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08/16/08 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

by | Aug 16, 2008 | Interviews

Gareth Porter, independent historian and investigative journalist for IPS News and, deconstructs the incredibly lousy reporting of one Pamela Hess from the Associated Press, whose recent article ‘Quds, Hezbollah training hit squads in Iran‘ is in the running for the Olympic Gold Medal in Pentagon stenography and false accusations, explains the complex truth behind the U.S. and Iraqi governments’ relationship with Iran, the 2 and a half year history of the Cheney Cabal’s claims that Iran is responsible for the higher quality land mines in Iraq, the fiction of Mahdi Army ‘Special Groups,’ Maliki’s distancing from the U.S. and thwarting of Cheney’s plan for a major assault on the Mahdi Army this summer, some of the many holes in the AP’s case, Pamela Hess’s justification for helping the Pentagon to cover up and disseminate half-truths and the need for the people who are able to contradict the official line to get their voices out.

MP3 Here.


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