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10/27/08 – Candace Gorman – The Scott Horton Show

by | Oct 27, 2008 | Interviews

H. Candace Gorman, Chicago civil rights attorney representing two Guantanamo detainees, discusses the difficulty of being a defense attorney for detainees subject to shifting court rulings and legal designations, a paralyzed federal court system that is stalling habeas corpus hearings until after the presidential election is decided, back room repatriation deals between the Bush administration, potential host countries and Guantanamo defense attorneys in order to preempt unfavorable judicial decisions, the ongoing struggle to obtain health care for detainee and Gorman client Abdul Al-Ghizzawi, the latest resignation of a prosecutor — Darrel Vandeveld — in protest of the Guantanamo show trials, the weakening war crimes case against detainee Omar Khadr, the relatively light sentence against ‘worst of the worst’ David Hicks and the possibility that an Obama victory will finally mean the closure of Guantanamo.


Listen to The Scott Horton Show