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07/18/08 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

by | Jul 18, 2008 | Interviews

Gareth Porter, reporter for IPS News, discusses the fight between the ‘realists’ and hawks in the Bush administration, the routine where Rice gets what she wants, but then Cheney makes her efforts meaningless — as in the case of William Burns’ trip to Geneva, George Bush Jr.’s complete inability to lead — thank goodness, crying wolf, the public’s distracted impotence to stop a war they oppose, the relative influence of the Israeli Lobby on Middle East policy in Congress and the White House, Ariel Sharon’s preference for the order of future regime changes, speculation that Cheney may have ‘learned’ a bunch of nonsense about a necessary clash of civilizations from Prinston historian Bernard Lewis after 9/11, the War Party’s former(?) belief in regime change from the air.

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