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05/29/08 – Andy Worthington – The Scott Horton Show

by | May 29, 2008 | Interviews

Andy Worthington, author of The Guantanamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison, discusses his recent article on the trials of sixteen Guantanamo ‘detainees,’ how Australian David Hicks is too traumatized to tell his story, Omar Khadr, the Canadian child soldier being held despite international law, how Salim Hamdan’s legal case caused the Supreme Court to rule the original incarnation of the military commissions illegal, Mohamed Jawad, another minor, charged with harmlessly throwing a grenade, there’s Ahmed al-Darbi who’s giving the commissions a hard time by refusing to play a part in his show trial, KSM, Ramzi bin al Shib, the reasons behind the dropping of the charges against al Qatani, the ‘requestioning’ of the tortured in a ridiculous attempt to wipe the torture slate clean, how the whole military commission system resembles a patchwork of lies to excuse lies, the hundreds of years it has taken to develop Anglo-American traditions of law to protect liberty, the shame of its abandonment and necessity of its return, the results of the fake terror scares tortured out of the innocent, half-wit, crazy man, Abu Zabayduh, the superiority of the FBI’s good cop approach to interrogation, the DoJ IG report [.pdf] about the FBI’s ‘War Crimes’ file on the Guantanamo and the sordid details of several of the other eleven trials now in process.


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