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3/6/20 Dan McKnight on the Defend the Guard Movement

by | Mar 10, 2020 | Interviews

Dan McKnight of talks about the “Defend the Guard” movement popping up in state legislatures around the country. The legislation on which the movement is based calls for an end to the calling up of states’ national guard troops to federal service without an explicit declaration by congress. McKnight also explains the way conservatives of all stripes are starting to unite around the idea that America cannot keep fighting these endless wars, a growing consensus which is forcing the conversation into mainstream political discourse.

Discussed on the show:

  • “Veterans Group Praises Trump Peace Agreement, Chides ‘Chicken Hawk Cheney’” ( Blog)
  • “Stop forcing U.S. troops to prop up pedophile culture” (Idaho State Journal)

Dan McKnight is the founder and Chairman of Idahoans to Bring Our Troops Home. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, three years active duty with the U.S. Army, and ten years with the Idaho Army National Guard, including a one-year deployment to Afghanistan in 2006.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: NoDev NoOps NoIT, by Hussein Badakhchani; The War State, by Mike Swanson;; Tom Woods’ Liberty and Think; and

Donate to the show through PatreonPayPal, or Bitcoin: 1KGye7S3pk7XXJT6TzrbFephGDbdhYznTa.


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