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12/18/20 Doug Bandow on America’s New Cold War with Russia

by | Dec 22, 2020 | Interviews

Doug Bandow discusses the state of U.S. relations with Russia, an issue of increasing relevance these days as some figures in American government try to leverage Russophobia for political purposes. Bandow reminds us that Russia is virtually no threat to the United States, so long as we don’t provoke them first, but that because of their nuclear stockpile, peace is absolutely critical for the safety of humanity. For some reason Trump’s opponents seem to ignore this fact, jumping at every opportunity to score political points by attacking him on his Russia policies, with the result that he has governed in a way that is extremely hostile toward Russia. This is one of several ways in which Trump’s irenic campaign promises belied what turned out to be a fairly aggressive administration.

Discussed on the show:

  • “Russia hasn’t just hacked our computer systems. It’s hacked our minds.” (Washington Post)
  • “Joe Biden Confronts Russia: The Problem of Diplomacy Without Compromise” (
  • “Why America Must Lead Again” (Foreign Affairs)

Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and a regular contributor at Forbes Magazine, the National Interest, and elsewhere. He’s on Twitter @Doug_Bandow.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: The War State, by Mike Swanson; Tom Woods’ Liberty IQGreen Mill SupercriticalZippix Toothpicks; and Listen and Think Audio.

Donate to the show through PatreonPayPal, or Bitcoin: 1Ct2FmcGrAGX56RnDtN9HncYghXfvF2GAh.


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