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6/14/19 Bob Murphy on the Economics of Climate Change

by | Jun 16, 2019 | Interviews

Bob Murphy joins the show to discuss his work on the economics of climate change. He explains that even according to the science cited by the UN and the Obama administration, the economic costs of the proposed plans to slow down global warming would be wildly more expensive than the costs associated with the warming itself. The more reasonable plans, like a modest carbon tax, on the other hand, would allow for up to 3.5 degrees celsius of warming, which is much more than most of the scientists think is tolerable. Most activists don’t want to address any of these economic questions because it’s highly inconvenient for their narrative.

Discussed on the show:

Bob Murphy is an economist with the Institute for Energy Research, a research fellow with the Independent Institute, and a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He is the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism and Choice: Cooperation, Enterprise, and Human Action. Find him on Twitter @BobMurphyEconand listen to his podcasts, Contra Krugman and The Bob Murphy Show.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: Kesslyn Runs, by Charles Featherstone; NoDev NoOps NoIT, by Hussein Badakhchani; The War State, by Mike Swanson;; Tom Woods’ Liberty; and

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