\n?"
else {
$output .= "=\n?";
return $output;
sub switch_nothing {
my $data = shift;
return $data;
sub switch_parse_special {
my ($text, $channel) = @_;
local $" = return_option('parse_special', 'list_delimiter', $option{dau_parse_special_list_delimiter});
# Build nick array with every nick in channel and
# opnick array with every op in the channel
my @nicks = ();
my @opnicks = ();
if (defined($channel) && $channel && $channel->{type} eq 'CHANNEL') {
foreach my $nick ($channel->nicks()) {
next if ($channel->{server}->{nick} eq $nick->{nick});
push(@nicks, $nick->{nick});
push(@opnicks, $nick->{nick}) if ($nick->{op});
@nicks = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @nicks;
@opnicks = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @opnicks;
# Substitution: \n to a real newline
$text =~ s/(?<![\\])\\n/\n/g;
# Substitution: @nicks to all nicks of channel
$text =~ s/(?<![\\])\@nicks/@nicks/gc;
# Substitution: @opnicks to all nicks of channel
$text =~ s/(?<![\\])\@opnicks/@opnicks/gc;
# Substitution: $nick1..$nickn
while ($text =~ /(?<![\\])\$nick(\d+)/g) {
my $substitution = $nicks[rand(@nicks)];
$text =~ s/(?<![\\])\$nick$1([^\d]|$)/${substitution}$1/g;
@nicks = grep { $_ ne $substitution } @nicks;
last if (@nicks == 0);
# Substitution: $opnick1..$opnickn
while ($text =~ /(?<![\\])\$opnick(\d+)/g) {
my $substitution = $opnicks[rand(@opnicks)];
$text =~ s/(?<![\\])\$opnick$1([^\d]|$)/${substitution}$1/g;
@opnicks = grep { $_ ne $substitution } @opnicks;
last if (@opnicks == 0);
# Substitution: $?{ code }
my $np; # (nested pattern)
$np = qr{
(?> [^{}]+ ) # Non-capture group w/o backtracking
(??{ $np }) # Group with matching parens
while ($text =~ /(?<![\\])\$\?($np)/g) {
no strict;
my $replacement = eval $1;
if ($@) {
print_err('Invalid code used in construct $?{ code }. Details:');
} else {
$text =~ s/(?<![\\])\$\?($np)/$replacement/;
# Substitution: irssi's special variables
if ((defined($channel) && $channel &&
($channel->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' || $channel->{type} eq 'QUERY')) &&
!(lc(return_option('parse_special', 'irssi_variables')) eq 'off'))
$text = $channel->parse_special($text);
return $text;
sub switch_reverse {
my $data = shift;
$data = reverse($data);
return $data;
sub switch_stutter {
my $data = shift;
my $output;
my @words = qw(eeeh oeeeh aeeeh);
foreach (split / (?=\w+\b)/, $data) {
if (rand(100) < 20) {
$output .= ' ' . $words[rand(@words)] . ", $_";
} else {
$output .= ' ' . $_;
$output =~ s/\s*,\s+\@/ @/g;
for (1 .. rand(length($output)/5)) {
pos $output = rand(length($output));
$output =~ s/\G ([[:alpha:]]+)\b/ $1, $1/;
for (1 .. rand(length($output)/10)) {
pos $output = rand(length($output));
$output =~ s/\G([[:alpha:]])/$1 . ($1 x rand(3))/e;
$output =~ s/^\s+//;
return $output;
sub switch_substitute {
$_ = shift;
my $file = "$option{dau_files_root_directory}/$option{dau_files_substitute}";
if (-e $file && -r $file) {
my $return = do $file;
if ($@) {
print_err("parsing $file failed: $@");
unless (defined($return)) {
print_err("'do $file' failed");
return $_;
sub switch_underline {
my $data = shift;
$data = "\037$data\037";
return $data;
sub switch_uppercase {
my $data = shift;
$data = uc($data);
return $data;
sub switch_words {
my $data = shift;
my $output;
my @numbers;
if ($option{dau_words_range} =~ /^([1-9])-([1-9])$/) {
my $x = $1;
my $y = $2;
unless ($x <= $y) {
print_err('Invalid value for setting dau_words_range.');
if ($x == $y) {
push(@numbers, $x);
} elsif ($x < $y) {
for (my $i = $x; $i <= $y; $i++) {
push(@numbers, $i);
} else {
print_err('Invalid value for dau_words_range.');
my $random = $numbers[rand(@numbers)];
while ($data =~ /((?:.*?(?:\s+|$)){1,$random})/g) {
$output .= "$1\n"
unless (length($1) == 0);
$random = $numbers[rand(@numbers)];
$output =~ s/\s*$//;
return $output;
# Subroutines (signals)
sub signal_channel_destroyed {
my ($channel) = @_;
my $channel_name = $channel->{name};
my $network_name = $channel->{server}->{tag};
$daumode{channels_in}{$network_name}{$channel_name} = 0;
$daumode{channels_out}{$network_name}{$channel_name} = 0;
$daumode{channels_in_modes}{$network_name}{$channel_name} = '';
$daumode{channels_out_modes}{$network_name}{$channel_name} = '';
sub signal_channel_joined {
my ($channel) = @_;
# Resume babbles
if (defined($babble{timer_writing})) {
if ($babble{channel}->{name} eq $channel->{name} &&
$babble{channel}->{server}->{tag} eq $channel->{server}->{tag})
$channel->print('%9dau.pl:%9 Continuing babble...');
# Automatically set daumode
sub signal_command_msg {
my ($args, $server, $witem) = @_;
$args =~ /^(?:-\S+\s)?(?:\S*)\s(.*)/;
my $data = $1;
$command_in .= "$data\n";
sub signal_complete_word {
my ($list, $window, $word, $linestart, $want_space) = @_;
# Parsing the commandline for dau.pl is relatively complicated.
# TAB completion depends on commandline parsing in dau.pl.
# Script autors looking for a simple example for irssi's
# TAB completion are wrong here.
my $server = Irssi::active_server();
my $channel = $window->{active};
my @switches_combo = map { $_ = "--$_" } keys %{ $switches{combo} };
my @switches_nocombo = map { $_ = "--$_" } keys %{ $switches{nocombo} };
my @nicks = ();
# Only complete when the commandline starts with '${k}dau'.
# If not, let irssi do the work
return unless ($linestart =~ /^\Q${k}\Edau/i);
# Remove everything syntactically correct thing of $linestart.
# If there is anything else but whitespace at the end of
# commandline parsing, we have an syntax error.
# If we have a syntax error, complete only nicks.
$linestart =~ s/^\Q${k}\Edau ?//i;
# Generate list of nicks in current channel for later use
if (defined($channel->{type}) && $channel->{type} eq 'CHANNEL') {
foreach my $nick ($channel->nicks()) {
if ($nick->{nick} =~ /^\Q$word\E/i &&
$window->{active_server}->{nick} ne $nick->{nick})
push(@nicks, $nick->{nick});
# Variables
my $combo = 0; # Boolean: True if last switch was one of keys %{ $switches{combo} }
my $syntax_error = 0; # Boolean: True if syntax error found
my $counter = 0; # Integer: Counts first level options
my $first_level_option = ''; # String: Last first level option
my $second_level_option = ''; # String: Last second level option
my $third_level_option = 0; # Boolean: True if found a third level option
# Parsing commandline now. Set variables accordingly.
OUTER: while ($linestart =~ /^--(\w+) ?/g) {
$second_level_option = '';
$third_level_option = 0;
# Found a first level option (combo)
if (ref($switches{combo}{$1}{'sub'})) {
$first_level_option = $1;
$combo = 1;
# Found a first level option (nocombo)
elsif (ref($switches{nocombo}{$1}{'sub'}) && $counter == 0) {
$first_level_option = $1;
$combo = 0;
# Not a first level option => Syntax error
else {
$syntax_error = 1;
last OUTER;
# Syntactically correct => remove it
$linestart =~ s/^--\w+ ?//;
# Checkout if there are Second- or third level options
INNER: while ($linestart =~ /^-(\w+)(?: ('.*?(?<![\\])'|\S+))? ?/g) {
my $second_level = $1;
my $third_level = $2 || '';
$third_level =~ s/^'//;
$third_level =~ s/'$//;
$third_level =~ s/\\'/'/g;
# Do the same for combo and nocombo-options. They have to be
# handled separately anyway.
# combo...
if ($combo) {
# Found a second level option
if ($switches{combo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level}) {
$second_level_option = $second_level;
# Not a second level option => Syntax error
else {
$syntax_error = 1;
last OUTER;
# Syntactically correct => remove it
$linestart =~ s/^-\w+//;
# Found something in the regexp of the INNER-while-loop-condition,
# which is perhaps a third level option
if ($third_level) {
# Found a third level option
if ($switches{combo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option}{$third_level} ||
$third_level_option = 1;
# Syntactically correct => remove it
$linestart =~ s/^(?: ('.*?(?<![\\])'|\S+))? ?//;
# Not a third level option => Syntax error
else {
$syntax_error = 1;
last OUTER;
# Nothing found which comes into question for a third level option.
# The commandline has to be empty now (remember: everything
# syntactically correct has been removed) or we have a syntax error.
} else {
# Empty! Later we will complete to third level options
if ($linestart =~ /^\s*$/) {
$third_level_option = 0;
# Not empty => Syntax error
else {
$syntax_error = 1;
last OUTER;
# nocombo...
} else {
# Found a second level option
if ($switches{nocombo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level}) {
$second_level_option = $second_level;
# Not a second level option => Syntax error
else {
$syntax_error = 1;
last OUTER;
# Syntactically correct => remove it
$linestart =~ s/^-\w+//;
# Found something in the regexp of the INNER while loop condition,
# which is perhaps a third level option
if ($third_level) {
# Found a third level option
if ($switches{nocombo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option}{$third_level} ||
$third_level_option = 1;
# Syntactically correct => remove it
$linestart =~ s/^(?: ('.*?(?<![\\])'|\S+))? ?//;
# Not a third level option => Syntax error
else {
$syntax_error = 1;
last OUTER;
# Nothing found which comes into question for a third level option.
# The commandline has to be empty now (remember: everything
# syntactically correct has been removed) or we have a syntax error.
} else {
# Empty! Later we will complete to third level options
if ($linestart =~ /^\s*$/) {
$third_level_option = 0;
# Not empty => Syntax error
else {
$syntax_error = 1;
last OUTER;
} continue {
# End of commandline-parsing.
# Everything syntactically correct removed.
# If commandline is not empty now, we have a syntax error.
if ($linestart !~ /^\s*$/) {
$syntax_error = 1;
# Do the TAB completion
@$list = ();
if ($syntax_error) {
foreach my $x (sort @nicks) {
if($x =~ /^$word/i) {
push(@$list, $x);
elsif ($counter == 0) {
foreach my $x ((sort(@switches_combo, @switches_nocombo), sort(@nicks))) {
if($x =~ /^$word/i) {
push(@$list, $x);
elsif (($combo && $first_level_option && $second_level_option && $third_level_option) ||
($combo && $first_level_option && !$second_level_option && !$third_level_option))
my @switches_second_level = grep !/^-sub$/, map { $_ = "-$_" }
keys %{ $switches{combo}{$first_level_option} };
foreach my $x ((sort(@switches_second_level), sort(@switches_combo), sort(@nicks))) {
if($x =~ /^$word/i) {
push(@$list, $x);
elsif ((!$combo && $counter == 1 && $first_level_option && $second_level_option && $third_level_option) ||
(!$combo && $counter == 1 && $first_level_option && !$second_level_option && !$third_level_option))
my @switches_second_level = grep !/^-sub$/, map { $_ = "-$_" }
keys %{ $switches{nocombo}{$first_level_option} };
foreach my $x (sort(@switches_second_level)) {
if($x =~ /^$word/i) {
push(@$list, $x);
elsif ($combo && $first_level_option && $second_level_option && !$third_level_option) {
my @switches_third_level = grep !/^\*$/,
keys %{ $switches{combo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option} };
foreach my $x (sort(@switches_third_level)) {
if($x =~ /^$word/i) {
push(@$list, $x);
elsif (!$combo && $counter == 1 && $first_level_option && $second_level_option && !$third_level_option) {
my @switches_third_level = grep !/^\*$/,
keys %{ $switches{nocombo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option} };
foreach my $x ((sort(@switches_third_level), sort(@nicks))) {
if($x =~ /^$word/i) {
push(@$list, $x);
sub signal_event_404 {
my ($server, $message, $network_name) = @_;
if ($message =~ /^(?:\S+) (\S+) :Cannot send to channel$/) {
my $channel_name = $1;
if ($server->{tag} eq $babble{channel}->{server}->{tag} &&
$babble{channel}->{name} eq $channel_name &&
print_out("%9dau.pl:%9 Could not send message to $babble{channel}->{name}/$babble{channel}->{server}->{tag}. Cancelling babble.");
if ($message =~ /^(?:\S+) (\S+) :(.*)/) {
Irssi::print("$1 $2");
} else {
sub signal_event_privmsg {
my ($server, $data, $nick, $hostmask) = @_;
my ($channel_name, $text) = split / :/, $data, 2;
my $channel_rec = $server->channel_find($channel_name);
$channel_name = lc($channel_name);
my $server_name = lc($server->{tag});
my %lookup;
while ($option{dau_remote_channellist} =~ /\s*([^\/]+)\/([^,]+)\s*,?/g) {
my $channel = $1;
$channel = lc($channel);
my $ircnet = $2;
$ircnet = lc($ircnet);
$lookup{$ircnet}{$channel} = 1;
if (lc($option{dau_remote_channelpolicy}) eq 'allow') {
return if ($lookup{$server_name}{$channel_name});
} elsif (lc($option{dau_remote_channelpolicy}) eq 'deny') {
return unless ($lookup{$server_name}{$channel_name});
} else {
# Remove formatting so dau.pl can reply to a colored, underlined, ...
# question
$text =~ s/\003\d?\d?(?:,\d?\d?)?|\002|\006|\007|\016|\01f|\037//g;
my $regexp = switch_parse_special($option{dau_remote_question_regexp}, $channel_rec);
if ($text =~ /$regexp/) {
my $reply = return_random_list_item($option{dau_remote_question_reply});
$reply =~ s/(?<![\\])\$nick/$nick/g;
$reply = parse_text($reply, $channel_rec);
output_text($server, $channel_name, $reply);
sub signal_nick_mode_changed {
my ($channel, $nick, $setby, $mode, $type) = @_;
my ($reply, %lookup);
my $channel_name = lc($channel->{name});
my $network_name = lc($channel->{server}->{tag});
my $op = $nick_mode{$network_name}{$channel_name}{op}; # mode before nick change
my $voice = $nick_mode{$network_name}{$channel_name}{voice}; # mode before nick change
return if ($channel->{server}->{nick} ne $nick->{nick});
if ($nick->{nick} eq $setby || $setby eq 'irc.psychoid.net') {
# Only act in channels where the user wants dau.pl to act
while ($option{dau_remote_channellist} =~ /\s*([^\/]+)\/([^,]+)\s*,?/g) {
my $channel = $1;
$channel = lc($channel);
my $ircnet = $2;
$ircnet = lc($ircnet);
$lookup{$ircnet}{$channel} = 1;
if (lc($option{dau_remote_channelpolicy}) eq 'allow') {
if ($lookup{$network_name}{$channel_name}) {
} elsif (lc($option{dau_remote_channelpolicy}) eq 'deny') {
unless ($lookup{$network_name}{$channel_name}) {
} else {
# Now we are in the right channel
if ($option{dau_remote_permissions} =~ /^[01]1[01][01][01][01]$/) {
if ($mode eq '+' && $type eq '+' && (!$voice && !$op)) {
$reply = return_random_list_item($option{dau_remote_voice_reply});
$reply =~ s/(?<![\\])\$nick/$setby/g;
$reply = parse_text($reply, $channel);
if ($option{dau_remote_permissions} =~ /^[01][01]1[01][01][01]$/) {
if ($mode eq '@' && $type eq '+' && !$op) {
$reply = return_random_list_item($option{dau_remote_op_reply});
$reply =~ s/(?<![\\])\$nick/$setby/g;
$reply = parse_text($reply, $channel);
if ($option{dau_remote_permissions} =~ /^[01][01][01]1[01][01]$/) {
if ($mode eq '+' && $type eq '-' && ($voice && !$op)) {
$reply = return_random_list_item($option{dau_remote_devoice_reply});
$reply =~ s/(?<![\\])\$nick/$setby/g;
$reply = parse_text($reply, $channel);
if ($option{dau_remote_permissions} =~ /^[01][01][01][01]1[01]$/) {
if ($mode eq '@' && $type eq '-' && $op) {
$reply = return_random_list_item($option{dau_remote_deop_reply});
$reply =~ s/(?<![\\])\$nick/$setby/g;
$reply = parse_text($reply, $channel);
# rebuild nick mode struct and print out the reply
output_text($channel, $channel->{name}, $reply);
sub signal_send_text {
my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
my $output;
return unless (defined($server) && $server && $server->{connected});
return unless (defined($witem) && $witem &&
($witem->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' || $witem->{type} eq 'QUERY'));
if ($daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} == 1) {
if ($daumode{channels_out_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} eq '') {
$output = parse_text($daumode{channels_out_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} . $data, $witem);
} else {
$output = parse_text($daumode{channels_out_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} . ' ' . $data, $witem);
output_text($witem, $witem->{name}, $output);
sub signal_setup_changed {
# setting changed/added => change/add it here
# setting cmdchars
$k = Irssi::parse_special('$k');
# babble history
if (defined($babble{history}) && ref($babble{history}) eq 'ARRAY') {
my @history;
my $i = 1;
foreach (@{ $babble{history} } ) {
if ($i++ <= $option{dau_babble_history_size}) {
push(@history, $_);
@{ $babble{history} } = @history;
# setting dau_cowsay_cowpath
# setting dau_figlet_fontpath
# setting dau_daumode_channels
# setting dau_statusbar_daumode_hide_when_off
# timer for the babble feature
# signal handling
sub signals_daumode_in {
my ($server, $data, $nick, $hostmask, $target) = @_;
my $channel_rec = $server->channel_find($target);
my $i_channel = $daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$target};
my $i_modes = $daumode{channels_in_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$target};
my $modified_msg;
return unless (defined($server) && $server && $server->{connected});
# Not one of the channels where daumode for incoming messages is turned on.
# In those channels print out the message as it is and leave the subroutine
if (!$i_channel) {
# Evil Hack?
# I had to dauify every incoming messages. Using &signal_continue was
# not possible because --words f.e. generates output over multiple lines. So I
# had to create multiple messages using &signal_emit. Those just created
# messages shouldn't be dauified again when entering this subroutine. I
# couldn't prevent irssi from entering this subroutine again after
# dauifying the text so the messages had to be 'marked'. Marked
# messages will not be dauified again. I think \x02 at the beginning of the
# message is ok for that.
if ($data =~ s/^\x02//) {
Irssi::signal_continue($server, $data, $nick, $hostmask, $target);
} else {
if ($i_modes ne '') {
$modified_msg = parse_text($i_modes . ' ' . $data, $channel_rec);
} else {
$modified_msg = parse_text($data, $channel_rec);
if ($modified_msg =~ /\n/) {
for my $line (split /\n/, $modified_msg) {
Irssi::signal_emit(Irssi::signal_get_emitted(), $server, "\x02$line", $nick, $hostmask, $target);
} else {
Irssi::signal_emit(Irssi::signal_get_emitted(), $server, "\x02$modified_msg", $nick, $hostmask, $target);
# Subroutines (statusbar)
sub statusbar_daumode {
my ($item, $get_size_only) = @_;
my ($status_in, $status_out, $modes_in, $modes_out);
my $server = Irssi::active_server();
my $witem = Irssi::active_win()->{active};
my $theme = Irssi::current_theme();
my $format = $theme->format_expand('{sb_daumode}');
if ($witem && ref($witem) &&
$server && ref($server) &&
($witem->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' || $witem->{type} eq 'QUERY'))
if (defined($daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}}) &&
$daumode{channels_in}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} == 1)
$status_in = 'ON';
} else {
$status_in = 'OFF';
if (defined($daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}}) &&
$daumode{channels_out}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} == 1)
$status_out = 'ON';
} else {
$status_out = 'OFF';
# Hide statusbaritem if setting dau_statusbar_daumode_hide_when_off
# is turned on and daumode is turned off
if ($status_in eq 'OFF' && $status_out eq 'OFF' && $option{dau_statusbar_daumode_hide_when_off}) {
$item->{min_size} = $item->{max_size} = 0;
if ($status_in eq 'ON') {
$modes_in = $daumode{channels_in_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} || $option{dau_standard_options};
} else {
$modes_in = '';
if ($status_out eq 'ON') {
$modes_out = $daumode{channels_out_modes}{$server->{tag}}{$witem->{name}} || $option{dau_standard_options};
} else {
$modes_out = '';
if ($format) {
$format = $theme->format_expand("{sb_daumode $status_out $modes_out $status_in $modes_in}");
} else {
if ($status_in eq 'OFF' && $status_out eq 'OFF') {
$format = $theme->format_expand("{sb daumode: <- $status_in | -> $status_out}");
elsif ($status_in eq 'OFF' && $status_out eq 'ON') {
$format = $theme->format_expand("{sb daumode: <- $status_in | -> $status_out ($modes_out)}");
elsif ($status_in eq 'ON' && $status_out eq 'OFF') {
$format = $theme->format_expand("{sb daumode: <- $status_in ($modes_in) | -> $status_out}");
elsif ($status_in eq 'ON' && $status_out eq 'ON') {
$format = $theme->format_expand("{sb daumode: <- $status_in ($modes_in) | -> $status_out ($modes_out)}");
} else {
$item->{min_size} = $item->{max_size} = 0;
$item->default_handler($get_size_only, $format, '', 1);
# Subroutines (timer)
# for the babble remote feature
sub timer_away_reminder {
my $id = shift;
$id =~ m{^([^/]+)/(.+)};
my $channel = $1;
my $network = $2;
my $server_rec = Irssi::server_find_tag($network);
unless (defined($server_rec) && $server_rec) {
my $channel_rec = $server_rec->channel_find($channel);
unless (defined($channel_rec) && $channel_rec &&
($channel_rec->{type} eq 'CHANNEL' || $channel_rec->{type} eq 'QUERY'))
# Open file
my $file = "$option{dau_files_root_directory}/$option{dau_files_away}";
my @file;
unless (tie(@file, 'Tie::File', $file)) {
print_err("Cannot tie $file!");
# Go through file
# Format:
# channel | network | time | options | reminder | interval | reason
my ($time, $options, $reminder, $interval, $reason);
foreach my $line (@file) {
if ($line =~ m{^$channel\x02$network\x02(\d+)\x02([^\x02]*)\x02(\d)\x02(\d+)\x02(.*)}) {
$time = $1;
$options = $2;
$reminder = $3;
$interval = $4;
$reason = $5;
# Special variables
my $output = $option{dau_away_reminder_text};
# $time
my $difference = time_diff_verbose(time, $time);
$output =~ s/\$time/$difference/g;
# $reason
if ($option{dau_away_quote_reason}) {
$reason =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$reason =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
$output =~ s/\$reason/$reason/g;
# Write text to channels. Write changes back to file
$output = parse_text("$options $output", $channel_rec);
output_text($channel_rec, $channel_rec->{name}, $output);
# all babbles: the writing to the channel
sub timer_babble_writing {
# check if we are still on the channel
my $onChannel = 0;
foreach my $server (Irssi::servers()) {
if ($server->{tag} eq $babble{channel}->{server}->{tag}) {
foreach my $channel ($server->channels()) {
if ($babble{channel}->{name} eq $channel->{name}) {
if ($babble{channel} != $channel) {
$babble{channel} = $channel;
$onChannel = 1;
if (!$onChannel) {
print_out("%9dau.pl:%9 You are not on $babble{channel}->{name}/$babble{channel}->{server}->{tag}. Stalling babble.");
# restore the variables
$command_out = $babble{command_out_history}{$babble{counter}};
$command_out_activated = $babble{command_out_history_switch}{$babble{counter}};
# then output text
output_text($babble{channel}, $babble{channel}->{name}, $babble{line});
# And go to the "managing" subroutine...
# all babbles: the timer for the next writing
sub timer_babble_writing_reset {
my $interval = 0;
# Remove used writing timer, if existent (at the first run we don't have any timer)
Irssi::timeout_remove($babble{timer_writing}) if (defined($babble{timer_writing}));
# At each run of this managing subroutine remove one line of text
$babble{text} =~ s/^(.*?)\n//;
$babble{line} = $1;
if ($babble{line} =~ s/^BABBLE_INTERVAL=(\d+)\x02//) {
$interval = $1;
$babble{line} = parse_text("$option{dau_babble_options_line_by_line} $babble{line}");
my $counter = $babble{counter} + 1;
$babble{command_out_history}{$counter} = $command_out;
$babble{command_out_history_switch}{$counter} = $command_out_activated;
# If there is still some text left, add a new timer for the next line
if (length($babble{text}) != 0 || length($babble{line}) != 0) {
if ($babble{counter}++ == 0) {
if ($option{dau_babble_verbose} && $babble{numberoflines} >= $option{dau_babble_verbose_minimum_lines}) {
$babble{channel}->print("%9dau.pl:%9 Babbling $babble{numberoflines} line" . ($babble{numberoflines} > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' now:');
$interval = 50;
if ($interval < 10) {
# Calculate the writing breaks
# The longer the next line is the longer the break will be
$interval = 1000 + rand(2000) +
50 * length($babble{line}) +
rand(25 * length($babble{line}));
# Some characters need more time to write
while ($babble{line} =~ /[^a-z ]/gio) {
$interval += (75 + rand(25));
$interval = int($interval);
# Set timer
$babble{timer_writing} = Irssi::timeout_add($interval, \&timer_babble_writing, '');
# No text left?
else {
if ($option{dau_babble_verbose} && $babble{numberoflines} >= $option{dau_babble_verbose_minimum_lines}) {
$babble{channel}->print('%9dau.pl:%9 Finished babbling.');
# remove the timer
if ($babble{remote}) {
# remote babble: initialize
sub timer_remote_babble {
my $text;
# Push all channels where it's ok to babble text in @channels
my %lookup;
while ($option{dau_remote_babble_channellist} =~ /\s*([^\/]+)\/([^,]+)\s*,?/g) {
my $channel = $1;
$channel = lc($channel);
my $ircnet = $2;
$ircnet = lc($ircnet);
$lookup{$ircnet}{$channel} = 1;
my @channels;
foreach my $server (Irssi::servers()) {
my $server_name = lc($server->{tag});
foreach my $channel ($server->channels()) {
my $channel_name = lc($channel->{name});
if (lc($option{dau_remote_babble_channelpolicy}) eq 'allow' &&
push(@channels, $channel);
elsif (lc($option{dau_remote_babble_channelpolicy}) eq 'deny' &&
push(@channels, $channel);
# No channels found => return
return if (@channels == 0);
# Choose one of the @channels
my $channel = $channels[rand(@channels)];
# If something is babbling right now, stop
if (defined($babble{timer_writing})) {
# else get text from file
else {
my @filter = ();
$text = &babble_get_text($channel, \@filter, undef, $option{dau_babble_history_size});
# Stop the timer for the big breaks.
Irssi::timeout_remove($babble{timer_remote}) if (defined($babble{timer_remote}));
# Start the writing.
babble_start($channel, $text, 1);
# remote babble: reset
sub timer_remote_babble_reset {
Irssi::timeout_remove($babble{timer_remote}) if (defined($babble{timer_remote}));
# Do not set the timer, if the permission-bit is not set
return unless ($option{dau_remote_permissions} =~ /^[01][01][01][01][01]1$/);
# Calculate interval
my $interval = babble_set_interval($option{dau_remote_babble_interval}, $option{dau_remote_babble_interval_accuracy});
# Set timer
if ($interval != 0) {
$babble{timer_remote} = Irssi::timeout_add($interval, \&timer_remote_babble, '');
# Helper subroutines
sub babble_get_text {
my ($channel, $filter, $nicks, $history_size) = @_;
my $output;
# Return a random line from the dau_files_babble_messages file
my ($text, @file, @filterindex);
my $file = "$option{dau_files_root_directory}/$option{dau_files_babble_messages}";
if (-e $file && -r $file) {
unless (tie(@file, 'Tie::File', $file)) {
print_err("Cannot tie $file!");
} else {
print_err("Couldn't access babble file '$file'!");
my @nicks_channel = ();
my @opnicks_channel = ();
if (defined($channel) && $channel && $channel->{type} eq 'CHANNEL') {
foreach my $nick ($channel->nicks()) {
next if ($channel->{server}->{nick} eq $nick->{nick});
push(@nicks_channel, $nick->{nick});
push(@opnicks_channel, $nick->{nick}) if ($nick->{op});
my @compiled_patterns_filter;
eval { # possible user input here
@compiled_patterns_filter = map { qr/$_/i } @$filter;
if ($@) {
print_err("The %9-filter%9 you gave wasn't a valid regular expression.");
my $compiled_pattern_nicks = qr/(?<![\\])\$nick(\d+)/;
my $compiled_pattern_ops = qr/(?<![\\])\$opnick(\d+)/;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@file) {
my $add = 1;
# Every filter has to match
FILTER: foreach my $filter (@compiled_patterns_filter) {
if ($line !~ /$filter/) {
$add = 0;
last FILTER;
# Check against history
if ($add) {
my $i = 1;
foreach (@{ $babble{history} }) {
if ($i++ <= $history_size) {
if ($line eq $_) {
$add = 0;
# Don't babble at non-existent nicks
if ($add) {
my $minimum_number_nicks = 0;
while ($line =~ /$compiled_pattern_nicks/g) {
if ($1 > $minimum_number_nicks) {
$minimum_number_nicks = $1;
if (defined($nicks) && @$nicks > 0) {
if (scalar(@$nicks) < $minimum_number_nicks) {
$add = 0;
} else {
if (scalar(@nicks_channel) < $minimum_number_nicks) {
$add = 0;
# Don't babble at non-existent channel operators
if ($add) {
if ($line =~ /$compiled_pattern_ops/) {
my $minimum_number_ops = 0;
while ($line =~ /$compiled_pattern_ops/g) {
if ($1 > $minimum_number_ops) {
$minimum_number_ops = $1;
if (defined($nicks) && @$nicks > 0) {
if (scalar(@$nicks) < $minimum_number_ops) {
$add = 0;
} else {
if (scalar(@opnicks_channel) < $minimum_number_ops) {
$add = 0;
# Add the line as it passed all the tests
if ($add) {
push(@filterindex, $i);
$text = $file[$filterindex[int(rand(@filterindex))]];
if (@filterindex == 0) {
print_err("Babble failed. Possible reasons: a) Too restrictive %9-filter%9 in place b) No matching lines in the babble file c) babble history holding that babble d) Not enough people in the channel");
if (!$text) {
print_err("No text to babble.");
# Put babble in global history and shorten it, if necessary
@{ $babble{history} } = ($text, @{ $babble{history} });
if (scalar(@{ $babble{history} }) > $option{dau_babble_history_size}) {
pop(@{ $babble{history} });
# dauify $text and return the dauified $output
my $options = $option{dau_babble_options_line_by_line};
# We have to keep track of the command history. --me and the --command
# switch change the variables $command_out and $command_out_activated.
# Because they are reset after every run of parse_text() they have to be kept
# in a struct so that the writing timers later can do their job correctly.
my $counter = 1;
$babble{command_out_history} = ();
$babble{command_out_history_switch} = ();
# parse for special characters and substitute them
if (defined($nicks)) {
if (@$nicks > 0) {
for (my $i = 1; $i <= @$nicks; $i++) {
$text =~ s/(?<![\\])\$nick$i/@$nicks[$i - 1]/g;
$text = switch_parse_special($text, $channel);
} else {
$text = switch_parse_special($text, $channel);
# Preprocessing options
if ($option{dau_babble_options_preprocessing} !~ /^\s*$/) {
$text = parse_text("$option{dau_babble_options_preprocessing} \x02$text");
$text =~ s/^\x02//;
# Process $text line by line
$text =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
$text =~ s/\n$//;
while ($text =~ /(.*?)(\n|$)/g) {
my $line = $1;
# Exit while loop when finished
last if ($2 ne "\n" && $1 eq "");
# Dauify text
my $newtext = parse_text("$options $line") . "\n";
$output .= $newtext;
# The parsed text ($newtext) can contain more than one line.
# All $newtext lines have the same command.
# The command (MSG, ACTION, ...) has to be remembered.
while ($newtext =~ /\n/g) {
$babble{command_out_history}{$counter} = $command_out;
$babble{command_out_history_switch}{$counter} = $command_out_activated;
# Lines are separated by newline characters. Maybe there are to many of
# them at the end of the string (probably produced by --figlet, --cowsay, ...).
# That's disturbing the number of lines calculation later.
$output =~ s/\n{2,}$/\n/;
# $output contains now the text to be babbled. It will be split by
# newlines by the babble subroutines and each line will be babbled with
# the correct commands restored.
return $output;
sub babble_interval {
return "BABBLE_INTERVAL=" . babble_set_interval(@_) . "\x02";
sub babble_set_interval {
my ($time, $accuracy) = @_;
my $interval = time_parse($time);
my $addend;
if ($accuracy == 100) {
$addend = 0;
} elsif ($accuracy > 0 && $accuracy < 100) {
$addend = rand($interval - ($interval * ($accuracy / 100)));
} else {
print_err('Invalid accuracy value');
if (int(rand(2))) {
$interval = $interval + $addend;
} else {
$interval = $interval - $addend;
$interval = int($interval);
if ($interval < 10 || $interval > 1000000000) {
print_err('Invalid interval value');
return 0;
return $interval;
sub babble_start {
my ($channel_rec, $text, $remote) = @_;
# These are some global variables for the writing timer
$babble{channel} = $channel_rec;
$babble{counter} = 0;
$babble{text} = "$text\n";
$babble{numberoflines} = 0;
$babble{numberoflines}++ while ($babble{text} =~ /\n/g);
$babble{numberoflines} -= 1;
$babble{remote} = $remote;
Irssi::timeout_remove($babble{timer_writing}) if (defined($babble{timer_writing}));
sub build_nick_mode_struct {
foreach my $server (Irssi::servers()) {
my $network_name = lc($server->{tag});
foreach my $channel ($server->channels()) {
my $channel_name = lc($channel->{name});
my $op = $channel->{ownnick}{op};
my $voice = $channel->{ownnick}{voice};
$nick_mode{$network_name}{$channel_name}{op} = $op;
$nick_mode{$network_name}{$channel_name}{voice} = $voice;
sub daumode_channels {
my @items;
my $item;
while ($option{dau_daumode_channels} =~ /([^,]+)/g) {
my $match = $1;
if ($match =~ s/\\$//) {
$item .= "$match,";
} else {
$item .= $match;
$item =~ s/^\s*//;
$item =~ s/\s*$//;
push @items, $item unless ($item =~ /^\s*$/);
$item = "";
foreach my $server (Irssi::servers()) {
my $network_name = $server->{tag};
foreach my $channel ($server->channels()) {
my $channel_name = $channel->{name};
foreach my $daumode (@items) {
$daumode =~ m#^([^/]+)/([^:]+):(.*)#;
my $item_channel = $1;
my $item_network = $2;
my $item_switches = $3;
if (lc($item_channel) eq lc($channel_name) &&
lc($item_network) eq lc($network_name))
unless ($daumode{channels_in}{$network_name}{$channel_name} ||
$channel->print("%9dau.pl%9: Activating daumode according to setting dau_daumode_channels");
$channel->command("dau --daumode $item_switches");
sub def_dau_cowsay_cowpath {
my $cowsay = $ENV{COWPATH} || '/usr/share/cowsay/cows';
return $cowsay;
sub def_dau_cowsay_cowsay_path {
my $cowsay = `which cowsay`;
return $cowsay;
sub def_dau_cowsay_cowthink_path {
my $cowthink = `which cowthink`;
return $cowthink;
sub def_dau_figlet_fontpath {
my $figlet = `figlet -I2`;
return $figlet;
sub def_dau_figlet_path {
my $figlet = `which figlet`;
return $figlet;
sub cowsay_cowlist {
my $cowsay_cowpath = shift;
# clear cowlist
%{ $switches{combo}{cowsay}{cow} } = ();
# generate new list
while (<$cowsay_cowpath/*.cow>) {
my $cow = (fileparse($_, qr/\.[^.]*/))[0];
$switches{combo}{cowsay}{cow}{$cow} = 1;
sub figlet_fontlist {
my $figlet_fontpath = shift;
# clear fontlist
%{ $switches{combo}{figlet}{font} } = ();
# generate new list
while (<$figlet_fontpath/*.flf>) {
my $font = (fileparse($_, qr/\..*/))[0];
$switches{combo}{figlet}{font}{$font} = 1;
sub fix {
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\t+//gm;
return $string;
sub output_text {
my ($thing, $target, $text) = @_;
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $text) {
# prevent "-!- Irssi: Not enough parameters given"
$line = ' ' if ($line eq '');
# --command -out ?
if ($command_out_activated) {
if (defined($thing) && $thing) {
$thing->command("$command_out $line");
} else {
my $server = Irssi::active_server();
if (defined($server) && $server && $server->{connected}) {
$server->command("$command_out $line");
} else {
print CLIENTCRAP $line;
# Not a channel/query window, --help, --changelog, ...
elsif ($print_message) {
print CLIENTCRAP $line;
# MSG or ACTION to channel or query
elsif ($command_out eq 'ACTION' || $command_out eq 'MSG') {
$thing->command("$command_out $target $line");
# weird things happened...
else {
print CLIENTCRAP $line;
sub parse_text {
my ($data, $channel_rec) = @_;
my $output;
$command_out_activated = 0;
$command_out = 'MSG';
$counter_switches = 0;
$daumode_activated = 0;
$print_message = 0;
%queue = ();
OUTER: while ($data =~ /^--(\w+) ?/g) {
my $first_level_option = $1;
# If its the first time we are in the OUTER loop, check
# if the first level option is one of the few options,
# which must not be combined.
if (ref($switches{nocombo}{$first_level_option}{'sub'}) && $counter_switches == 0) {
$data =~ s/^--\w+ ?//;
# found a first level option
$queue{$counter_switches}{$first_level_option} = { };
# Check for second level options and third level options.
# Get all of them and put theme in the
# $queue hash
while ($data =~ /^-(\w+) ('.*?(?<![\\])'|\S+) ?/g) {
my $second_level_option = $1;
my $third_level_option = $2;
$third_level_option =~ s/^'//;
$third_level_option =~ s/'$//;
$third_level_option =~ s/\\'/'/g;
# If $switches{nocombo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option}{'*'}:
# The user can give any third_level_option on the commandline
my $any_option =
$switches{nocombo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option}{'*'} ? 1 : 0;
if ($switches{nocombo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option}{$third_level_option} ||
$queue{$counter_switches}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option} = $third_level_option;
$data =~ s/^-(\w+) ('.*?(?<![\\])'|\S+) ?//;
# initialize some values
foreach my $second_level_option (keys(%{ $switches{nocombo}{$first_level_option} })) {
if (!defined($queue{'0'}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option})) {
$queue{'0'}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option} = '';
# All done. Run the subroutine
$output = &{ $switches{nocombo}{$first_level_option}{'sub'} }($data, $channel_rec);
return $output;
# Check for all those options that can be combined.
elsif (ref($switches{combo}{$first_level_option}{'sub'})) {
$data =~ s/^--\w+ ?//;
# found a first level option
$queue{$counter_switches}{$first_level_option} = { };
# Check for second level options and
# third level options. Get all of them and put them
# in the $queue hash
while ($data =~ /^-(\w+) ('.*?(?<![\\])'|\S+) ?/g) {
my $second_level_option = $1;
my $third_level_option = $2;
$third_level_option =~ s/^'//;
$third_level_option =~ s/'$//;
$third_level_option =~ s/\\'/'/g;
# If $switches{combo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option}{'*'}:
# The user can give any third_level_option on the commandline
my $any_option =
$switches{combo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option}{'*'} ? 1 : 0;
# known option => Put it in the hash
if ($switches{combo}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option}{$third_level_option}
|| $any_option)
$queue{$counter_switches}{$first_level_option}{$second_level_option} = $third_level_option;
$data =~ s/^-(\w+) ('.*?(?<![\\])'|\S+) ?//;
} else {
last OUTER;
# increase counter
else {
last OUTER;
# initialize some values
for (my $i = 0; $i < $counter_switches; $i++) {
foreach my $first_level (keys(%{ $queue{$i} })) {
if (ref($switches{combo}{$first_level})) {
foreach my $second_level (keys(%{ $switches{combo}{$first_level} })) {
if (!defined($queue{$i}{$first_level}{$second_level})) {
$queue{$i}{$first_level}{$second_level} = '';
# text to subroutines
$output = $data;
# If theres no text left over, take one item of dau_random_messages
if ($output eq '') {
$output = return_random_list_item($option{dau_standard_messages});
# No options? Get options from setting dau_standard_options and run
# parse_text() again
if (keys(%queue) == 0) {
if (!$counter_subroutines) {
print_out("No options given, hence using the value of the setting %9dau_standard_options%9 and that is %9$option{dau_standard_options}%9", $channel_rec);
$output = parse_text("$option{dau_standard_options} $output", $channel_rec);
} else {
print_err('Invalid value for setting dau_standard_options. ' .
'Will use %9--moron%9 instead!');
$output =~ s/^\Q$option{dau_standard_options}\E //;
$output = parse_text("--moron $output", $channel_rec);
} else {
$counter_switches = 0;
for (keys(%queue)) {
my ($first_level_option) = keys %{ $queue{$counter_switches} };
$output = &{ $switches{combo}{$first_level_option}{'sub'} }($output, $channel_rec);
# reset subcounter
$counter_subroutines = 0;
# return text
return $output;
sub print_err {
my $text = shift;
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $text) {
print CLIENTCRAP "%Rdau.pl error%n: $line";
sub print_out {
my ($text, $channel_rec) = @_;
if ($option{dau_silence}) {
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $text) {
my $message = "%9dau.pl%9: $line";
if (defined($channel_rec) && $channel_rec) {
} else {
print CLIENTCRAP $message;
# return_option('firstlevel', 'secondlevel'):
# If "--firstlevel -secondlevel value" given on the commandline, return 'value'.
# return_option('firstlevel', 'secondlevel', 'default value'):
# If "--firstlevel -secondlevel value" not given on the commandline, return
# 'default value'.
sub return_option {
if (@_ == 2) {
return $queue{$counter_switches}{$_[0]}{$_[1]};
} elsif (@_ == 3) {
if (length($queue{$counter_switches}{$_[0]}{$_[1]}) > 0) {
return $queue{$counter_switches}{$_[0]}{$_[1]};
} else {
return $_[2];
} else {
return 0;
sub return_random_list_item {
my $arg = shift;
my @strings;
my $item;
while ($arg =~ /([^,]+)/g) {
my $match = $1;
if ($match =~ s/\\$//) {
$item .= "$match,";
} else {
$item .= $match;
$item =~ s/^\s*//;
$item =~ s/\s*$//;
push @strings, $item;
$item = "";
if (@strings == 0) {
} else {
return $strings[rand(@strings)];
sub set_settings {
# setting changed/added => change/add it here
# boolean
$option{dau_away_quote_reason} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dau_away_quote_reason');
$option{dau_away_reminder} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dau_away_reminder');
$option{dau_babble_verbose} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dau_babble_verbose');
$option{dau_color_choose_colors_randomly} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dau_color_choose_colors_randomly');
$option{dau_cowsay_print_cow} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dau_cowsay_print_cow');
$option{dau_figlet_print_font} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dau_figlet_print_font');
$option{dau_silence} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dau_silence');
$option{dau_statusbar_daumode_hide_when_off} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dau_statusbar_daumode_hide_when_off');
$option{dau_tab_completion} = Irssi::settings_get_bool('dau_tab_completion');
# Integer
$option{dau_babble_history_size} = Irssi::settings_get_int('dau_babble_history_size');
$option{dau_babble_verbose_minimum_lines} = Irssi::settings_get_int('dau_babble_verbose_minimum_lines');
$option{dau_cool_maximum_line} = Irssi::settings_get_int('dau_cool_maximum_line');
$option{dau_cool_probability_eol} = Irssi::settings_get_int('dau_cool_probability_eol');
$option{dau_cool_probability_word} = Irssi::settings_get_int('dau_cool_probability_word');
$option{dau_remote_babble_interval_accuracy} = Irssi::settings_get_int('dau_remote_babble_interval_accuracy');
# String
$option{dau_away_away_text} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_away_away_text');
$option{dau_away_back_text} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_away_back_text');
$option{dau_away_options} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_away_options');
$option{dau_away_reminder_interval} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_away_reminder_interval');
$option{dau_away_reminder_text} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_away_reminder_text');
$option{dau_babble_options_line_by_line} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_babble_options_line_by_line');
$option{dau_babble_options_preprocessing} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_babble_options_preprocessing');
$option{dau_color_codes} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_color_codes');
$option{dau_cool_eol_style} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_cool_eol_style');
$option{dau_cowsay_cowlist} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_cowsay_cowlist');
$option{dau_cowsay_cowpath} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_cowsay_cowpath');
$option{dau_cowsay_cowpolicy} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_cowsay_cowpolicy');
$option{dau_cowsay_cowsay_path} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_cowsay_cowsay_path');
$option{dau_cowsay_cowthink_path} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_cowsay_cowthink_path');
$option{dau_daumode_channels} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_daumode_channels');
$option{dau_delimiter_string} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_delimiter_string');
$option{dau_figlet_fontlist} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_figlet_fontlist');
$option{dau_figlet_fontpath} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_figlet_fontpath');
$option{dau_figlet_fontpolicy} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_figlet_fontpolicy');
$option{dau_figlet_path} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_figlet_path');
$option{dau_files_away} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_files_away');
$option{dau_files_babble_messages} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_files_babble_messages');
$option{dau_files_cool_suffixes} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_files_cool_suffixes');
$option{dau_files_root_directory} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_files_root_directory');
$option{dau_files_substitute} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_files_substitute');
$option{dau_language} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_language');
$option{dau_moron_eol_style} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_moron_eol_style');
$option{dau_parse_special_list_delimiter} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_parse_special_list_delimiter');
$option{dau_random_options} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_random_options');
$option{dau_remote_babble_channellist} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_babble_channellist');
$option{dau_remote_babble_channelpolicy} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_babble_channelpolicy');
$option{dau_remote_babble_interval} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_babble_interval');
$option{dau_remote_channellist} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_channellist');
$option{dau_remote_channelpolicy} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_channelpolicy');
$option{dau_remote_deop_reply} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_deop_reply');
$option{dau_remote_devoice_reply} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_devoice_reply');
$option{dau_remote_op_reply} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_op_reply');
$option{dau_remote_permissions} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_permissions');
$option{dau_remote_question_regexp} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_question_regexp');
$option{dau_remote_question_reply} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_question_reply');
$option{dau_remote_voice_reply} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_remote_voice_reply');
$option{dau_standard_messages} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_standard_messages');
$option{dau_standard_options} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_standard_options');
$option{dau_words_range} = Irssi::settings_get_str('dau_words_range');
sub signal_handling {
# complete word
if ($option{dau_tab_completion}) {
if ($signal{'complete word'} != 1) {
Irssi::signal_add_last('complete word', 'signal_complete_word');
$signal{'complete word'} = 1;
} else {
if ($signal{'complete word'} != 0) {
Irssi::signal_remove('complete word', 'signal_complete_word');
$signal{'complete word'} = 0;
# event privmsg
if ($option{dau_remote_permissions} =~ /^1[01][01][01][01][01]$/) {
if ($signal{'event privmsg'} != 1) {
Irssi::signal_add_last('event privmsg', 'signal_event_privmsg');
$signal{'event privmsg'} = 1;
} else {
if ($signal{'event privmsg'} != 0) {
Irssi::signal_remove('event privmsg', 'signal_event_privmsg');
$signal{'event privmsg'} = 0;
# nick mode changed
if ($option{dau_remote_permissions} =~ /^[01]1[01][01][01][01]$/ ||
$option{dau_remote_permissions} =~ /^[01][01]1[01][01][01]$/ ||
$option{dau_remote_permissions} =~ /^[01][01][01]1[01][01]$/ ||
$option{dau_remote_permissions} =~ /^[01][01][01][01]1[01]$/)
if ($signal{'nick mode changed'} != 1) {
Irssi::signal_add_last('channel joined', 'build_nick_mode_struct');
Irssi::signal_add_last('nick mode changed', 'signal_nick_mode_changed');
$signal{'nick mode changed'} = 1;
} else {
if ($signal{'nick mode changed'} != 0) {
Irssi::signal_remove('channel joined', 'build_nick_mode_struct');
Irssi::signal_remove('nick mode changed', 'signal_nick_mode_changed');
$signal{'nick mode changed'} = 0;
# daumode: outgoing messages
my $daumode_out = 0;
foreach my $server (keys %{ $daumode{channels_out} }) {
foreach my $channel (keys %{ $daumode{channels_out}{$server} }) {
if ($daumode{channels_out}{$server}{$channel} == 1) {
$daumode_out = 1;
if ($daumode_out) {
if ($signal{'send text'} != 1) {
Irssi::signal_add_first('send text', 'signal_send_text');
$signal{'send text'} = 1;
} else {
if ($signal{'send text'} != 0) {
Irssi::signal_remove('send text', 'signal_send_text');
$signal{'send text'} = 0;
# daumode: incoming messages
my $daumode_in = 0;
foreach my $server (keys %{ $daumode{channels_in} }) {
foreach my $channel (keys %{ $daumode{channels_in}{$server} }) {
if ($daumode{channels_in}{$server}{$channel} == 1) {
$daumode_in = 1;
if ($daumode_in) {
if ($signal{'daumode in'} != 1) {
Irssi::signal_add_last('message public', 'signals_daumode_in');
Irssi::signal_add_last('message irc action', 'signals_daumode_in');
$signal{'daumode in'} = 1;
} else {
if ($signal{'daumode in'} != 0) {
Irssi::signal_remove('message public', 'signals_daumode_in');
Irssi::signal_remove('message irc action', 'signals_daumode_in');
$signal{'daumode in'} = 0;
# continuing babbles, setting daumode
if ($signal{'channel joined'} != 1) {
Irssi::signal_add_last('channel joined', 'signal_channel_joined');
Irssi::signal_add_last('channel destroyed', 'signal_channel_destroyed');
$signal{'channel joined'} = 1;
# Cancel babble when message could not be sent to channel
if ($signal{'event 404'} != 1) {
Irssi::signal_add_last('event 404', 'signal_event_404');
$signal{'event 404'} = 1;
sub time_diff_verbose {
my ($sub1, $sub2) = @_;
my $difference = $sub1 - $sub2;
$difference *= (-1) if ($difference < 0);
my $seconds = $difference % 60;
$difference = ($difference - $seconds) / 60;
my $minutes = $difference % 60;
$difference = ($difference - $minutes) / 60;
my $hours = $difference % 24;
$difference = ($difference - $hours) / 24;
my $days = $difference % 7;
my $weeks = ($difference - $days) / 7;
my $time;
$time = "$weeks week" . ($weeks == 1 ? "" : "s") . ", " if ($weeks);
$time .= "$days day" . ($days == 1 ? "" : "s") . ", " if ($weeks || $days);
$time .= "$hours hour" . ($hours == 1 ? "" : "s") . ", " if ($weeks || $days || $hours);
$time .= "$minutes minute" . ($minutes == 1 ? "" : "s") . ", " if ($weeks || $days || $hours || $minutes);
$time .= "$seconds second" . ($seconds == 1 ? "" : "s") if ($weeks || $days || $hours || $minutes || $seconds);
return $time;
sub time_parse {
my $time = $_[0];
my $parsed_time = 0;
# milliseconds
while ($time =~ s/(\d+)\s*(?:milliseconds|ms)//g) {
$parsed_time += $1;
# seconds
while ($time =~ s/(\d+)\s*s(?:econds?)?//g) {
$parsed_time += $1 * 1000;
# minutes
while ($time =~ s/(\d+)\s*m(?:inutes?)?//g) {
$parsed_time += $1 * 1000 * 60;
# hours
while ($time =~ s/(\d+)\s*h(?:ours?)?//g) {
$parsed_time += $1 * 1000 * 60 * 60;
# days
while ($time =~ s/(\d+)\s*d(?:ays?)?//g) {
$parsed_time += $1 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
# weeks
while ($time =~ s/(\d+)\s*w(?:eeks?)?//g) {
$parsed_time += $1 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
if ($time !~ /^\s*$/) {
print_err('Error while parsing the date!');
return 0;
return $parsed_time;
# Debugging
sub debug_message {
open(DEBUG, ">>", "$ENV{HOME}/.dau/.debug");
print DEBUG $_[0];
close (DEBUG);
# use warnings;
# open(STDERR, ">>", $ENV{HOME}/.dau/.STDERR");