# irssi beep replace script (tested with irssi v0.8.8.CVS (20030126-1726))
# (C) 2002-2004 Ge0rG@IRCnet (Georg Lukas )
# inspired and tested by Macrotron@IRCnet ([email protected])
# added beep_flood to irssi settings: beep_cmd will be run not more often
# then every $beep_flood milliseconds
# fixed memory leak with timeout_add (made irssi waste 80mb and more after a day of IRC)
# added > /dev/null, thx to Luis Oliveira
# fixed timeout handling bug, thx to [email protected]
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "0.10";
%IRSSI = (
authors => "Georg Lukas",
contact => "georg\@op-co.de",
name => "beep_beep",
description => "runs arbitrary command instead of system beep, includes flood protection",
license => "Public Domain",
url => "http://op-co.de/irssi/",
use Irssi;
my $might_beep = 1;
my $to_tag;
sub beep_overflow_timeout() {
$might_beep = 1;
sub beep_beep() {
my $beep_cmd = Irssi::settings_get_str("beep_cmd");
if ($beep_cmd) {
if ($might_beep) {
my $beep_flood = Irssi::settings_get_int('beep_flood');
$beep_flood = 1000 if $beep_flood < 0;
$to_tag = Irssi::timeout_add($beep_flood, 'beep_overflow_timeout', undef);
$might_beep = 0;
Irssi::settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "beep_cmd", "play ~/.irssi/scripts/beep_beep.wav > /dev/null &");
Irssi::settings_add_int("lookandfeel", "beep_flood", 250);
Irssi::signal_add("beep", "beep_beep");