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07/14/15 – Joshua Hughes – The Scott Horton Show

by | Jul 14, 2015 | Interviews

Joshua Hughes, a peace activist and founder of Verdenergia Pacifica, discusses his sustainable farm and community in Costa Rica, and why he is offering to raffle off a week’s stay to listeners of the Scott Horton Show.

This is the last chance to buy raffle tickets! For only $50 each, you have a chance to win a 7 day stay for you and a guest in your own private house with 3 meals a day in the jungles of Costa Rica. Only the airfare is on you.

You can learn and practice some skills, or just go for a swim in the river, pool, or waterfall, walk jungle trails, enjoy the views, do yoga or dance in the studio, make art, play music, check out a local soccer game, or simply relax in a hammock by the river and read.

Anyone who enters will get a half off on any future stay.


Listen to The Scott Horton Show