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8/3/23 Jeff Deist on Recessions, Debt and BRICS

by | Aug 6, 2023 | Interviews

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Scott is joined by Jeff Deist to talk about both the problems facing our economy and the flawed economic ideas that brought us here. Scott and Deist discuss business cycles and inflation before turning more broadly to global currency markets. They finish with a look at the distinction between free international trade and subsidized international trade and examine the ways that the latter has unfairly discredited the former in the eyes of many right-wingers.

Discussed on the show:

Jeff Deist is General Counsel of Monetary Metals. He previously worked as President of the Mises Institute, where he serves as a writer, public speaker, and advocate for property, markets, and civil society and as a longtime advisor and chief of staff to Congressman Ron Paul, for whom he wrote hundreds of articles and speeches. Follow him on Twitter @jeffdeist.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: Tom Woods’ Liberty Classroom;

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