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02/10/11 – Marcy Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

by | Feb 10, 2011 | Interviews

Marcy Wheeler, blogging under the pseudonym “emptywheel” at, discusses the 44 thousand emails the hacker group “Anonymous” procured from private security firm HB Gary Federal, in retaliation for being “outed;” the three security firms (HB Gary, Palantir, and Berico Technologies) that submitted proposals (indirectly) to Bank of America for solving their WikiLeaks problem through a disinformation and smear campaign against WikiLeaks supporters like Glenn Greenwald and David House; how the Department of Justice referred BofA to law firm Hunton & Williams – which then solicited the security firms’ bid and gave BofA plausible deniability; the same three security firms’ work with the Chamber of Commerce to infiltrate and discredit opposition groups including unions; why we should be suspicious of security companies that work as defense contractors and for corporations in the private sector; and how the CIA deals with employees who torture: promotion!


Listen to The Scott Horton Show