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07/14/11 – Fred Branfman – The Scott Horton Show

by | Jul 14, 2011 | Interviews

Fred Branfman, a writer and longtime activist, discusses his article “Obama’s Secret Wars: How Our Shady Counter-Terrorism Policies Are More Dangerous Than Terrorism” at AlterNet; the “industrial-sized” US killing machine, purportedly used to win the war on terrorism, that strikes with impunity the world over; how drone strikes and assassinations create new enemies far faster than “terrorists” are killed, with the added bonus of destabilizing allied governments; the lack of a cohesive US foreign policy – instead each agency pursues its own agenda and fights for increased budgets; and why we’d be better off with a McCain victory in 2008 (same policy but a more vigorous Democratic opposition).


Listen to The Scott Horton Show