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10/10/22 Dave DeCamp on Today’s Russian Missile Barrage

by | Oct 10, 2022 | Interviews

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Scott sits down with news editor Dave DeCamp to discuss the Russian air strikes that hit targets across Ukraine earlier today. The two give some context to the strikes by examining the series of events that may have led to this escalation — including the Ukrainian bombing of a vital Crimean bridge and the assignment of a new Russian general to run the air campaign in Ukraine. Both agree that this attack represents a new phase in the war and reflect on how earlier negotiations would have resulted in fewer losses for Ukraine in territory, resources and lives. 

Discussed on the show:

Dave DeCamp is the news editor of and the host of Antiwar News with Dave DeCamp. Follow him on Twitter @decampdave

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: The War State and Why The Vietnam War?, by Mike Swanson; Tom Woods’ Liberty Classroom;; and Thc Hemp Spot.

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