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10/10/07 – Gene Lyons – The Scott Horton Show

by | Oct 10, 2007 | Interviews

Syndicated columnist Gene Lyons discusses the demonization of Iran’s powerless president, the state of their democracy compared to the neighbors, consequences of recent elections around the Middle East, Bush’s lifelong hostility to learning, the impossibility of the American Empire’s survival of a war in Persia, possible domestic consequences, the neocon ‘idea’ that the Iranians would take our side if we bombed them, the abject ignorance and gullibility of the American population, the rift between the Ayatollahs and al Qaeda, the fact that Iranians are human individuals and Hillary Clinton’s vote for Kyle-Lieberman, dogs, Mike Huckabee, Iran again, and Wesley Clarke’s predictions about what would happen in Iraq back in 2002.


Listen to The Scott Horton Show