BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//pretalx// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:pretalx-matomocamp-2024-world-tour-edition-HSPBPD@schedule.matomocamp.o rg DTSTART:20241114T180000Z DTEND:20241114T184500Z DESCRIPTION:This round table will discuss the need for Matomo to develop a server-side MTM to enhance data privacy\, comply with regulations\, and re duce reliance on third-party tracking scripts. DTSTAMP:20241129T134243Z LOCATION:Room 2 - SUMMARY:Why Matomo Has to Create a MTM Server Side: The Future of Data Priv acy and User Tracking - Ronan Hello\, Peter Boehlke\, Denis Golubovskyi URL: /HSPBPD/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR