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09/30/16 – Joe Lauria – The Scott Horton Show

by | Sep 30, 2016 | Interviews | 1 comment

Veteran journalist and UN correspondent Joe Lauria updates Scott on the latest from Syria and Iraq. The attack on Mosul is likely to begin in mid October, and Islamic state may have deserted large portions of the city. If true, it could mean less civilian casualties due to US aerial bombardment of the city during the Iraqi and Peshmerga operation. Lauria discusses the possibility that the ISIL fighters from Mosul may have left and gone to Syria, where they are fighting the Assad regime. Russia and the Assad regime are increasingly frustrated with and at odds with the Americans and their allies, and they’ve begun to attack Aleppo without restraint after the collapse of the cease fire. The Americans have responded by charging that the Russians are committing war crimes at the UN.  Get all of the updates in this interview.


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