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09/16/11 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

by | Sep 16, 2011 | Interviews

Eric Margolis, internationally syndicated columnist and author of War at the Top of the World and American Raj, discusses his article “Americans Need the Truth About 9/11;” the Likud-dominated Israel lobby and how it works tirelessly to control the Congress and drag the US into war with Iran; the underwhelming group of countries against Palestinian statehood, composed of Israel, the US, Canada and… Micronesia; why Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas may settle for a toothless non-state compromise half-measure, sure to please the US; how America’s religious right provides much-needed domestic political support for the Republican Party’s love affair with Israel; and why we can thank Dick Cheney for the results of a decade-long War on Terrorism: bankruptcy at home and diminished power and influence abroad.


Listen to The Scott Horton Show