use strict;
use warnings;
{ package Irssi::Nick }
# just in case, to avoid Irssi::Nick warnings ( see )
use Irssi;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
# Thanks to:
# -noi_esportista!#Girona@chathispano for his suggestions about how this script should work.
# -dg!#irssi@freenode (David Leadbeater) for the several code style issues that he pointed out and that helped me to improve my Perl.
$VERSION = '1.6';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Pablo MartÃn Báez EchevarrÃa',
contact => '[email protected] ',
name => 'clones_scanner',
description => 'when a nick joins #channel, notifies you if there is (or there has been) someone in #channel with the same hostname',
license => 'Public Domain',
url => '',
changed => '22:30:25, Dec 20th, 2014 UYT',
# =====
# Copy the script to ~/.irssi/scripts/
# In irssi:
# /run clones_scanner
# =======
# Settings can be reset to defaults with /set -default
# /set clones_scanner_maxtime
# * This is the maximum time in which the script remembers that a specific hostname
# left a channel because of a PART, QUIT or KICK event (default is 900secs = 15mins).
# For example, suppose it is 1 hour. If someone with mask type nick1!*@host left #channel
# at 11:00 and then comes back at 12:01 with mask type nick2!*@host, you will not be
# notified that 'nick2' was seen earlier in #channel as 'nick1'.
# It must be a time type, that is a series of integers with optional unit specifiers.
# Valid specifiers are:
# d[ays]
# h[ours]
# m[inutes]
# s[econds]
# mil[liseconds] | ms[econds]
# Any unambiguous part of a specifier can be used, as shown by the strings in braces in
# the above list. Multiple specifiers can be combined, with or without spaces between them.
# Examples:
# /set clones_scanner_maxtime 1hour30mins
# /set clones_scanner_maxtime 2h
# /set clones_scanner_maxtime 3h 10secs
# There must not be a space between the number and the unit specifier.
# ========
# /clones_scanner_size
# * Displays how many entries the data structure where the hosts are stored has, and how much
# memory is used for that purpose.
# WARNING: This feature requires Devel::Size module. It seems that when installing Devel::Size
# some tests started to fail since Perl 5.19.3 so if you're using the latest Perl release
# (Perl 5.20.1) you'll have to wait for someone to fix Devel::Size for recent Perl versions.
# See more about this issue at:
# Remeber that you can find out Perl version with
# $ perl -v
# in a terminal or alternatively executing /script exec print $^V in irssi.
Irssi::settings_add_time('clones_scanner', 'clones_scanner_maxtime', 900);
# global variables
my $have_devel_size = eval { require Devel::Size };
my %hosts_hash = ();
my $old_maxtime_msecs;
my $old_maxtime_str;
my $total_entries = 0;
sub add_entry {
my ( $network, $channel, $address, $nick ) = @_;
(my $host = $address) =~ s/^[^@]+@//;
if (defined $hosts_hash{$network}{$channel}{$host}) {
my $old_tag = $hosts_hash{$network}{$channel}{$host}[2];
Irssi::timeout_remove( $old_tag );
my $time = Irssi::settings_get_time("clones_scanner_maxtime");
my @data = ( $network, $channel, $host );
my $tag = Irssi::timeout_add_once($time, "remove_entry", \@data);
my $entry = [$nick, time(), $tag];
$hosts_hash{$network}{$channel}{$host} = $entry;
sub str_time {
my ( $secs ) = @_;
my $d = int($secs/3600/24);
my $h = int($secs/3600%24);
my $m = int($secs/60%60);
my $s = int($secs%60);
my $d_str = ($d == 1) ? "day": "days";
my $h_str = ($h == 1) ? "hour": "hours";
my $m_str = ($m == 1) ? "minute": "minutes";
my $s_str = ($s == 1) ? "second": "seconds";
my $raw_str = $d.$d_str.", ".$h.$h_str.", ".$m.$m_str.", ".$s.$s_str;
(my $str_res = $raw_str) =~ s/\b0\w+(?:,\s)?//g;
($str_res = $str_res) =~ s/,\s$//;
($str_res = $str_res) =~ s/(\d)([dhms])/$1 $2/g;
return $str_res eq "" ? "less than 1 second" : $str_res;
sub remove_entry {
my ( $ref_data ) = @_;
my $network = @{$ref_data}[0];
my $chan = @{$ref_data}[1];
my $host = @{$ref_data}[2];
delete $hosts_hash{$network}{$chan}{$host};
delete $hosts_hash{$network}{$chan} if (!keys %{$hosts_hash{$network}{$chan}});
delete $hosts_hash{$network} if (!keys %{$hosts_hash{$network}});
sub update_hash {
my ( $nw_maxtime ) = @_;
my $remainder;
my $ni;
my $se;
my $tg;
my $nw_tg;
foreach my $network (keys %hosts_hash) {
foreach my $channel (keys %{$hosts_hash{$network}}) {
foreach my $host (keys %{$hosts_hash{$network}{$channel}}) {
$ni = @{$hosts_hash{$network}{$channel}{$host}}[0];
$se = @{$hosts_hash{$network}{$channel}{$host}}[1];
$tg = @{$hosts_hash{$network}{$channel}{$host}}[2];
Irssi::timeout_remove( $tg );
$remainder = $nw_maxtime - (time() - $se);
if( $remainder > 0 ) {
my @data = ( $network, $channel, $host );
$nw_tg = Irssi::timeout_add_once( $remainder*1000, "remove_entry", \@data);
$hosts_hash{$network}{$channel}{$host} = [$ni, $se, $nw_tg];
} else {
delete $hosts_hash{$network}{$channel}{$host};
delete $hosts_hash{$network}{$channel} if (!keys %{$hosts_hash{$network}{$channel}});
delete $hosts_hash{$network} if (!keys %{$hosts_hash{$network}});
sub setup_changed {
my $new_maxtime_msecs = Irssi::settings_get_time("clones_scanner_maxtime");
if($new_maxtime_msecs < 10) {
Irssi::print("Invalid timestamp (must be >= 10 msecs)", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTERROR);
Irssi::settings_set_time("clones_scanner_maxtime", $old_maxtime_str);
$new_maxtime_msecs = Irssi::settings_get_time("clones_scanner_maxtime");
update_hash(int($new_maxtime_msecs/1000)) if ($new_maxtime_msecs != $old_maxtime_msecs);
sub part_method {
my ($server, $channel, $nick, $address, $reason) = @_;
add_entry($server->{tag}, $channel, $address, $nick);
sub quit_method {
my ($server, $nick, $address, $reason) = @_;
foreach($server->channels()) {
if ($_->nick_find($nick)) {
add_entry($server->{tag}, $_->{name}, $address, $nick);
sub kick_method {
my ($server, $channel, $nick, $kicker, $address, $reason) = @_;
my $kicked_address = $server->channel_find($channel)->nick_find($nick)->{host};
add_entry($server->{tag}, $channel, $kicked_address, $nick);
sub join_method {
my ($server, $channel, $nick, $address) = @_;
my $servtag = $server->{tag};
(my $host = $address) =~ s/^[^@]+@//;
my $chan_rec = $server->channel_find($channel);
# ==== find clones ====
my $ni_host;
my $str_clones = "";
my @clones;
foreach my $ni ($chan_rec->nicks()) {
($ni_host = "$ni->{host}") =~ s/^[^@]+@//;
if ( ($ni->{nick} ne $nick)&&($ni_host eq $host) ) {
$str_clones .= "$ni->{nick}".", ";
push @clones, $ni->{nick};
if( $str_clones ne "") {
($str_clones = $str_clones) =~ s/,\s$//;
$chan_rec->printformat(Irssi::MSGLEVEL_JOINS, "clones_scanner_clones", $nick, $str_clones);
# ==== search in %hosts_hash ====
my $exists_nick_in_hash = (defined $hosts_hash{$servtag})&&(defined $hosts_hash{$servtag}{$channel})
&&(defined $hosts_hash{$servtag}{$channel}{$host});
if ($exists_nick_in_hash) {
my @alias = @{ $hosts_hash{$servtag}{$channel}{$host} };
if ( ($nick ne $alias[0]) && (!(grep {$_ eq $alias[0]} @clones)) ) {
my $time = Irssi::settings_get_time("clones_scanner_maxtime");
$chan_rec->printformat( Irssi::MSGLEVEL_JOINS, "clones_scanner_track_nick", $nick, str_time(int($time/1000)),
$alias[0], str_time(time()-$alias[1]));
"clones_scanner_clones", 'Clones of {nick $0}: $1',
"clones_scanner_track_nick", '=> {nick $0} was seen during the last $1 as {nick $2} ($3 ago)',
if ($have_devel_size) {
Irssi::command_bind('clones_scanner_size' , sub {
my $bytes = Devel::Size::total_size(\%hosts_hash);
print "Number of entries in \%hosts_hash: ", $total_entries;
print "Size in bytes: ", $bytes;
print int($bytes/1024/1024)."MB ".int($bytes/1024%1024)."kB ".int($bytes%1024)."B of data";
} else {
print "Missing Devel::Size module. The command `/clones_scanner_size` will not be available.";
Irssi::signal_add_first('message part', \&part_method);
Irssi::signal_add_first('message quit', \&quit_method);
Irssi::signal_add_first('message kick', \&kick_method);
Irssi::signal_add_last('message join', \&join_method);
Irssi::signal_add_last('setup changed', \&setup_changed);
Irssi::signal_add_first('send command',
sub {
$old_maxtime_msecs = Irssi::settings_get_time("clones_scanner_maxtime");
$old_maxtime_str = Irssi::settings_get_str("clones_scanner_maxtime");