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03/12/08 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

by | Mar 12, 2008 | Interviews

Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for IPS News, discusses the ‘retirement’ of Adm. Fox Fallon from his position as the head of Centcom, his repeated clashes with the White House over Iran policy, Robert Gates role, his belief that war is still unlikely, the U.S. government propaganda again blaming Iran for all the problems in Iraq, Obama and his advisers, Bill Clinton’s 1997 attempt to have former Centcom commander Gen. Anthony Zinni to create a pretext for war with Iraq and Zinni’s play to shut it down and attempt to pin bin Laden’s Khobar Towers attack on ‘Iranian-backed Saudi Hezbollah’ as a pretext for war against Iran.


Listen to The Scott Horton Show