BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//pretalx// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:pretalx-matomocamp-2024-world-tour-edition-3SCBZN@schedule.matomocamp.o rg DTSTART:20241114T210000Z DTEND:20241114T214500Z DESCRIPTION:With increasingly complex analytics implementations diluting th e power of data\, this talk will focus on how Matomo can be leveraged to d eliver insightful metrics succinctly. The presentation will explore tactic s for a powerful\, lean Matomo setup. DTSTAMP:20250227T111035Z LOCATION:Room 2 - SUMMARY:Keep it Simple: Tracking What Matters with Matomo - Scott Fillman URL: /3SCBZN/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR