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06/29/12 – Reese Erlich – The Scott Horton Show

by | Jun 29, 2012 | Interviews

Reese Erlich, author of Conversations with Terrorists: Middle East Leaders on Politics, Violence, and Empire, discusses his article “Militias Become Power Centers in Libya;” why ex-Gaddafi Libya didn’t miraculously transform into a vibrant Jeffersonian democracy; US interventions in oil-producing regions of Africa; differentiating between the real Arab Spring revolutions and the US-led counterrevolutions; Foreign Affairs editor Gideon Rose on “nice docile American client” states that cooperate with Israel and are rewarded with a free hand in domestic matters; the few State Department and military officials remaining in Iraq, who dare not leave their enclaves; why Hillary Clinton is no longer reticent about supporting Hamas and al Qaeda in Syria; and the fanciful imaginations of neoconservatives, who believe pro-US regimes can be installed simply by dropping bombs.


Listen to The Scott Horton Show