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12/13/19 Dave DeCamp on the OPCW Douma Cover Up

by | Dec 23, 2019 | Interviews

Dave DeCamp discusses the latest leaks related to the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma in 2018, which continue to point to the fact that it was staged. The most recent leaker dissents from the conclusions of the OPCW investigators that the supposed chlorine gas canisters were dropped into the apartment building from planes or helicopters. He claims instead that they were planted to make the scene look like a chemical attack. Other dissenters have cast doubt on medical reports from the victims, and on the evidence of supposed chemical weapons byproducts found on the scene. Despite its many holes, the official narrative continues to get used as an excuse to keep fighting the Assad regime, and to prevent U.S. troops from ever pulling out of Syria.

Discussed on the show:

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: NoDev NoOps NoIT, by Hussein Badakhchani; The War State, by Mike Swanson;; Tom Woods’ Liberty BabylonLiberty Under Attack PublicationsListen and Think; and

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