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10/18/07 – Mark Danner – The Scott Horton Show

by | Oct 18, 2007 | Interviews

Mark Danner, writer for the New York Review of Books and author of The Secret Way to War: The Downing Street Memo and the Iraq War’s Buried History, discusses George Bush’s faith in himself as revealed by the recently disclosed transcript of his meeting with Spanish Prime Minister Aznar in February, 2002, and how it keeps getting innocent people killed, the narratives of ‘enhanced interrogations’ and ‘weapons inspections’ that make torture and aggressive war acceptable and ‘legal,’ Bush’s belief, in spite of all evidence, that everything he does is right no matter what, the relevance of his former life as a cheerleader to his mindset today, the infighting between the neocons in the DoD and the State Department and the CIA, the administration’s accusations that racism against Arabs was somehow responsible for European opposition to the war, Bush’s refusal of the option of exile for Saddam, the decision to install the Iranian-backed SCIRI/Da’wa Party types in power and the recent decision to stab them in the back and ‘redirect‘ toward the Ba’athists again, the question of whether the Bush/Cheney regime always meant to break Iraq apart and the danger of war with Iran.


Listen to The Scott Horton Show