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09/23/08 – Joshua Kors – The Scott Horton Show

by | Sep 23, 2008 | Interviews

Joshua Kors, reporter for The Nation, discusses the unbelievable lengths to which the U.S. government will go in order to avoid and delay providing medical and disability benefits to the soldiers who fight their wars for them, the stories of Spc. Town and Sgt. Jimenez, the unbelievable numbers of men coming home Shell Shocked and committing suicide (17 per day on average, and already a greater number than those killed during the Iraq occupation), the methods by which the VA hides the true numbers, private, and local and state government attempts to fill the gap, serious attempts by some in congress to try to do close some of the VA’s loopholes and some of the various veterans groups working to help each other out.


Listen to The Scott Horton Show