Proper Citation: Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (RRID:SCR_018251)
Description: Portal to share hCoV-19 genome sequences. Collection of genome sequences and related clinical and epidemiological data associated with coronavirus hCoV-19. Global repository of SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Initiative involves public-private-partnerships between Freunde of GISAID and governments of Federal Republic of Germany, Singapore and United States of America, with support from private and corporate philanthropy.International database of hCoV-19 genome sequences and related clinical and epidemiological data. Resource for influenza and hCoV-19 data.
Abbreviations: GISAID
Resource Type: disease-related portal, topical portal, portal, database, data or information resource
Defining Citation: PMID:28382917
Keywords: hCoV19, hCoV-19 genome sequence, data, coronavirus, SARS coronavirus, Coronavirus, genome, genome database, influenza, SARS-CoV infection, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19
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