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Oreeginal file (SVG file, nominallie 451 × 569 pixels, file size: 10 KB)


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Template:Non-free reduce


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Non-free media information an uise rationale – non-free logo for Valencia CF

This is a logo owned by Valencia CF for Valencia CF.


Official website


Valencia CF

Portion uised

The entire logo is uised tae convey the meanin intendit an avoid tarnishin or misrepresentin the intendit image.

Law resolution?

The logo is o a size an resolution sufficient tae maintain the quality intendit bi the company or organization, wioot bein unnecessarily heich resolution.

Purpose o uise

The image is placed in the infobox at the top o the airticle discussin Valencia CF, a subject o public interest. The significance o the logo is tae help the reader identify the organization, assur the readers that thay hae reached the richt airticle containin creetical commentar aboot the organization, an illustrate the organization's intendit brandin message in a way that wirds alone could nae convey.


Acause it is a non-free logo, thare is almaist certainly no free representation. Ony substitute that is nae a derivative wirk would fail tae convey the meanin intendit, would tarnish or misrepresent its image, or would fail its purpose o identification or commentar.

Ither information

Uise o the logo in the airticle complies wi Wikipaedia non-free content policy, logo guidelines, an fair uise unner Unitit States copyricht law as describit abuin.

Fair useFair use of copyrighted material in the context of Valencia CF//sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Valenciacf.svg
Non-free media information an uise rationale – non-free logo – WAIRNIN: Valencia CF Mestalla disna appear tae exist!
Check caipitalisation. Enter anly the exact teetle o a single airticle wi na [[link brackets]] or ither formattin. It is an aa possible the indicatit airticle wis deletit.

This is a logo owned by Valencia CF for Valencia CF Mestalla.


Official website


Valencia CF Mestalla

Portion uised

The entire logo is uised tae convey the meanin intendit an avoid tarnishin or misrepresentin the intendit image.

Law resolution?

The logo is o a size an resolution sufficient tae maintain the quality intendit bi the company or organization, wioot bein unnecessarily heich resolution.

Purpose o uise

The image is placed in the infobox at the top o the airticle discussin Valencia CF Mestalla, a subject o public interest. The significance o the logo is tae help the reader identify the organization, assur the readers that thay hae reached the richt airticle containin creetical commentar aboot the organization, an illustrate the organization's intendit brandin message in a way that wirds alone could nae convey.


Acause it is a non-free logo, thare is almaist certainly no free representation. Ony substitute that is nae a derivative wirk would fail tae convey the meanin intendit, would tarnish or misrepresent its image, or would fail its purpose o identification or commentar.

Ither information

Uise o the logo in the airticle complies wi Wikipaedia non-free content policy, logo guidelines, an fair uise unner Unitit States copyricht law as describit abuin.

Fair useFair use of copyrighted material in the context of Valencia CF Mestalla//sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Valenciacf.svg


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File history

Clap oan ae date/time fer tae see the file aes it kithed at that time.

current02:23, 18 Mey 2018Thumbnail fer version aes o 02:23, 18 Mey 2018451 × 569 (10 KB)AmaryllisGardener (Collogue | contribs){{Non-free reduce|type=svg}} ==Summary== {{Non-free use rationale logo | Article = Valencia CF | Use = Infobox | Used for = Valencia CF | Owner = Valencia CF | Source = [http://www.valenciacf.com/ Official website] }} {{Non-free use rationale logo | Article = Valencia CF Mestalla | Use = Infobox | Used for = Valencia CF Mestalla | Owner = Valencia CF | Source = [http://www.valenciacf.com/ Official website] }} ==Licensing== {{non-free logo|image has ratio...

The follaein pages airts tae this image:
