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12/29/10 – Kelley B. Vlahos – The Scott Horton Show

by | Dec 29, 2010 | Interviews

Featured columnist Kelley B. Vlahos discusses her article ‘Julian Assange: Man of the Decade;’ why WikiLeaks — inspired by a culture of open source software, free exchange of information, high technology and distrust of authority — is the natural antagonist of a US-led global security state; dossier collections on ‘suspicious’ Americans who have not been charged with, or even suspected of committing, a crime; the ‘who is a journalist’ debate that presumes a press pass is required to exercise First Amendment rights; slow-on-the-uptake Americans who are ever-ready to trade liberty for false security; and why it’s time to stop playing Farmville and get serious about protecting our rapidly-diminishing liberties.


Listen to The Scott Horton Show