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10/2/17 Dr. Ron Paul on Trump’s verbal threats toward North Korea

by | Oct 2, 2017 | Interviews

In his return to the Scott Horton Show, Ron Paul reflects on his “Yes” vote on the Authorized Use of Military Force following 9/11, how it continues to be used and abused today, and the history of how the United States has perverted its legal authority in foreign policy. Then Dr. Paul turns to the escalating situation in North Korea. Paul shares why he has some optimism about the situation in North Korea, his worries about Trump’s volatility, and what he would have done about North Korea as president.

Former congressman Ron Paul is a true American hero. He is the host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report and director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. Dr. Paul is the author of numerous books, including Swords into Plowshares and The Revolution: A Manifesto. Follow him on Twitter, @RonPaul.

Discussed on the show:


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