
Thing > Intangible > Call

Entity that covers phone calls, VOIP, video calls, group calls, Skype, etc.

PropertyExpected TypeDescription
Properties from Call
callFormat Text  The format of the synchronous communication such as audio/video
participant Organization    or
Other co-agents that participated in the action indirectly. e.g. John wrote a book with <em>Steve</em>.
temporalCoverage DateTime    or
Text    or
The temporalCoverage of a CreativeWork indicates the period that the content applies to, i.e. that it describes, either as a DateTime or as a textual string indicating a time period in <a href="">ISO 8601 time interval format</a>. In the case of a Dataset it will typically indicate the relevant time period in a precise notation (e.g. for a 2011 census dataset, the year 2011 would be written "2011/2012"). Other forms of content e.g. ScholarlyArticle, Book, TVSeries or TVEpisode may indicate their temporalCoverage in broader terms - textually or via well-known URL. Written works such as books may sometimes have precise temporal coverage too, e.g. a work set in 1939 - 1945 can be indicated in ISO 8601 interval format format via "1939/1945".<br/><br/> Open-ended date ranges can be written with ".." in place of the end date. For example, "2015-11/.." indicates a range beginning in November 2015 and with no specified final date. This is tentative and might be updated in future when ISO 8601 is officially updated.
Properties from Intangible
Properties from Thing
additionalProperty PropertyValue  A property-value pair representing an additional characteristics of the entitity, e.g. a product feature or another characteristic for which there is no matching property in<br/><br/> Note: Publishers should be aware that applications designed to use specific properties (e.g.,,, ...) will typically expect such data to be provided using those properties, rather than using the generic property/value mechanism.
additionalType URL  An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. In RDFa syntax, it is better to use the native RDFa syntax - the 'typeof' attribute - for multiple types. tools may have only weaker understanding of extra types, in particular those defined externally.
alternateName Text  An alias for the item.
description Text  A description of the item.
detailedDescription Article  An article which is a detailed description of the entity. The entity should be the primary focus of the article.
disambiguatingDescription Text  A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation.
identifier PropertyValue    or
Text    or
The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of <a class="localLink" href="">Thing</a>, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See <a href="/docs/datamodel.html#identifierBg">background notes</a> for more details.
image ImageObject    or
An image of the item. This can be a <a class="localLink" href="">URL</a> or a fully described <a class="localLink" href="">ImageObject</a>.
internal_info Thing  Container for storing arbitrary protos in Thing
mainEntityOfPage CreativeWork    or
Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See <a href="/docs/datamodel.html#mainEntityBackground">background notes</a> for details.
name Text  The name of the item.
namePronunciation TextPronunciation  A specification for pronouncing the name.
popularityScore PopularityScoreSpecification  A score indicating how popular the entity is within the given region and relevant to the given keyword/genre. Items with higher scores are more popular than items with lower scores.
potentialAction Action  Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.
sameAs URL  URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Wikidata entry, or official website.
subjectOf CreativeWork    or
A CreativeWork or Event about this Thing.
type Text  Auto added type field.
url URL  URL of the item.