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9/8/17 Andrew Cockburn on Saudi Arabia’s role in 9/11

by | Sep 8, 2017 | Interviews

Washington editor of Harper’s Magazine, Andrew Cockburn, returns to the show to discuss his latest article, “Crime and Punishment: Will the 9/11 Case Finally Go to Trial?” Cockburn explains how the 9/11 families overcame the legal impediments against suing the state of Saudi Arabia even in the face of rank opposition from the Obama administration, what he believed was revealed in the 28 pages, and how the Saudis helped fund the spread of Wahhabism and the rise of al-Qaeda. Cockburn believes the key question is: What is the real U.S.-Saudi relationship? Scott and Cockburn detail how Washington think-tanks have been financed and coopted by foreign countries and debate whether Saudi-funded Wahhabism or blowback from U.S. intervention is primarily to blame for the spread of radical Islam and its corresponding violence.

Andrew Cockburn is the Washington editor of Harper’s Magazine and the author of Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins. Follow him on Twitter @andrewmcockburn.

Discussed on the show:


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