Response time in man-computer conversational transactions

RB Miller�- Proceedings of the December 9-11, 1968, fall joint�…, 1968 -
The literature concerning man-computer transactions abounds in controversy about the
limits of" system response time" to a user's command or inquiry at a terminal. Two major�…

[PDF][PDF] Response time in man-computer conversational transactions

RB MILLER - Citeseer
The literature concerning man-computer transactions abounds in controversy about the
limits of" system response time" to a user's command or inquiry at a terminal. Two major�…

Response Time in Man-Computer Conversational Transactions

RB Miller�- Managing Requirements Knowledge, International�…, 1968 -
Response time in man-computer conversational transactions by ROBERT B. MILLER
International Business Machines Corporation Poughkeepsie, N ew York INTRODUCTION�…

[PDF][PDF] Response time in man-computer conversational transactions

The literature concerning man-computer transactions abounds in controversy about the
limits of" system response time" to a user's command or inquiry at a terminal. Two major�…

[PDF][PDF] Response time in man-computer conversational transactions

The literature concerning man-computer transactions abounds in controversy about the
limits of" system response time" to a user's command or inquiry at a terminal. Two major�…

[CITATION][C] Response time in man-computer conversational transactions

RB MILLER�- AFIPS'68 (Fall, Part I), Dec, 1968 -

[PDF][PDF] Response time in man-computer conversational transactions

The literature concerning man-computer transactions abounds in controversy about the
limits of" system response time" to a user's command or inquiry at a terminal. Two major�…

[CITATION][C] Response time in man-computer conversational transactions

RB MILLER�- Proc. AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1968 -

Response Time in Man-Computer Conversational Transactions

RB Miller�- Managing Requirements Knowledge, International�…, 1968 -
In this paper, we investigate offloading policy for energy efficient mobile cloud computing. To
minimize the energy consumption on the mobile device and the cloud, we propose a�…