use strict; use warnings; { package Irssi::Nick } use Irssi qw(command_bind command_bind_first command_runsub settings_add_str settings_add_int command_set_options command_parse_options server_find_tag signal_stop signal_continue timeout_add timeout_remove signal_add_first signal_add_last current_theme); use Irssi::TextUI; use Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number'; use List::Util qw(min max); use POSIX 'strftime'; our $VERSION = '1.1'; our %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Pablo Martín Báez Echevarría', contact => '[email protected]', name => 'buffer', description => 'pastes a buffer into a channel or query window line by line with a specific delay between lines', url => '', license => 'Public Domain', changed => 'vie jun 17 15:04:25 UYT 2016', ); my $buffer = []; my $pastings = {}; my $regex = '^'; my $theme = Irssi::settings_get_str('theme'); my $timestamp_format = current_theme->get_format('fe-common/core', 'timestamp'); my $timestamp_setting = Irssi::settings_get_str('timestamp_format'); { # copied from Nei's my %strip_table = ( # fe-common::core::formats.c:format_expand_styles # delete format_backs format_fores bold_fores other stuff (map { $_ => '' } (split //, '04261537' . 'kbgcrmyw' . 'KBGCRMYW' . 'U9_8I:|FnN>#[' . 'pP')), # escape (map { $_ => $_ } (split //, '{}%')), ); sub ir_strip_codes { # strip %codes my $o = shift; $o =~ s/(%(%|Z.{6}|z.{6}|X..|x..|.))/exists $strip_table{$2} ? $strip_table{$2} : $2 =~ m{x(?:0[a-f]|[1-6][0-9a-z]|7[a-x])|z[0-9a-f]{6}}i ? '' : $1/gex; $o } } sub get_expanded_timestamp { my $theme = current_theme; my $timestamp_format = $theme->get_format('fe-common/core', 'timestamp'); (my $timestamp_setting = Irssi::settings_get_str('timestamp_format')) =~ s/%/%%/g; $timestamp_format =~ s/\$Z/$timestamp_setting/g; ir_strip_codes( $theme->format_expand($timestamp_format) ); } push my @expanded_timestamps, { unix_time => time, expanded_timestamp => get_expanded_timestamp }; sub cmd_buffer_help { print CLIENTCRAP <] [-regexp] [-case] [-word] [] BUFFER LOAD [-file ] [-striptime] [-begin ] [-end ] BUFFER CLEAR BUFFER PRINT BUFFER PLAY [-delay ] [-continue []] BUFFER STOP [] BUFFER REMOVE [] BUFFER RESUME %9Description%9: Pastes a buffer into a channel or query window line by line with a specific delay between lines. It is inspired by the mIRC /play command. %9Parameters%9: SEARCH: Searches the active window (or a file) for a pattern and displays the matching lines with its corresponding line number, in order to make easy to load the desired text. -file Name of the file where to look at. If omitted, searchs the scrollback buffer of the current window. -regexp The given pattern is a regexp. -case Performs case sensitive matching. -word The text must match full words. -pattern If omitted, it will be the pattern of the previous search (and if there is no previous search, the command displays everything). LOAD: Loads the buffer and gets it ready to be pasted into a location. -file Name of the file whose lines will be loaded. If omitted, loads lines from the current window. -striptime Tries to strip the timestamp when loading lines from a window. If it is used together with -file, it has no effect. -begin Number of the first line to be loaded. If omitted, it will be 1. -end Number of the last line to be loaded. If omitted, it will be the total number of lines in the current window/file. CLEAR: Clears the buffer. PRINT: Displays the content of the buffer in the status window. PLAY: Pastes the buffer into the current channel or query window or wakes up an already existing paste. -delay Delay (in seconds) between each message. -continue Continues the paste identified by (run /BUFFER RESUME to find out the correct identifier). If this parameter is omitted, it will paste the entire buffer previously loaded into the current channel or query window. If -continue is used not followed by an id, it wakes up all the paused pastes. STOP: Stops an active paste. -id Identifier of the paste that you would like to stop. If ommitted, it will stop all the active pastes. REMOVE: Removes an existing paste. -id Identifier of the paste that you would like to remove. If omitted, it will remove all the existing pastes. RESUME: Lists the existing pastes and shows information about each one. %9Settings%9: -buffer_delay: Default delay between messages. -buffer_context_lines If this is set to n, then /BUFFER RESUME will print n lines before and after the next line to be pasted. HELP ; signal_stop; # To avoid 'No help for buffer' at the end } sub open_file { my $filename = shift; $filename =~ s/^~/$ENV{HOME}/; open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Could not open file '$filename': $!\n"; die "File '$filename' does not look like a text file\n" unless -T $filename; return $fh; } sub send_line { my ( $timeout_tag, $buff, $index, $server, $target ) = @_; # Get line my $line = $buff->[$$index]; $line .= ' ' if $line eq ''; # Send line to target $server->command("MSG $target $line"); # Increment pointer which stores the next line to be sent $$index++; # Remove the paste if it's the last line in the buffer if ( $$index == @$buff ) { timeout_remove( $timeout_tag ); delete $pastings->{$timeout_tag}; } } sub timeout_function { my ( $ref ) = @_; my $timeout_tag = $$ref; my ( $buff, $servtag, $targ, $pointer ) = @{$pastings->{$timeout_tag}}{qw/buffer network target counter/}; # Check server and target my $server = server_find_tag( $servtag ); unless ( $server && $server->{'connected'} ) { printf CLIENTERROR "Not connected to server '%s'. Paste <%d> will be paused", $servtag, $timeout_tag; timeout_remove( $timeout_tag ); $pastings->{$timeout_tag}{'status'} = 'paused'; return; }; my $witem = $server->window_find_item($targ); unless ( $witem ) { printf CLIENTERROR "No window named '%s'. Paste <%d> will be paused", $targ, $timeout_tag; timeout_remove( $timeout_tag ); $pastings->{$timeout_tag}{'status'} = 'paused'; return; } # Send line send_line($timeout_tag, $buff, $pointer, $server, $targ); } sub buffer_context_range { my ( $index, $context_lines, $total ) = @_; my $first = max( 0, $index - $context_lines ); my $last = min( $total-1, $index + $context_lines ); $first..$last; } sub get_timestamp_regexp { my $unix_time = shift; my $last = 0; foreach my $i (0..$#expanded_timestamps) { $last = $i if ($expanded_timestamps[$i]->{'unix_time'} <= $unix_time) or last; } my $frm1 = $expanded_timestamps[$last]->{'expanded_timestamp'}; my $frm2 = $expanded_timestamps[$last-1]->{'expanded_timestamp'} if $last >= 1; my $timestamp1 = strftime($frm1, localtime($unix_time)); my $timestamp2 = (defined $frm2) ? strftime($frm2, localtime($unix_time)) : ''; qr/\Q$timestamp1\E|\Q$timestamp2\E/; } sub cmd_buffer_search { my ( $args, $server, $witem ) = @_; my ($options, $pattern) = command_parse_options('buffer search', $args); if ($pattern) { my $flags = defined($options->{'case'}) ? '' : '(?i)'; my $b = defined($options->{'word'}) ? '\b' : ''; if (defined $options->{'regexp'} ) { local $@; eval { $regex = qr/$flags$b$pattern$b/; }; if ($@) { my ($err) = $@ =~ /^(.*) at .* line \d+\.$/; print CLIENTERROR "Pattern \/$pattern\/ did not compile: $err"; return; } } else { $regex = qr/$flags$b\Q$pattern\E$b/; } } my @results; if ( defined $options->{'file'} ) { my $filename = $options->{'file'}; my $fh; eval { $fh = open_file($filename) }; if ($@) { chomp(my $err = $@); print CLIENTERROR $err; return; } my $num = 1; while( defined (my $line = <$fh>) ) { chomp($line); $line =~ s/\t/' 'x4/ge; push @results, [$num, $`, $&, $'] if $line =~ $regex; $num++; } close $fh; } else { my $current_win = ref $witem ? $witem->window : Irssi::active_win; my $view = $current_win->view; my $line = $view->{'buffer'}->{'first_line'}; my $num = 1; while ( defined $line ) { push @results, [$num, $`, $&, $'] if $line->get_text(0) =~ $regex; $line = $line->next; $num++; } } if (@results) { my $greatest_line_number = $results[-1][0]; my $digits = length $greatest_line_number; printf CLIENTCRAP join("\n", ("%%9%${digits}d.%%n%s%%9%%R%s%%n%s")x@results), map { @$_[0..3] } @results; } } sub cmd_buffer_load { my ( $args, $server, $witem ) = @_; my ($options) = command_parse_options('buffer load', $args); my $start = $options->{'begin'} // 1; my $end; my @new_buffer; if ( defined $options->{'file'} ) { my $filename = $options->{'file'}; my $fh; eval { $fh = open_file($filename) }; if ($@) { chomp(my $err = $@); print CLIENTERROR $err; return; } my @dump = <$fh>; close $fh; my $lines_count = @dump; $end = $options->{'end'} // $lines_count; if ($start<1 || $end>$lines_count || $start>$end) { print CLIENTERROR 'Wrong -start or -end parameters (out of range)'; return; }; @new_buffer = map{ chomp; s/\t/' 'x4/ge; $_ } @dump[$start-1..$end-1] } else { my $current_win = ref $witem ? $witem->window : Irssi::active_win; my $view = $current_win->view; my $line = $view->{'buffer'}->{'first_line'}; my $lines_count = $view->{'buffer'}->{'lines_count'}; $end = $options->{'end'} // $lines_count; if ($start<1 || $end>$lines_count || $start>$end) { print CLIENTERROR 'Wrong -start or -end parameters (out of range)'; return; }; my $num = 1; while ( defined $line ) { if ( $start<=$num && $num<=$end ) { chomp(my $line_text = $line->get_text(0)); if ( defined $options->{'striptime'} ) { my $timestamp_regex = get_timestamp_regexp($line->{'info'}{'time'}); $line_text =~ s/^$timestamp_regex//; } push @new_buffer, $line_text; last if $num == $end; } $line = $line->next; $num++; } } $buffer = \@new_buffer; print CLIENTCRAP 'Buffer successfully loaded'; } sub cmd_buffer_clear { $buffer = []; print CLIENTCRAP 'Buffer is now empty'; } sub cmd_buffer_print { print CLIENTCRAP $_ for @$buffer; printf CLIENTCRAP "%d lines", scalar @$buffer; } sub cmd_buffer_play { my ( $args, $server, $witem ) = @_; my ($options) = command_parse_options('buffer play', $args); my $delay = $options->{'delay'} // Irssi::settings_get_str('buffer_delay'); unless (looks_like_number($delay)) { print CLIENTERROR 'Delay must be a number'; return; } unless ( $delay >= 10e-3 ) { print CLIENTERROR 'Delay cannot be less than 0.010 seconds (10 milliseconds)'; return; } if ( defined $options->{'continue'} ) { my $id = $options->{'continue'}; if ( $id =~ /^\s*$/ ) { # Empty id. Wake up every paused paste foreach my $inner_id (keys %$pastings) { if ( $pastings->{$inner_id}{'status'} eq 'paused' ) { wake_sleeping_paste( $inner_id, $options->{'delay'} ); } } } else { # Not empty id unless ( defined $pastings->{$id} ) { print CLIENTERROR 'Not recognized id. See /BUFFER RESUME'; return; } wake_sleeping_paste( $id, $options->{'delay'} ); } } else { unless ( $server && $server->{'connected'} ) { print CLIENTERROR 'Not connected to server'; return; } unless ( $witem && ($witem->{'type'} eq 'CHANNEL' || $witem->{'type'} eq 'QUERY') ) { print CLIENTERROR 'No active channel/query in window'; return; } unless ( @$buffer ) { print CLIENTERROR 'Buffer is empty. Nothing to paste'; return; } my $servtag = $server->{'tag'}; my $target = $witem->{'name'}; my $counter = 0; my $timeout_tag; $timeout_tag = timeout_add( $delay*1000 , 'timeout_function', \$timeout_tag ); $pastings->{$timeout_tag} = { buffer => $buffer, status => 'active', network => $servtag, target => $target, counter => \$counter, delay => $delay, timestamp => time, }; send_line($timeout_tag, $buffer, \$counter, $server, $target); } } sub wake_sleeping_paste { my ( $id, $delay ) = @_; unless ( $pastings->{$id}{'status'} eq 'paused' ) { printf CLIENTERROR 'Paste <%d> is already active', $id; return; } my ( $buff, $servtag, $targ, $pointer ) = @{$pastings->{$id}}{qw/buffer network target counter/}; # Check server and target my $server = server_find_tag( $servtag ); unless ( $server && $server->{'connected'} ) { printf CLIENTERROR "Not connected to server '%s'. Paste <%d> will continue to be paused", $servtag, $id; return; }; my $witem = $server->window_find_item($targ); unless ( $witem ) { printf CLIENTERROR "No window named '%s'. Paste <%d> will continue to be paused", $targ, $id; return; } my $temp = $pastings->{$id}; delete $pastings->{$id}; $temp->{'status'} = 'active'; $temp->{'delay'} = $delay if defined $delay; $temp->{'timestamp'} = time; my $timeout_tag; $timeout_tag = timeout_add( $temp->{'delay'} * 1000 , 'timeout_function', \$timeout_tag ); $pastings->{$timeout_tag} = $temp; send_line($timeout_tag, $buff, $pointer, $server, $targ); } sub cmd_buffer_stop { my ( $args, $server, $witem ) = @_; my $id = $args; if ( $id =~ /^\s*$/ ) { # Empty id. Stop every active paste foreach my $inner_id (keys %$pastings) { if ( $pastings->{$inner_id}{'status'} eq 'active' ) { timeout_remove( $inner_id ); $pastings->{$inner_id}{'status'} = 'paused'; } } } else { # Not empty id unless ( defined $pastings->{$id} ) { print CLIENTERROR 'Not recognized id. See /BUFFER RESUME'; return; } if ( $pastings->{$id}{'status'} eq 'active' ) { timeout_remove( $id ); $pastings->{$id}{'status'} = 'paused'; } } } sub cmd_buffer_remove { my ( $args, $server, $witem ) = @_; my $id = $args; if ( $id =~ /^\s*$/ ) { # Empty id. Remove every existing paste foreach my $inner_id (keys %$pastings) { timeout_remove( $inner_id ); delete $pastings->{$inner_id}; } } else { # Not empty id unless ( defined $pastings->{$id} ) { print CLIENTERROR 'Not recognized id. See /BUFFER RESUME'; return; } timeout_remove( $id ); delete $pastings->{$id}; } } sub cmd_buffer_resume { if ( keys %$pastings ) { my $context_lines = Irssi::settings_get_int('buffer_context_lines'); if ($context_lines < 0) { print CLIENTERROR 'The number of context lines (surrounding the next line to be sent) must be a positive integer'; return; } my $id_string = 'ID'; my $id_colwidth = max( length($id_string), max( map{length($_)} keys %$pastings ) ); my $time_string = 'TIMESTAMP'; my $time_colwidth = max( length($time_string), max( map{length( strftime('%c', localtime($pastings->{$_}->{'timestamp'})) )} keys %$pastings ) ); my $status_string = 'STATUS'; my $status_colwidth = max( length($status_string), max( map{length($pastings->{$_}->{'status'})} keys %$pastings ) ); my $network_string = 'NETWORK'; my $network_colwidth = max( length($network_string), max( map{length($pastings->{$_}->{'network'})} keys %$pastings ) ); my $channel_string = 'TARGET'; my $channel_colwidth = max( length($channel_string), max( map{length($pastings->{$_}->{'target'})} keys %$pastings ) ); my $delay_string = 'DELAY'; my $delay_colwidth = max( length($delay_string), max( map{length($pastings->{$_}->{'delay'})} keys %$pastings ) ); my $pasted_string = 'PASTED LINES'; my $pasted_colwidth = max( length($pasted_string), max( map{length( ${$pastings->{$_}->{'counter'}} )} keys %$pastings ) ); my $pending_string = 'PENDING LINES'; my $pending_colwidth = max( length($pending_string), max( map{length( @{$pastings->{$_}->{'buffer'}} - ${$pastings->{$_}->{'counter'}} )} keys %$pastings ) ); my $str_format = join ( " "x4, map { "\%${_}s" } ($id_colwidth, $time_colwidth, $status_colwidth, $network_colwidth, $channel_colwidth, $delay_colwidth, $pasted_colwidth, $pending_colwidth ) ); foreach my $id ( sort{$pastings->{$a}->{'timestamp'}<=>$pastings->{$b}->{'timestamp'}} keys %$pastings ) { printf CLIENTCRAP "%%9" . $str_format, ($id_string, $time_string, $status_string, $network_string, $channel_string, $delay_string, $pasted_string, $pending_string ); printf CLIENTCRAP $str_format . "\n", ($id, strftime('%c', localtime($pastings->{$id}->{'timestamp'})), $pastings->{$id}->{'status'}, $pastings->{$id}->{'network'}, $pastings->{$id}->{'target'}, $pastings->{$id}->{'delay'}, ${$pastings->{$id}->{'counter'}}, @{$pastings->{$id}->{'buffer'}} - ${$pastings->{$id}->{'counter'}} ); print CLIENTCRAP '%9NEXT LINE TO BE PASTED:'; my $buffref = $pastings->{$id}->{'buffer'}; my $index = ${ $pastings->{$id}->{'counter'} }; my $total = @$buffref; my @range = buffer_context_range($index, $context_lines, $total); my $digits = length( max( map{$_ + 1} @range ) ); foreach my $i ( @range ) { printf CLIENTCRAP "%%9%${digits}d.%%n%10s%s", $i+1, (($i == $index) ? '===>' : ''), @$buffref[$i]; }; printf CLIENTCRAP "---- End paste <%s>", $id; } } else { print CLIENTCRAP "There aren't any pastes"; return; } } signal_add_first 'send command' => sub { signal_continue(@_); my $command = shift; my $cmdchars = Irssi::settings_get_str('cmdchars'); if ( $command =~ /^\Q$cmdchars\Eformat\s+timestamp/i ) { my $current_timestamp_format = current_theme->get_format('fe-common/core', 'timestamp'); if ( $current_timestamp_format ne $timestamp_format ) { push @expanded_timestamps, { unix_time => time, expanded_timestamp => get_expanded_timestamp }; $timestamp_format = $current_timestamp_format; } } }; signal_add_last 'setup changed' => sub { my $current_theme = Irssi::settings_get_str('theme'); my $current_timestamp_setting = Irssi::settings_get_str('timestamp_format'); if ( $current_theme ne $theme || $current_timestamp_setting ne $timestamp_setting ) { push @expanded_timestamps, { unix_time => time, expanded_timestamp => get_expanded_timestamp }; $theme = $current_theme; $timestamp_setting = $current_timestamp_setting; } }; command_bind 'buffer' => sub { my ( $data, $server, $item ) = @_; $data =~ s/\s+$//g; command_runsub('buffer', $data, $server, $item); }; command_bind_first help => sub { &cmd_buffer_help if $_[0] =~ /^buffer\s*$/i }; command_bind 'buffer search' => 'cmd_buffer_search'; command_set_options 'buffer search' => '-file regexp case word'; command_bind 'buffer load' => 'cmd_buffer_load'; command_set_options 'buffer load' => '-file striptime @begin @end'; command_bind 'buffer clear' => 'cmd_buffer_clear'; command_bind 'buffer print' => 'cmd_buffer_print'; command_bind 'buffer play' => 'cmd_buffer_play'; command_set_options 'buffer play' => '-delay -continue'; command_bind 'buffer stop' => 'cmd_buffer_stop'; command_bind 'buffer remove' => 'cmd_buffer_remove'; command_bind 'buffer resume' => 'cmd_buffer_resume'; settings_add_str 'buffer', 'buffer_delay', '1'; settings_add_int 'buffer', 'buffer_context_lines', '2';